Status: On going

Undercover Lover

Here You Go Way To Fast, Don't Slow Down You're Gonna Crash

“Um…do you know you have coffee on you?” Derek said as he bit into a cereal bar, just the sight of it made my stomach rumble. I should have had more to eat this morning than just one pop-tart.

Staring down at my white top, this mornings events flooded back into my mind. Derek was correct, there was a light brown stain occurring on my white top and had finally decided to dry itself.

“Ah yeah, that was Dr. Reid’s fault” I smiled awkwardly as I looked up at him. I would of never have guessed that I would be working with him, when I bumped into him at the coffee shop.

A light blush rose on his cheeks and he stared down into his cup of coffee, Derek grinning at him from across the room.
“I’m really s-sorry about that, I didn’t see you there” Reid chuckled awkwardly then drank the rest of his drink.

“So, you guys met already?” Derek said as he leaned against the counter top in the coffee room.

“Briefly, we bumped into each other at the coffee shop across the road, and ended up causing a spillage” I giggled lightly, Spencer smiled whilst still looking into his cup. Derek looked at him then raised an eyebrow.

“You spilt your drink on Elizabeth?” Derek questioned a slight smirk appearing on his face

“Um, N…no I did…didn’t mean to” Spencer said shakily, I giggled at him, his cheeks glowing a light pink. I was about to say something when Hotch walked in the room with a very stern look on his face.

“I know that we have a new person on the team, but you guys still have paper work to complete before you leave later today. Can we get on with it please?” Was all he said before he walked out of the room and walked back up the steps towards his office, closing the door behind him.

The three of us looked at each other, quickly poured ourselves another cup of coffee and shuffle out the door and towards our desks.

As we filed into the office, I walked around the many desks until I was finally located at my own. Which was in the far corner opposite Dr. Reid, the Morgan was across from him , JJ was behind Morgan and Prentiss was next to Morgan. So in other words, everyone was on the left side of the room and I was the only one that was on the right side of the room.

As people started to pull out papers and folders from their desks, I sat there wondering what I could actually do. Twisting my nose ring, I stood up and walked up to Hotch’s office, knocking lightly on the glass.

“Come in!” His stern voice shouted, I prayed to god that the glass wouldn’t shatter on impact from his voice. I gently opened the door and walked in as quickly as I could, I really didn’t want to make him mad or anything on my first day. He was nice and all, but the fact that he hasn’t smiled once since I’ve been here, scared me.

“What is it Miss Mills?” He questioned, never looking up from his desk.

“I…um, I was just wondering what I could be doing. I mean, seeing as I haven’t been on a case yet so I haven’t got any paper work to do, and so-” I started to mumble, my hands nervously picking at my nails.

“Yes, how stupid of me I didn’t think about that. Well if you have any old work to finish off from the MI5, you can do that if you want. Or you can pop down to Garcia, I’m sure she would like the company”

“So where did you work before?” Garcia asked as she took a bite from an apple and twirled a flashing pink pen in her hand.

“I used to work for the MI5, but decided that I had done everything to my best ability for them and myself. So I decided to apply for this job and here I am now!” I threw my hands up in the air and laughed, I was starting to feel more comfortable now, especially round Penelope.

“Wow! So where are you from then? You’re definitely not from around here are you?” She chuckled, taking another bite of off her apple. Why did everyone know that I wasn’t from around here?

I looked at her for a moment, considering that I just told her that I worked for the MI5 and they are situated in Britain, she should know I’m from England. I giggled to myself and smiled up at her, she was a little taller than me, even sat down.

“I’m from England, London to be more precise. Though I had to move for this job, but I didn’t really mind as I needed to get out of the UK, you know?” I smiled and gratefully took a piece of chocolate from Garcia.

Penelope and I talked for another few hours before there was a knock on the door. Morgan walked through the wooden frame, his chocolate skin shining in the dim light of the “The Bat Cave” as Garcia liked to call it.

“Her lover” Garcia purred as Morgan walked over to join us, pulling a chair with him and sitting down between both Penelope and I.

“Hey baby girl, whatcha’ doing?” His velvety voice spoke, making me relax even more into the chair, Garcia laughed.

“Nothing my sweetness, Just finished my files and now chatting to our new comer. Did you know she was from London?” Garcia asked all giggly, handing her bowl of brightly coloured lollies to Morgan and I.

“Really now? When did you move up little one?” Morgan’s eyebrow raised up in suspicion making me laugh lightly.

“Yesterday actually, though I just wanted to get straight to the job, does that sound weird?” I asked, whilst chewing on the remains of my lollipop. Both Garcia and Morgan agreed that it was not strange at all and informed me that they started the next day also, making me feel a little better about myself.


After I had waved goodbye to everyone, I started on my walk towards the Metro station. I didn’t mind taking it, I had more time to think to myself and I didn’t really need to concentrate on driving, the only thing I could concentrate on was either my music or the book I was reading at the current moment.

As the metal tin came down the tracks and the doors opened. The good thing I guess about getting on the metro at night, was that there were a few seats, which I thanked for. I was starting to regret wearing heals to work today, and would probably wear converse tomorrow.

I pulled a pack of Oreos out of my bag and popped open the packet, instantly placing one in my mouth. The transport began to move and it suddenly made me sleepy, I smiled to myself, I didn’t know why but I just did. I was happy that it all went well on my first day I guess.

“Long time no see” A male voice said from the side of me, I jumped a little and spun around. I came face to face with Spencer. I placed my hand on my chest to steady my breathing and sighed.

“S-sorry I didn’t mean t-to, um scare you” His words came out shaky and into the open. I smiled at him, he was clearly a shy person like me.

“It’s fine hunni, no worries” I giggled and offered him and Oreo, he gladly accepted done, popped it into his mouth and pushed his glasses up his nose.

“Thanks” He smiled.

An hour later I had finally reached it home, made it through the front door and some how managed to lock it in my sleepy state. Drop my bag onto the floor and shuffled my way into my bedroom, then collapsed onto my bed in a peaceful slumber.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally done chapter 3 for you guys that are reading, hope you enjoy it. Sorry this chapter is so long, couldn't stop writing and tried to fit it all in haha :) Enjoy