Status: On going

Undercover Lover

You're Miles Away, You Just Can't Relate

Suddenly I felt so small against the giant building of the BAU, I couldn’t believe I was working here from now on, I was too small to be here! I breathed in a few nervous breaths, then walked through the doors and took the elevator upstairs.

When the metal doors opened, I was greeted by a blonde haired woman, she was very pretty and was a bit taller than me, but then again she was wearing heals.

“Elizabeth Mills?” She asked, one arm outstretched ready to be shaken, whilst the other was supporting a mass of brown folders. I smiled shyly at her and nodded.

“Yes?” Was all that came out of my mouth.

“I’m Agent Jennifer Jareau. So nice to meet you, and welcome to the BAU. Would you like to follow me please?” I shook her hand lightly and smiled. Agent Jareau opened a pair of glass doors and held them open for me to walk though, I thanked her lightly as it closed behind me.

I followed her up a set of steps towards a room, which looked like an office. She knocked on the door twice, until a deep voice told her to walk in.
“Miss Mills has arrived Hotch” Jennifer said to an older man sat at a desk. The man didn’t smile and just nodded his head and said a simple thank you before Jennifer walked out the room, closing the door behind her.

“Please, have a seat” The man known as Hotch, gestured towards the black leather chair in front of his desk. I placed my bag on the floor at the side of me, then sat down slowly. He was very stern looking as he finished writing up some files.

“Welcome to the BAU, I’m Agent Aaron Hotchner, but you can call me Hotch” He placed his hand in front of me and I shook it, my hands shaking as I did so.

“Don’t be nervous, there’s no need to be” He said calmly, though it would of steadied my nerves if he smiled or something. Instead of just sitting there with the same expression, though I guess that might just be the way he is. I smiled lightly, I didn’t know what to say.

“So you’re from England? Why did you decided to apply for the job all the way over here in Quantico?” He asked as he looked through my files of his desk, I had no idea what else was in there apart from my CV and other information that my pervious job had sent over.

“I used to work for the Police and then the MI5, I recently left as I thought that there was nothing else I could do as I had been working there for five years, and felt I needed a bigger challenge” I exhaled a breath that I had taken in at the beginning of my speech, I wasn’t expecting to be this nervous but agent Hotchner made it more terrifying.

“I understand what you mean, your profile tells me that you have done great service for your country and we are happy to welcome you on board with us here at Quantico”

We talked more in depth of what I would be doing at the BAU, and how something’s were the same in places like at MI5 and how some things were totally different. Hotchner said that there was no case for the day, but I could do some paper work to start of with, just to get myself used to the idea of working here. He also said I could look over some of the past cases, to get a feel of what they do.

“Thank you, sir” I said, he nodded to confirm that he had heard me, as I walked out of his office to be greeted by agent Jareau again.

“How’d it go?” She asked kindly, a sweet smile spread across her face. I exchanged the smile, and sipped on the last of my coffee, realising I still had it.

“It went great, thanks. Still a bit nervous though”

“You get used to it, don’t worry. I was so nervous on my first day, I was a wreck!” She laughed as we walked down the steps and walked towards the ground floor, which was completely covered with desks.

“Here is your desk, feel free to male yourself at home” Jennifer said as he threw her hands in front of her to show me the desk in all it’s glory. We both laughed as she started to point out where everyone else sat.

Once I got the hand of where everyone was, she walked me to where the coffee room was, where I was put off track. Cause the guy who had bought me my coffee this morning, was stood in front of me, his face was a mirror image of mine.

“Everyone, I would like you to meet our newest team member, Elizabeth Mills. Elizabeth, these are Special Agents Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, David Rossi. Our computer analysis tech Penelope Garcia and Dr Spencer Reid” She pointed towards all of the members who waved and smiled in return.

I smiled towards all of them and smiled shyly, then waved. The man called Derek, I think chuckled and walked up to me and smiled.

“Kid, there’s no reason to be shy” His voice was deep and velvety, it sounded wonderful.

“S-sorry, I just get really shy around new people” I giggled, then looked at everyone round the room, Derek smiled and walked over towards the coffee machine.

“Okay, so I haven’t known you for that long, but can I just say I love your hair! It’s such a beautiful colour!” A blonde haired woman piped up, I think her name was Garcia, but I wasn’t too sure. Oh god I wad was so shocking with names, I would definitely forget their names by tonight.

“Thank you, I like your outfit” I smiled at the very brightly coloured woman, her plump body went perfectly with the bright shades she wore. Garcia said her thanks, as we started to chat more and to everyone else in the room. Maybe my first day wouldn’t be too bad.
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Bit longer than the last one, let me know what you think. Would love to hear haha :)
Emma xx