Lynn's beginning.

The news

I guess now's the time I should explain this to you. I was thirteen when this happened, two fucking years ago. I was trying to become one with the other.
Don't fucking judge me on my goddamned past.


My mother was walking down the stairs. Marilyn Manson was blasting through my computer speakers before she intrrupted me. "Lynn; you need to go see a doctor. They have some intresting news to inform you. You have an appointment for tomorrow afternoon at three. Make sure you're home." And then she left, leaving me with no time to reply.

The rest of my night was spent wondering. What the fuck do the doctors need to tell me? They keep fucking informing me that I'm perfectly fine everytime I'm there. I glanced at my alarm clock, and it told me it was too late for me to be awake if I want to wake up before three tomorrow. I unclipped my bright pink hair extensions, put my hair into a pony tail, slipped out of my jeans and went to bed in just my Iron Maiden shirt.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buz-- my alarm was screaming at me to get up. Sighing, I turned it off and sat up. I grabbed my iPod out from under my pillow and turned on Pulse Of The Maggots by Slipknot to wake me up. I picked up a pair of blue jeans from the floor, and slid into them. I ripped off my shirt and put on a baggy sweater over it. I found my boots, stommped into them, and ran up stairs.

"You look like a fucking whore." Greated my older brother, Brandon. I flipped him off and raided the fridge. What the fuck do I want? Grated cheese? Eggs? Cold pizza? Strawberries? Wait, hold up. Cold pizza? Hell to the yes. I grabbed the box of party pizza out of the fridge, tore off three pieces and dug in.

Mom called my name and I knew it was time to go. I dragged my ass out to the car and plopped into the passengers seat. The doctors office was a very awkward five minute drive away. Once we got there I was called in immeditly, which was good.

"Hi Lynn, how are you?" Asked the doctor. I told him I was fine and he contunied with more small-talk questions like "Are you excited for high school? How old are you? And do you have any siblings?" before he got to the serious stuff. "Do you know why you're here, dear?"

"All my mom told me was tat you have 'intresting news' for me." I told him, "I have no fucking clue, because every check-up I get done I'm told I'm perfectly fine."

"Okay, well we've known about this since you were ten. Your parents knew aswell, but they requested we didn't tell you until you were mature enough to understand what this was and they thought now was a good time to tell you. You have multipule personality disorder. You live as two different people everyday, and neither of your personalities know about each other until right now..."

"Wait, what? So my parents know this, and I'm guessing my brothers do too considering they never said anything about it to me. Why the fuck didn't you tell me when I was fucking infected with this shit?" I wanted to be speechless, but I had so many questions. This didn't make sense to me.

"Like I said, they didn'think you were mature enough to understand. I'm terribly sorry. unfortunately there is technecially no way to get rid of it. But try to find your other half and befriend her. Thats your best way of curing it. Thats all the time I have to talk though. I'm sorry, Lynn. Good luck."

I left the doctors office without uttering a word to my moter. I was too pissed off at her. Why the fuck didn't she tell me this before? So what if I wasn't "mature" enough? I think I deserve to know whats wrong with my body and my life. Why haven't I known about this before?

Three days passed and I still haven't talked to my mother. I walked upstairs to Brandon's room. "Whats my other personality like?" I asked him, casually.

"Oh so you know? Sit down, I'll tell you all about her." He said, motioning to the oppisite side of his bed. "Her name is Kaitlyn. When your her, we're an entirely different family to you. Our last name isn't Dagan anymore, when your her. It's weird though, because even though only you have split personalities, we all have to act like we do too. You and her are complete opposites. No offence, but you're a bitch. Kaitlyn is really sweet, and kind-hearted. She puts others before herself and she listens to popular music. She is in the middle of preppy and emo. She doesn't cut herself like you do, but when your her you cover up her scars. Theres an extra closet in moms room filled with Kaitlyn's clothes if you want to go check out her style." Brandon paused. "I love both of you, but I hate it at the same time. Because when your Kaitlyn mom ignores me and Jerome. It's all about you, to make you happy, to make sure Kaitlyn doesn't know about Lynn. Lynn is the real you though. Kaitlyn doesn't remember anything from her childhood because she didn't have one. She missed ten whole years of her life."

I know my brother, he wouldn't lie to me. He was telling me the truth. There really was another person living with me. "How did I never encounter her, though? Why didn't I know that she was there if I was living with her for three years?"

"Because she's not around a lot. She's only out on days you take naps. You aren't really napping when you think you are. You're really Kaitlyn. Its weird, I know. but now that you know you can probably get rid of her. Go take a nap and try and see if you realize that your Kaitlyn. She hasn't been around for days." Brandon explained to me.

I nodded, thanked my brother and left his room. So many questions were stirring in my head, I couldn't even think straight. Even though I was only taking a nap to bring out Kaitlyn, a nap sounded amazing at that moment.

I went into the basement, got comfortable and fell asleep within minutes. And thats the first time I knew it was happening.
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Sorry it's so short. It's too fucking late for me to think right now. xD
Hope you like it bitches xo