Status: Active :)

The Only Thing You See Is You

Chapter 15

" is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)."

I said, finishing the poem my teacher asked me to read. My teacher smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Miss Williams. It was great." she said, "Thank you." I said and smiled. The whole class applaused as I blushed and feel a little uncomfortable. It's not the handclaps that made me uncomfortable, it's the stare that currently bored into me.

I bit my lower lips and my lips twiched into a smile as I saw him, "Stop looking at me." I said as he sighed "You, are so.. So.. Stunning." obviously, without actually moving and averted his eyes.

"You're attractive. With or without reading that stupid poem." he said, narrowed his eyes a little and nodded. Put on his 'confirm' look.

I rolled my eyes, "This is not a great time to throw pickup lines, Urie. And the poem isn't stupid, it's E.E Cumming’s." I said as he chuckled and shook his head, "Well, since a great man made it, okay it's not that stupid. But throwing pickup lines.. Man, I can't." he said and I grinned.

"You know that it's not working for me, right? All of your pickup lines." I said to him. He moved his head closer to me, looked me right into my eyes and smirked--gees, that smirk again. "I don't think that's what happened on the last time we hang out, redhead.” he said in a very low voice.

I averted my eyes and I could feel my cheeks reddened. Darn! "Hayleyy~" he said in such a teasing voice and pinched my cheek. "Brendon Boyd Urie!" I protested, because I could feel the blushes are getting even worse.

It is weird, after what have happened at my house yesterday, none of us care to ask what happened yesterday, none of us questioning about being settle or not to settle with each other after that. We didn't even feel awkward to be near to each other.

Was it just me or we, both of us, are so weird? The kiss wasn’t just 'a kiss'. Not that slow kiss we'd found on a drama or something, we're making out, basically. And look what happened now..

Zero awkwardness. No commitment. A whole lot of lust, still.

He laughed, "Ooh I like the way you called my name, Hayley. It makes me want to hug you soooooo tight." he said, pretended to hug something. I punched his shoulder playfully and put on a pout on my face, "You can't hug people from out of nowhere like that, stupid!"

"But I'm Brendon Urie!" He proclaimed. I rolled my eyes, "Hi! I'm Hayley Williams and I don't care." I said as he chuckled and I couldn't resist the urge to smile.

Have I mentioned that I hate this guy a lot? I hate him! -3- Somebody please save me before this guy runs a circles in my head!


I passed the (unusually) uncrowded corridor to my locker as I sipped on my box of apple juice. "Hey, I guess you dropped your key.." someone said and I turned around and a wide grin appeared on his face, "Hayley?! What a surprise to meet you here." Halvo said.

I smiled at him, "Hi! It's a surprise to see you here, too. It's been a while." I said as he lend me my key--which is a pen, actually.

"You're going to your locker?" he said as I nodded, "Cool then, I'll walk you there." he said as I giggled, "Okay then." and we started to walk towards the west wing.

"Gees, we're in the same school, same building and I can't even remember when was the last time I met you." I said and he chuckled, "Yeah, the new schedule sucks." he answered and it rings somethings in my head.

Someone must be overtly happy to know this guy over here got a new schedule that doesn't involved me in any of his class.

"I know right? Lucky I've finished most of my credit so I didn't get a new schedule." I said to him as we reached my locker. A chuckle left his lips, "Who would change your schedule, Hayley? I mean, you're the smartest person here." he said and leaned on the locker.

"Nah, you're exaggerating." I said as I opened my locker. I could feel I blushed a little. It's been a while since the last time someone told me that I'm smart. "I'm not!" he said as his eyes flickered to my locker door.

"Nice group picture you got there." he said and pointed at the pictures of me, Jack, Alex, Ryan and Cassadee that I put on my locker's door. I looked at the pictures and smiled, "Thanks."

I stared at the picture a little while and think. It's been a while since me and my friends gathered together. I mean, all of us, in the cafeteria, in the restaurant, in our house.

"I miss all of them." I said and put on a sour smile. Halvo patted my shoulders, "Awwie!" he squealed and put on a so-said pout on his face, which isn't cute at all because I'm being serious about missing my friends here.

He started again, "Look at the positive side, you could text them anytime, anywhere, or tweet them." he said and I put on a sour smile. "Thanks." I said. Does he think those statement solve any of my problem? Not at all.

"Anyway, I thought you were heading east a moment ago.." I said as he hit his forehead. "Oh fuck, I forgot about my appointment with Mr. J. I gotta go, Hayles. Bye!" he said as he waved his hand as I only smiled.

I sighed and look at the pictures again. Until a more familiar voice came from the other directions. "I saw Eric Halvorsen running in the corridor, all the way to the east wing." he said and rested his back on the locker next to me, "I'm not going to ask you why, though. Oh, and hi anyway. We meet again." he added

I averted my eyes from the locker's door to him, "Hi. Uh yeah, he walked me here a moment ago. And we talked, that's all." I said and shrugged.

"I seriously don't wanna know what up with that weird guy, Hayley." he rolled his eyes and I only smiled. I shoved my book into my locker as he was silent and keep on looking at me.

"What's up?" he asked me and I was going to shook my head as he added, "I don't take 'nothing' and headshook as an answer." to his question. I inhaled deeply and put my gaze back to my locker's door. Gave him the clue, or the answer?

"You missed them, don't you?" Brendon asked me. I looked at him and nodded slowly. His gaze softened and he ran his hand through my hair, "I'm sure they missed you too. You don't have to worry, what you feel right now is what they currently feel inside their hearts." he said.

"I missed seeing you guys laugh together." he said as he ruffled my hair, "I missed seeing you laugh. Not making your current expression." he said and I chuckled. "Shut up." I said as I punched his arm.

He chuckled, "I'm being serious here!" he said. "I know you missed them, since you guys are obviously completing each others. But I just want to let you know that you don't need to be sad because you know that they loves you, and some other people loves you, and you'll never be all alone." he said.

"That's just a cheer up words from an individualist person, but that's what I believe." he said and shrugged as I smiled at him and hugged him in all of a sudden. I could hear his breath hitched. "Thank you, Brendon." I said.

I know Brendon was such an ass, cocky, garish, arrogant, selfish, individualist, perverted, annoying, and a good looking guy if you didn't know him too well--or even when you knew him already.

But he was just a lonely boy inside his heart. He's way more civil since both of us were civil. And he was fond of me and my friends, I bet. He feels like he is a part of my friends' clique because it's always us that being around him. That's why he cares. And that's just the response that I actually need.

He chuckled and put his arms on my back as he shook my body to the right and left. "Naah, no problem. That's the only thing I could do beside being such a favourite pain in your ass." he said and I grinned at his words.

"You are my favourite pain in the ass." I said and pulled his head closer to mine. His brown eyes glued at mine as he smirked, "Your ass?" he asked me as I narrowed my eyes and giggled, "What?"

"Your ass or not your favourite pain at all." he said as my laughter gone even wilder. I finally nodded, "My favourite pain in my ass." I said and kissed his cheek. "Oh, and one more thing! You're so going to put my pics on the locker's door." he exclaimed.

I was burst into laughter again, "Stop being very stupid!" I said and he pretended to put a pout on his face, "Is that a yes or what?" he asked me as I grinned at him, "Obviously." I answered him, "Now drive me home! I need to sleep." I said to him and shut my locker's door.

He snaked his arms on my waist and lifted me as I squealed in surprise. He stuck out his tongue and ran as I chased after him. We laughed all the way to the parking lot, and even, to my penthouse.

I was tired of laughing, but all of those just proved me one thing; that Brendon Urie is a man of his words. He seriously made me laugh that day. Non-stop.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry it takes a very long time fo me to update this, because there's tons of test for me but heeeey, I'm here now and, currently, free! Whee!
I can't wait to write some more :)
Comments are, obviously, appreciated. So, leave one or two!

Anyway, a special thanks for my friend funnynaura, for the idea that she gave me and the -3- emote hahah. Oh and for Findra too! Thanks a lotsssss.

xoxo, adp.