Status: I will answer any questions :B

When I Was Broken

I was bullied for five years. Throughout my childhood I had bottles,bricks and stones hurled at me. I could never understood why. It started when I was seven lasting until I was 12 when I left primary school. I never done any harm to anyone, I was simply a child.

Those Years Have Scarred Me. Deeply.

This Is A List Of Horrible Comments Hurled At Me During The Years:
(note this is but a few)

"Your Fat"
"Your Ugly"
"Your Stupid"
"Your Mum And Dad abuse you"
"Go And Kill Yourself, your an worthless depressed emo child who can't even read. Hahahaha."

And that last one, you just read made me cry myself to sleep.
  1. The First Time
    The First Time I Was Bullied