Status: Completed

Sharpen Your Knives and Prepare for War

Chapter Eighteen

It hurts.
It squeezes my heart.
It constricts my lungs.

Is love supposed to feel like this?
Because I love you.
That's one thing I'm sure of.

I never imagined this.
Falling in love.

Not having just a crush.

I could never picture myself this way.
So shy when you were around yet always wanting to be near you.
Blushing over the stupidest things you say.

It's embarassing.
But I can't help it.

Too bad you don't feel the same.

I wish it was one of those cases were I was just saying that.
But it's not.
Because you're in love with her.
I can tell because you act the same as I act around you.
I know because you told me.

Maybe I'll get over you.

But I probably won't.
♠ ♠ ♠
sldkjnf ;__;