Status: I will answer any questions :B

When I Was Broken

The First Time

I was seven years old. I barely remember it. But I remember the pain, horror and hurt.

I walked into the playground with my skipping rope. And my hair was in a ponytail like always. I never wore my hair down. Or any make-up. I was a clean, fresh and polite child. I was never top of the class but I was never bottom.

Thats why this came such a shock to me.
I will call my first tormentor "Jennifer" This isn't her name but I will not tell you her real name.

She was the girl who always won hopskotch or always had the new barbies.
She was the one everyone wanted to come to their birthdays.
I was a quiet, shy child.

"Jennifer" approached me, holding her lastest barbie to her massive collection.
She shoved the doll in my face and laughed.

"Are you jealous, Brenna?" She shouted giving me a glare.I didn't know what to do, I was seven.
She had the whole class looking at me. I felt humiliated.

As soon as I tried to get up and move she grabbed my ponytail and pulled the obble out.

I didn't know how she could hate me. What did I do? I neve r knew someone could be so cruel.

It started from there really.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a true story. And I'm not posting their real names because I don't want them to find it.

So, comment questions.

**********WHY I'M WRITING THIS************

I still have alot of pain inside of me. I need to let it go. By writing my pain.