Status: working on it :)

My Nature

My Hero

Even though I didn’t have a clue about what was happening tonight, and how all three of them knew the two psychos that were after me, or how Cassandra had anything to do with them, too. I knew one thing for sure. Nico, Chase, and James were willing to help. I followed James around the corner, to the left, then to the right, down a flight of stairs, through several doors, around two more corners and down a long staircase that seemed endless, until James spoke up. “Here it is. Our basement. Don’t worry know one can get down here without knowing where to go, unless you have x-ray vision.” He smiled. I felt happy to know that he was over pitying himself. When he opened the door, I screamed.
Luke held Nico down while Damen handled me. “What do you want with me?” I cried completely surprised and angered down to the core. “Why do you think I would give my little secret away so easily? Do you think I’m dumb like that guy right there? The one who let you escape?” His finger was pointed at Luke. Luke looked paranoid. “I don’t want to hear it Damen. So lets hurry before the others come looking.” “Oh they won’t come looking. Believe me, James has got it under control. Right James? You think you can handle being down here a while? We are just going to take Melissa here and be on our way. Don’t bother trying to follow us.” He heads for an open window just big enough for Yota from star wars to crawl through. James looks at me, a look of mixed emotions on his face. This time I felt bad, only because this time I was leaving him. I blinked back tears. Luke ties James to a chair. James doesn’t even fight back. Damen says, “Not much of a talker.” And then leaps out the window. I stand where I am watching in amazement as James sits in his chair and Luke standing over him. And just as Damen yells for me to move along and grabs for my arm I see Luke and James exchange glances. Then Luke drops a pair of scissors behind James’ chair. As I’m being hustled away by Damen I understand now that underneath all that hatred and toughness Luke really does have a warm heart and I realized I underestimated him before. I’m the damsel in distress and he’s my hero in disguise ready to save the day.
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That's all I wrote so far :(