Status: Rating might change

Fix Me

Mates,Mutts and Packs

I glared at the moist grass as i heard the whispers of the people attending the funeral.

"I'm glad he died, now he won't have to deal with that slut of a fiancè he had."

"She didn't deserve him, he could of had a better fiancè than her."

"Poor Luke, she was such a terrible fiancè."

"He will be so much happier now that he's not with his fiancè."

I hated this. They all think i didn't hear them but i did because i am a werewolf, along with him. Those stupid mutts were going to be torn to pieces when i find them. How they dare kill my mate! I'm going to kill them when i get my hands on them.

I turned and walked toward my car pissed off. The anger just rolling off me in waves. I opened the door and slid in. I slammed the door and turned the car on. I raced off towards my apartment. I parked my car and turned it off. I got out and shut the door locking it as i walked up the steps. I opened the door on the left and stepped inside. I shut the door behind me and locked before sliding down to the floor sobbing. I threw my purse across the room into the kitchen area and screamed shortly.

I stood up shakily and headed to my bedroom. I flopped onto the bed and cried myself asleep. When i woke up two hours later, i knew i had to get up and go to work. I sat up and went into my bathroom. I stripped of the black dress,black bra and pantie set, putting them into the hamper. I turned the shower on and cleaned myself up. Once i finished my shower, i got out and dried myself. I walked into my room and put on a new set of bra and panties. I went back into the bathroom and blow dried my hair.

I threw it into a ponytail and brushed my teeth quickly. I shut the light off and went into my room. I pulled on a purple shirt and sweatpants. I slipped a hoodie sweatshirt on that was my mate's and the engagement ring he had given me. I pulled on my trusty old brown boots before grabbing my purse on the kitchen floor. I turned the lights off and headed outside. I turned to lock the door before heading to my car.

I unlocked the door and got in. I shut the door and buckled myself in. I turned the car on and backed out of the parking spot. I headed to the diner i worked at as a waitress and turned the radio on when i came to a stop at a stop light.

I smiled sadly as the song 'Fix You' by coldplay covered by glee came on and turned it down so it wasn't blasting my ears to death. I stepped on the gas and turned my blinker on. I turned into the diner's parking lot and parked into my regular spot. I turned the car off and pulled the keys out of the ignition. I unbuckled and grabbed my purse. I opened the door and stepped out. I shut the door and locked the doors. I headed inside the diner and went to the back.

I unlocked my locker and put my purse into it. I put the apron on before locking my locker. I grabbed a pen and pad before heading out. I clocked myself in and went to the waitress greeting area. I spotted a group of boys sitting there and frowned when i smelt them. I put on a fake smile and pulled out a few menus.

"Come with me and we'll get you seated." I said before heading to a booth that was open and fit them. I set their menus down and waited for them to get seated.

"Can i get your drinks while you look?" I asked.

"Coke for all of us, please." A younger boy said. I nodded and wrote that down.

"I'll come back for you're orders." I told them before heading away to get their drinks. I put the drinks on a tray and went to their table. I set their drinks in front of them and pulled out my pad.

"Do you need a few more minutes or not?" I asked. They shook their heads and told me what they wanted. As i wrote down their orders, i felt a hand grope my butt. I tensed and lifted my eyes onto the arm. I followed it's length to the owner. I stared at the kid with narrowed eyes.

"You better take that hand off my ass before i decide to shove your hand up your ass,little boy."I growled out. He didn't move his hand an inch off. I grabbed his wrist and tightened it watching his face twist in pain. I pulled his hand off my butt and onto the table.

"Do it again and i'll break both of you're arms instead." I said before walking to the kitchen. I put the order on the spinner and spun it so it faced the cook. I heard the bell ding signalling someone or somebodies came in. I headed over and tensed again. Instead of mutts, these guys were a pack. I groaned and got the menus.

"Right.This.Way." I ground out through clenched teeth and headed to a booth away from the mutts. I set the menus out and got their drinks. I walked past the mutt's table and felt the slap on my butt. I stopped walking and turned to the table slowly. I soon recongized their scent and my eyes hardened. I leaned into the guy's face who had groped and slapped my butt.

"I told you i'd break your arms when you did that again, now i'm going to hunt you down and kill you." I growled at him.

"That goes along with the rest of you mutts." I hissed and went to get the mens drinks. I quickly got the drinks ready and headed over. I set out each drink carefully not to spill because i was shaking in anger from finding out who the mutts were.

"Are you alright?" The tall, skinny one asked.

"No. Now have you found out what you want?" I replied pulling out the pad and pen. I wrote their orders down and headed to the cook. I placed the order in and took the mutt's orders onto a tray. I went to the table and set their dishes down.

"It's a promise, that i will find you." I told them quietly before cleaning up a table. I heard the ding of the cook's bell and headed over. I set the dirty dishes bin down and took the plates on a tray. I weaved around moving customers and waitresses to the table. I sighed and handed out dishes.

"You're mated but i can't smell him on you." The alpha of the pack said.

"He's dead." I told him blankly as i redid my ponytail.

"How?" The beta asked.

"Those mutts over there, ganged up on him when he was alone." I replied tightening the pony.

"What are you going to do?" He continued.

"Hunt them down and tear them to pieces like they did to him." I said before looking at the clock. I smiled slightly and waved.

"Enjoy you're meal. My shifts over. Bye." I told them before going to clock myself out. I headed into the back and got my purse. I shoved the apron into the locker and locked it. I went out and waved to Bill the cook.

"Bye, Eva!" He called out and i giggled.

"Bye bill, tell Amy and the kids i said hi!" I replied before heading to my car. My muscles tensed on instict and i moved out of the way of a punch.

"Sneaking up on me, mutts?" I asked bored.