Status: ongoing :3

Mariana's Ghost

part 1

*Flash back*

The year was 1887, i was grabbing my books and heading out of the school, along with the other students of the university. I was so excited for the winter break, getting to go back and see my family and old friends. But more importantly, i was looking forward to getting to spend this Christmas with my dear boyfriend, Horrace Jones. We've been together for almost 8 months now.

He was lovely, with his wavy chestnut hair and blue eyes that were deeper than sapphires. Smart, good at sports, charming and, well, rich. Well okay, yes, i do like that he's wealthy, after all, what girl wouldn't want a man whos all that and can bury you in endless, fabulous gifts? And if it weren't for him, i wouldn't have gotten into the prestigious Tristian Academy. But i do love him, deeply. And i apreciate everything he's done for me. Although sometimes i feel like i owe him for paying for my education, to which he cheekly responds,"you can always pay me back in sex." To which i of course, i playfully hit him on the arm, (although sometimes we do take it to the bed).

As i walked throughout the town, and past the park, i hear the faint sound of a dog whimpering, and then it got louder, and much more pitiful. I look around to find the source, then turn to find the poor creature sprawled beside a tree, it's leg caught in a beartrap. I gasped and quickly ran towards it.
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to be continued.....