Status: Character profiles used to say Charlotte Johnson, it's now Chloe Johnson…don't ask

Ever Since We Met

Chapter 1

"I don't blame you, for being you." ~ Fall Out Boy

Laura's P.O.V.

“Pete, I want her in bed by eight you understand?” I said, looking at him sternly.

“I know, I know. You left instructions on the counter and emergency contacts are on the fridge. She is allergic to peanut butter and strawberries make her sick,” he said pushing me towards the door. “Good luck on your date.”

“I should be home around twelve the latest,” I informed him for the tenth time. “Just don’t set the house on fire.”

He shut the door behind me and I immediately felt regret. Yes she was my little girl and I was leaving her with a trustful friend, but I didn’t feel right. I usually left Chloe with Pete when Isabella was with him, so this was defiantly different.

“Just left Pete with Chloe, hope it goes well…” I texted Isabella.

“It should be fine, good luck tonight,” she replied.

“Have fun with Bryan!” I answered and shut my phone, heading out to find my date waiting outside his car.

* * *

When I got back from my date I quietly opened the door and walked in. The house was a mess, though I wasn’t surprised. Toys were scattered across the floor, with sippy-cups and blankets along side them. I walked around the apartment to Chloe’s room. She was curled up in her bed with Pete, a thumb in her mouth and a hand tight around his shirt. They looked adorable.

I took out my phone and took a picture, tweeting it to my followers. I said, “Tho the house is a mess I’m glad to know I can trust him ☺”.

I headed out back into the living room and turned off Barney, picking up a toy on the way and throwing it into the toy box.

“I just saw the picture you updated, you have to let me come over and see it,” Isabella texted me. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“All right,” I responded. As soon as I sent the text message the doorbell ran. I went to get the door, and there was Bryan, with his arm locked around Izzy’s waist.

“Come in, they’re in Chloe’s room,” I explained. They followed me into her room, and I opened the door. There they were again. Except this time Pete was drooling.

“This is just hilarious. I’m just really happy that Chloe’s okay,” Isa said. As she finished Pete slightly opened his eyes.

“What’s going on?” he whispered, half asleep. When he saw Bryan and Izzy his eyes opened wide. Then he glared at me. “Iz, Bryan, fancy seeing you here. I hope you’re still able to have fun, even though he has a small dick Iz. Must be super tasty,” Pete started. “Well Laura, I’m pretty sure I’ve done my job as a babysitter,” Pete said trying to get up. Although he tried, Chloe’s hand was still attached to shirt, and she wouldn’t let go.

“Pete?” She muttered with her eyes half open.

“I’m right here baby,” He responded.

“You have to promise me you wont leave okay?” She added. Pete nodded and she fell back to sleep.

“Pete, that’s so cute,” Izzy said to him.

“Ha. Not as cute as you and Bryan,” Pete responded sarcastically. Bryan tightened his grip on her.

“Seriously Pete? We can’t have one normal conversation?” she asked.

“Guys, I don’t want her to wake up again, you have to discuss this outside,” I said.

“Bryan and I were just heading out. So don’t worry about us,” Izzy said angrily.

“Oh here, let me show you the way out. Hopefully you wont get lost!” Pete said harshly.

“You know what Peter, shove your dick up your fucking ass!” Izzy yelled back.

“I will, because you know it’s fucking long enough! Unlike your soulless ginger’s,” Peter snapped.

“He’s a fucking blonde!” Izzy screamed. Chloe’s eyes sprang open and she started crying.

“Pete! Pete. Where are you?” She muttered.

“I’m right here, I didn’t leave you, promise,” he said, hugging her.

“Out! Before you make her cry again,” I scolded Isabella and Bryan.

“I guess he’s staying over,” Isabella said, once we were in the living room.

“Yeah, he has to help me clean up tomorrow. Or watch Chloe so I can,” I laughed.

“Okay, I’ll stop by tomorrow,” Isabella noted, heading for the door with Bryan right behind her. “I have to pick up douchebag because he needs to pay the maid.”
“Sounds good,” I smiled, closing the door behind her.
* * *

“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” I heard Chloe cry as she jumped on me to wake me up.

I opened my eyes, seeing myself in the living room on the couch. “What’s wrong cookie?”

“I think Pete’s dead,” she giggled, not understanding that that was not a funny subject.

“Why would you think that?” I asked, picking her up and bringing her back to her room.

“He wont move,” she jumped down from my arms and ran back onto her bed. “Pete,” she whispered.

“Pete, your ex is here and she wants to give you sweet revenge. Get her out of here,” I demanded and his eyes shot open.

“Good one Laura. I can tell you’re becoming more inventive,” he chuckled, rubbing his eyes.

“Pete,” Chloe cried, struggling for his attention.

I never understood why she loved him so much, but then again he was the closest thing to a father figure she had.

“Yes Chlo,” he smiled at her.

“Can we go get pancakes?” she asked excitedly.

“Of course,” he said getting up and scooping her into his arms.

“She needs to get dressed first Pete, she’s in her pajamas,” I said.

“No she doesn’t, I go to the diner all the time half dressed. You want to go? My treat,” he said, putting her shoes on.

“No I need to clean up, but it would be nice if you could bring me home some Starbucks.”

“Yes ma’am,” he saluted, and they were out the door.

* * *

“What?” I answered the phone, my voice harsh and cold.

“Chill, I just wanted to know how much you need for child support this month?” Martin asked, his voice calm and collected.

“Sending a check for five hundred dollars each month doesn’t count for being a dad you know?” I said, picking up the toys and sippy cups.

“Lighten up Laura,” he sighed.

“Don’t tell me to lighten up Martin. You’re the one who wont come see your own daughter!” I yelled into the phone.

There was a silence so long on the other side that I hung up, angry and frustrated. But before you knew it I was cleaning up again, subconsciously singing the clean up song, and laughing at it.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, now onto the actual story.

What do you think?

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Thanks to:
Darcey's loving life