From the Inside

Chapter 2

"I'm gonna go unpack." Danielle walked back down the hall and closed her door.

"Holy shit!" Mike ran his hand through his hair.

"Dude, you are SO in over your head."

"Thanks Brad, because I couldn't figure that out on my own." I laughed and stood up.

"I'll be right back." Mike waved his hand and I left the room. It wasn't hard figuring out which guest room Mike had put her in. It was the only one with the door closed. I knocked and waited for an answer.

"Come in." She was sitting on the bed with one headphone in and the other dangling from her neck. She had her Ipod up full blast, so I could hear what she was listening to.

"Social Distortion. Nice." She just nodded. "May I?" I pointed to an empty spot at the foot of her bed. "So, how do you like LA?"

"I hate it. Way too many people." I laughed.

"Yeah, that's what I said when I moved here." I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. You get used to it, I guess."

"I just don't get why she sent me to live with him."

"Well, just remember, that he only found a few minutes ago. You'll both have to deal with it together." She smiled. "I saw that."

"You're Chester, right?" I nodded.

"Yep, that'd be me. Did you know Mike was your uncle?"

"Yeah. I had met him once before."

"Oh really? How'd that go?" She paused for a minute, then looked up.

"It was at my mother's second wedding and I threw up on his favorite shoes."


"Oh...good times, good times!" I said when we both had finally stopped laughing. "Well, if you need to talk or anything, you're uncle knows where to find me." I smiled and stood up.

"Okay, thanks."

"Don't mention it." I left the room and walked back down the hall. "Mike, I'm heading out."

"Alright, yuck it up with my 'daughter', and then leave me here while I'm doomed, NOT TO MENTION, desperate."

"You're not doomed or desperate. She's just gotta get used to this. Give it some time."

"Yeah, whatever." I smiled and walked out of the door, shaking my head. I got in my car and put it in reverse. As I was backing out, I saw Danielle looking out of her window. I smiled and waved, then took off down the street. I was going home to see my wife and kids.
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Dude, final line-up for 2008 Mayday!

Atreyu, Theory Of A Deadman, Seether, Finger Eleven, and, headlining- 3 Doors Down!