My emo love story

This is my emo love story

I were walking home from a party that sucked big time I was crying and it was raining . How could he do this to me I kept thinking to yourself . I just broke up with my boyfriend Sam because I walked in on him in bed with the school slut so I ran out of the party crying and he didn’t even run after me anyways I was walking in the dark streets trying to get home. I was scared because I were wearing a short skirt and a tank top and high heels . It was Sam’s favourite outfit and it was a bad neighbourhood my legs were starting to hurt so I spotted a petrol station so I walked up to it but the sign read closed . I started thinking everything was going wrong in my life which made me cry even harder . I walked to the side of the building and slid down the wall and hid my face in my knee’s and cried .
“You do know I can see right up your skirt” said a male voice with a bit of a laugh
It came from right in front of me so I shot up to my feet but didn’t look at the guy because I was a bit embarrassed and scared .
“Sorry I didn’t know anyone was there” I blushed stile not looking at him
“Don’t be I liked it and I just got here I was behind the building until I hear you crying” he told me
I could see little lights falling to the floor it was like he was smoking and he always took deep breaths in and then out .
“I’m sorry I’ll go know” I said
I was going to walk away but he grabbed my arm to stop me .
“Your not walking home your drenched as it is I’ll take you home” he said
“Sorry I don’t talk lives from strangers” I told him
While trying to get free from him
“Jessica get in the car” he told me
“How did you know …….” I started to say but stopped cause I looked up to see who the stranger was and I was shocked .
“Sky” I whispered
Sky was the bad boy at school , he smoked a lot . He always got in to trouble at school he was in a lot of my classes well that was when he could be bothered to show up that is and he always got in to fights with your ex-boyfriend Sam .
“So you do now who I am” he smirked
“Yeah you always get in to fights with Sam and your in most of my classes” I answered
“Yeah well Sam’s an asshole anyways” he said
Sky finally let go of my arm .
“So know will you let me take you home ?” He asked
I just nodded my head as a yes . Sky put his fag out on the bottom of his shoe then dropped the end on the ground then walked behind me . He put his hands on my hips to guide me to his car you both got in and started driving .
“So sky why were you at the petrol station I thought you would be at Katie’s party ?” I asked him
“I was about to ask you the same question ?” Sky smiled
“I asked you first” I smiled back
“Okay I was working I just finished closing up so I wanted a smoke before I left” he answered
“I didn’t know you worked” I said
“Yeah well there’s a lot you don’t know about me right , come on your turn” he said
“I was at the party I was there with Sam but then he went to the bathroom but he didn’t come back so I went looking for him I found him in bed with Katie (the school slut ) so I ran then I started walking but then I got tired so I sat down at the petrol station” I answered with tears in my eyes
I whipped them away then looked at sky who looked like he was going to kill someone .
“Are you alright sky ?” I asked him confused
“Yeah I’m fine” he said with a fake smile
I looked out the window until we both pulled up outside my house . I opened the car door to leave
“I’ll wait here until your inside your house” sky told me
“Okay thanks for everything sky” I smiled
“No problem sexy” he smirked back
I gave him a funny look
“what ?” he asked confused
“What’s with the sexy part ?” I asked him
He didn’t answer me he just smiled at me so I closed the door .when I get to my there was a note from my parents .
“Sorry honey we had to go away for the night auntie Beth is not well so we had to go and help her we’ll be back tomorrow so can you stay at someone’s house just for tonight lots of love mum and dad” I read in your head .
“grate” I sighed out loud
Then sat on the door step and put my head down I could hear a car door open then close and foot steps walking towards me so I look up it was sky I forgot he was stile there .
“What’s wrong sexy ?” He asked
While sitting down beside me
“My parents are away for the night and I have no were to go I would normally stay at Sam’s” I said almost going to cry again
“Come stay with me” sky said
I look at him confused
“What about your parents ?” I asked him
“I don’t live with my parents I live in a flat by myself” he told me
“Are you sure ?” I asked again
“Come on stop being silly lets go” he said
While grabbing my hand and pulling me up then to his car and we both got in and started driving to sky’s place .
“Do you wont to listen to music ?” Sky asked
“Um….. Yeah sure” I smiled
So sky turned the music on and I was shocked at what came on .
“You like my chemical romance ?” I asked
“Who doesn’t ?” he replied
I smile then I hear sky singing alone to my chemical romance and to my surprised he was a very good singer which made me smile even more . we finally pulled outside sky’s flat so we got out and walk in to his flat . it was a bit messy but not that bad . I could tell a boy lived here with all the cd’s , dvd’s , video games and the big tv the walls had lots of different band posters all over them . He had everyone I like my chemical romance , avenged sevenfold, black veil brides , him , 30 second to mars , lostprophets and a lot more .
“Come on sexy don’t start going all shy on me know” he laughed
I laughed a little too then went right in . I just stood in the middle of the sitting room cause my clothes were stile wet . Sky went in to a room leaving me there .
“Come here sexy” sky shouted
So I quietly walked to the room and noticed it was his bedroom . I walked right in to his room . I looked around his room it was covered in posters too then I seen sky standing at his wardrobe with his shirt off and I had to say his body was amazing .
“Take off your clothes” he said not even looking at me
“what ?” I asked in shock
Sky turned to look at me then laughed
“Take your clothes off so you can dry yourself with the towel that’s lying on my bed while I look for clothes you can put on I promise I wont look so take everything off” he said then turning back around so I did as he said . I was really scared to take my clothes off just encase he did turn around but he was true to his word soon I was just in a towel sky had a t-shirt in his hands.
“can I turn around know ?” he asked
“y-yeah” I stuttered a bit
Then sky did he turned around headed to a set of draws and pulled out a pair of boxers he then closed the draws then walked towards me . He looked me up and down . He smiled liking what he seen . He then handed the t-shirt and boxers to me .
“I’ll leave you so you can put them on sorry but that’s all I’ve got” he said
Then he headed for the door .
“thank you sky” I shouted after him
He turned around to look at me again
“no problem sexy” he smiled
Then left so I put the clothes on that sky gave me then I walked out the door and back to the sitting room were sky was . He was sitting on the sofa watching tv so I sat beside him . He looked at me then looked back at the tv .
“I think I liked you better in the towel” he smirked
This made me blush a bit but then I pushed it aside.
“sky” I said quietly
“Hmm” he said to let me know he was listening
“can I ask you a question ?” I asked
“sure if I can ask you one ?” he replied
“okay hmm ………….. Why do you not live with your parents ?” I asked him
Sky looked at me and sighed sadly .
“because I never did I live in a care home until about a year ago when I turned 16 I was old enough to get my own place so I did” he said
“sorry sky” I said
“why it’s not your fault anyways it’s my turn why did you go out with Sam ?” sky asked
“I don’t know I guess it was because I liked him” I told him
Sky looked a bit hurt but I wasn’t sure why .
“why did you always fight with Sam at school ?” you asked him
Sky looked down at his hands .
“the truth is I did it for you” he said almost in a whisper
“what” I said in shock
Sky sighed .
“the thing is Jessica I know Sam was sleeping with Katie so every time I seen him it made me mad that he could do something like that to you so I picked fights with him , I wanted to tell you but I have a bad rep I thought you would think I was making it up” he told you in a sad voice
“why do you care ?” I asked him
“because I wanted to be with you , I wanted it to be me you smiled for every time you seen me , I would have treated you a lot better than him if I had you I would never hurt you” he said stile not looking at me .
I put your fingers under his chin to lift his face to look at me then I pressed my lips to his and kissed him . He was shocked at first but then started to kiss back he moved his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck . Sky pulled me closer to him and sat me on his lap not breaking the kiss. He then ran his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrances and I let him in straight away so he explored every little bit of my mouth and I did the same to him then his hands went up and down my back which sent chills down my spin I loved the way his lips felt on mine and I wasn’t grossed out about him tasting like smoke . I just wanted more but then sky pulled away and looked at me .
“sky I like you too” I smiled
“no you don’t your just saying that cause I told you that I liked you” he said
Then taking me off his lap and sitting me beside him but then he got up and went to the kitchen so I got up and followed him I stood at the door .
“no I’m not sky I’ve liked you for a long time but I didn’t think you’d like me , come on how Meany times does a bad boy like a good girl ?” I asked him
Sky sighed then taking some stuff out the fridge .
“do you want some food ?” sky asked
“yeah” I answered
Then I went and leaned on the work top .
“I hop you like chicken curry ?” sky asked
“yeah I love it” I smiled
“good” he said
Then he started cooking .
“Jessica if you liked me then why did you go out with Sam ? Sky asked while cooking
“because he was a good boy who said he was in love with me” I answered
“okay but I don’t wont to be the guy your with because your heart broking or the guy you use to get same back or anything like that” sky sighed
“sky I don’t want Sam back I wont you , I wont to be with you , you were the one …………. I wanted to be with you not Sam” I told him with tears in my eyes
Sky went quiet again so I sighed then headed for the door .
“Jessica can the bad boy get the good girl this time ?” I hear sky ask
“the bad boy always had the good girl” I smiled
Then turning around and walking back towards him . Sky had a big smiled on his face then he finally finished cooking he dished it up .
“do you want a cider to go with that ?” he asked me
“yeah” I replied
Sky got two can’s of cider out of the fridge and passed one of then to me so I took it then we both got our food and drink then went throw to the sitting room and sat down . we both ate our dinner and drunk my drinks then cuddled up and watched tv for a while then it started getting late .
“come on babe bed time” sky said
Then he turned the tv off then we both got up and walked in to the bedroom . I got in to bed while sky was taking his clothes off but kept his boxers on then climbed in with me . we both cuddled up and fell asleep . The next morning I wake up with the smell of pancakes I opened my eyes and looked beside me but sky wasn’t lying beside me so I got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen . I walked in and seen sky making breakfast . Sky looked at me and smiled .
“morning sexy” he smiled
“morning handsome” I smiled back
I walked towards sky and kissed him on the lips then pulled away.
“is pancakes and coffee okay with you ?” he asked
“yeah that sounds amazing” I smiled
After sky was finished making breakfast . we both sat down and ate our breakfast and drunk our coffee then watched tv for a little bit .
“do you want some clothes ?” he asked
“sure” I smiled
Sky got up then picked all the dirty dishes up and took them throw to the kitchen then went throw to his bedroom so I followed him and he was standing in front of his wardrobe he was looking for clothes for me . I went right in and took my top off and walked right up behind him and pressed my naked body against his naked body I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his shoulder . Sky turned around and noticed I weren’t wearing a top or a bra he smiled at what he seen then started kissing my lips then my neck . He was looking for my soft spot then he found it I let out a small moan .
He leaned against me but moved his feet to wards the bed and we both fell on it with him on top then he broke the kiss trying to catch his breath .
“are you sure you wont to do this ?” he asked breathless
I nodded my head as a yes then the rest of my clothes same off along with sky’s . you can guess what happens next . we both were laying beside each other in the bed sky had his arm’s around me and I smiled against his chest so happy that I have sky in my life .
“Jessica you know we’re meant to be at school right ?” sky chuckled
“whoops I forgot” I laughed
“it’s fine I’m always late so they wont even bother with me but I can write you a letter saying you were at a doctor’s appointment or something” sky shrugged
“thank you sky” I smiled
“no problems sexy” he smiled back
“do we have to get up know ?” I pouted
“sorry babe but yeah” he smiled
“no fun” I pouted again
He just laughed then got up first while I just lay in bed and watched him put his clothes back on then he went over to his wardrobe to finish looking for clothes for me and he did he also gave me another pair of his boxers and a pair of his socks . I put the clothes on and looked in the mirror I looked like a boy in sky’s trousers and t-shirt I turned towards sky .
“I look like a boy” I told him
“no you don’t I think you look sexy and I never think boy’s look sexy” he sniggered
I laughed too then we both headed to school when we both got there I headed to the school office while sky just walked to class . I told them I has a doctors appointment then I went to class I walked in then handed the note to my teacher then headed to my seat at the back of the class . Sky was sitting at the other side of the class . I looked at him and he winked at me which made me smile then class went on then lunch time finally came I walked out of the classroom but I felt a pair of arm wrapped around my waist.
“I’m sorry babe” he whispered in my ear
“what ?” I said confused
Then I turned around but it wasn’t sky it was Sam .
“what the hell” I shouted at him
Then getting out of his arm’s .
“I’m sorry babe please give me a second chance” he pleaded
“sorry but I have a new better boyfriend” I smirked
“don’t lie to me who the hell would wont you” he shouted at me
“don’t talk about my girlfriend like that” I heard sky shout from behind me
So he put his arms around me . Sam was shocked . I just smiled at Sam then me and sky walked hand in hand towards the cafeteria every girl we walked passed gave me the death glare but I didn’t care and when we passed Katie she was shocked cause she’s been trying to get sky for a long time . we both had lunch together too . At the end of the day I meet up with sky we kissed each other then walked to sky’s car . He drove me home we were talking and playing around then he dropped me off at my house . I gave him a big long kiss goodbye then I got out of the car and sky drove off and I walked inside my house .
“hi mum hi dad” I shouted
“hi darling” they shouted back
I walked in to the kitchen were my parents here .
“How is auntie Beth ?” I asked them
“hmm Jessica you better sit down , don’t worry she’s not dead or dieing don’t worry” your mum told you
So I did as she told me . I sat down at the table with them .
“Jessica darling your auntie Beth can’t do much on her own just know so we’re going to go live with her for a while so you’ll have to go pack I’m not sure when we’ll be back” my mum told me
“what no I can’t go” I shouted
I couldn’t think of leaving sky I just got him .
“I’m sorry dear but I don’t wont you to live on your own here” my mum said
I started crying so I ran out of the kitchen and out of my front door . I just kept running I needed to see sky . my phone kept ringing I know it was my parents so I didn’t answer it I just kept running . I finally got to sky’s apartment I knocked on the door but no one answered it . I leaned against the door then started crying even harder I slid down the door then pulled my knee’s to my chest . Time went on it felt like years to me but it was only hours then I heard foot steps coming up the stairs then they stopped .
“Jessica” they said confused
Then they ran to me and wrapping they’re arms around me . I didn’t have to look up to know it was sky not because of his voice but because I felt save in his arm’s
“what’s wrong babe ?” he asked
“I don’t want to go” I cried
“what are you talking about ?” sky asked me
“my mum and dad wants me to go with them to stay with my auntie Beth’s house” I cried
“Jessica come on in we’ll talk inside” he said
While helping me up off the ground . He opened his door and I both walked and sat on the sofa . Sky stile cuddling me .
“that’s not so bad” sky said
“it is she doesn’t live near here and they don’t know how long we’re going to be for , sky I just got you I don’t wont to go” I cried again
“Jessica I don’t want you to go either is there anyway you can stay ?” he asked very worried
“no they said they can’t let me live on my own” I said while starting to cam down
“well what if you don’t live by yourself and you don’t go with your parents either ?” he asked
“what ? how is that possible ?” I asked him
“come live with me” he said
“what ?” I asked shocked
“I know we’ve only been dating for 2 days but I’ve liked you for a long time and I just got you and I don’t want to lose you” sky said
“but isn’t it moving to fast ?” I asked
“yeah but I don’t wont to say this just yet cause it’s kind of a big deal but …….. I love you Jessica” he said
“Wow sky you love me ?” I asked
“yeah Jessica I do I love you more than anything in this world” he said
I looked at him and kissed him on his lips then pulled away .
“I love you too” I smiled back
And I did I moved in with sky and even when my parents came back me and sky are stile very happy . my parents love sky too . we got married at the age of 26 and I also have 2 children . One boy called Dylan and a baby girl called Lilith .
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hi everyone i hop you liked my story and please comment and tell me what you think of it :)