

As soon as my hour of prison was up, I jumped out of my seat and ran toward the door.

“Yes!” I shouted a little too loudly as I ran. Unluckily, I forgot the door was a pull rather than a push and ran into the door as I tried to push it open. I stood there awkwardly for a few moments, panicking slightly, assuming I was trapped, “Help!” I shouted over my shoulder as Jeremy walked over and pulled the door open.

I glared at him slightly, “You saw nothing,” Then I collected my remaining dignity and stalked into the hall.

I didn’t care that I had just embarrassed myself right then because now I got to call Trina! You may think that I am over exaggerating but I seriously needed to know what Trina’s phone call was about.

I whipped out my phone; I was startled for a moment as to why my phone was covered in dinosaur stickers, but I twigged after a moment. Robin takes advantage of my ‘zone out’ moments as she calls them.

Either way, I typed in Trina’s number and eagerly placed the phone to my ear. As I waited for the phone to start ringing I decided that I was going to keep my dino stickers, they were actually pretty cool,

Just as I had decided this I heard Trina’s voice on the end of the line, yes! Until I realised what she was saying.

‘Hello there! Unfortunately I have been taken by the flying monkeys so I can’t get to the phone right now. Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you once I’ve fought them all off with my bare hands!’ Then there was a little beep.

Her phone was off.

“What!?” How could this be? Trina never turned her phone off! Ever! I can’t wait until tomorrow to learn about the phone call!

There was only one thing to do. I punched into my phone the only other number that I knew off by heart.

“Hello, Ally Ba Ba. How come I have received this pleasure, pray tell?”

“Robin, I think Trina is dead.”

“That’s odd Al ‘cause she just phoned me to get me to pick you up and get over to her ‘crib’.”

Robin is the only one out of us three who actually has a licence so Trina and I treat her as a taxi driver. Trina doesn’t have access to a car as her mum doesn’t trust her so she can’t be bothered to get her licence. I, on the other hand, have tried a number of times to get my licence but apparently I ‘don’t qualify to their standards’. Or according to Robin and Trina I am ‘the worst driver the world has ever seen and no one should ever get in a car with me behind the wheel unless they want to die’.

I don’t care; at least I am not so weird as to call my house a ‘crib’ like some people.

“But I just phoned her mobile and it was off! That means she’s dead!”

“No, she phoned me from her house.”

“Oh right...Why does she want us there, anyway?” I asked, my mood lifting at the thought at finally finding out what the phone call was about.

“I dunno, but I’ll see you outside school in five minutes, kay?”

“Okay, see you then.” Then I hung up the phone and began to skip toward the entrance.

Outside I saw Damien hanging around the gate. I walked over to him and poked his arm.

“Hey!” I said. He turned around to look at me and smiled a little crinkly smile, it was seriously hot.

“Hey,” he replied “What was that scream I heard from earlier?”

“Oh,” I blushed; I didn’t think he would have heard that “My friend’s phone was off...”

He laughed his awesomely awesome laugh again. “You’re kinda funny, Alex,” He told me.

Alex... no one had ever called me Alex before. It sounded nice. We stood in a comfortable silence for a while until I heard toot, to-toot which could only mean that Robin was here. Sure enough I turned and saw her staring at me and Damien her eyes all bugged up. I had a feeling I was going to be facing an interrogation as soon as I entered the car.

I turned to Damien, “That’s my call, I’ll see ya around.”

“Yeah, sure.” he said smiling at me as I began to run toward the car. Normally I would have hopped into the car all cool like but Robin’s car is this really old truck. The passenger door doesn’t actually open, it’s all stuck from all the years. Therefore, the only way for me to actually get into the truck is if Robin opens the window and I clamber in that way.

As you can imagine, this is not exactly the most graceful way for me to get into a car. Luckily, I was wearing shorts that day so it was all good… sort of.

As I predicted, as soon as I was in the car and the window was shut Robin began to bombard me with questions: “Was that the new boy? What we’re you talking about? How come you were talking? Why is he at school so late?”

“Yes it was; he’s called Damien. We barely said anything just then. Jeremy introduced us in detention, that’s why he’s here so late.” I told her, hoping that there was enough information there to keep her happy.

But Robin wasn’t done, “Why was he in detention?”

“He twitches a lot so he threw a pen at a teacher.” I replied before she got images of kidnapping and mass murder.

“Oh right, thank god,” she said, Robin is very weird about these things “So... do you like him?”

I swear she has only one mind set “Yes, I like him.” I sighed “But as a friend,” I added as Robin began to grin like an idiot.

“Oh right, gotcha... a friend.” Robin gave me a weird little spasm she seemed to think was a wink. I bashed my head against the dash board.

Head thoroughly bruised, we arrived at Trina’s, she ran out of the house at the sound of the trucks splutters.

“You’re here, you’re here! Come up to my room, I have something really big to tell you! I mean super big, I mean so big that if you even begin to understand how big this is your head will actually explode!”

I ran over to Trina while she was in mid rant, “Trina, what was the phone call about?” I grabbed Raine by the shoulders and shook her slightly “I’m begging you, tell me what the phone call was about!”

“I’ll tell you up in my room!” I looked up at her from my slumped position on the floor (I had slid down onto my knees, wringing my hands) for a second before I ran into her house. I thundered up the stairs (“Hello Alexandria, dear.” came Trina’s grandmother from the kitchen) and flung myself onto her bed.

I heard Robin and Trina following at a lesser speed up the stairs after me.

When they reached the room Trina looked at us “Ok, sit down, this is really big.”

I sat down in the chair next to her windowsill. I noticed bitterly that my birthday present to her hadn’t grown. I had given her a cheerio in a pot of soil in the hopes that it would grow into a doughnut tree. No such tree has occurred unfortunately

“Ok guys... I’m going to be in a movie.”

“I’m sorry, please repeat the absurd thing that just came out of your mouth, WHAT?”
♠ ♠ ♠
ohmygosh absurd plot twist hello