Status: Weekly :)

Kiss and Control

Chapter Thirty

Two weeks past which brought them into December. The whole school by now had heard about Tom’s engagement to Nenya, thanks to Nenya’s big mouth.

“So when’s the big day?” Georg asked with a big smirk plastered across his face as he and Tom walked to the cafeteria for lunch on this particularly cold Thursday lunch time.

“Don’t Georg...I’m fucking sick to death of the stick I’ve been getting over this.” Tom ran his fingers through his dreads. “He got it all wrong...I’ve never intended to get engaged to him.”

The two teens stopped to see what poster Julian was sticking up on the wall outside the cafeteria doors.

“Christmas dance?”The brunette read. “ Neat...wonder who I should ask.” Georg mused.

Tom rolled his eyes.

“Well at least you’re’ve got your fiancée to go with.” The brunette grinned.

“I told you it was a misunderstanding.”

“ the fuck can you get engaged to someone by mistake?”

“Anything is possible with me!” Tom sighed. “He was dangling my guitar out of the window.”

“No way dude!” Georg’s face was horrified, imagining how the dread head must have felt. If anyone had tried that with his treasured bass – Georg shuddered at the thought.

“Yeah so I had to think fast...I gave him my old ring as a swap...he loves pretty shiny objects you see and then he’s like telling his mum that we’re engaged.”

“I thought his mum was dead?”

“She is, dummy...he talks to her know the one I had framed?”

“Ohh...So you gonna tell him it was one big fat mistake?”

“No fucking way...he would chop my balls off for sure!” Tom looked scandalized.

Georg snickered; Tom was definitely afraid of Nenya’s volatile demeanour.

The cafeteria door opened with ferocity, banging hard against the wall and in walked Elladan with Minien.

“WHAT?” Elladan yelled.

All students turned away quickly from staring.

“What the fuck is he doing back so soon?” Tom mouth’s dropped open. He could have sworn Bill said that he wouldn’t be returning until after Christmas.

“He doesn’t look too clever dude.”

“He’s a fucking stubborn asshole...wonder if Bill knows?”

“Do you think Gordon knows?” Georg asked as the pair sat down.

“He can’t do...he would never let him return in that state. He can barely walk straight by the look of it.”

Tom got out his mobile and sent Bill a text. Five minutes later, Bill came running in. He looked about the room for his husband. Last time he had seen Elladan was in bed this morning.

“What are you doing here?!” Bill shouted as he spotted him at a table

All the students turned to look.

“Oh nice to see you too beautiful.” Elladan grinned but it faltered as pain coursed through his abdomen.

“Don’t you beautiful should be bed...what are you thinking?” Bill was livid with his husband for being so stupid and irresponsible. “You could haemorrhage at anytime.”

“Stop sound like some old nagging wife!” He mocked nastily.

Minien snickered and so did some of the nearby students.

Bill’s face flushed, his eyes watered up. Why was his husband behaving like this?

“Ell...let me get Gordon to take you home?” Bill said his lip quivering.

“No! Where do you get off telling me what to do? Now go play with makeup or something.”

Bill stood there with tears trickling down his face for minute before bolting from the cafeteria.

Tom stood up abruptly sending his chair flying and stormed over to his brother-in-law.

“You are one fucking nasty piece of work! You don’t deserve him!” He spat.

“Go play with the traffic Medusa!” Elladan smirked then turned and began speaking to Minien.

Tom’s face turned red with mortification at the name, especially as most of the cafeteria appeared to be laughing. The dread head went for him but Georg and Gustav appeared by his side and apprehended him.

“Leave him dude...he’s not worth it...besides you don’t wanna to be responsible for causing him some further injury and end up behind bars.”

“It would be worth it!” Tom growled through gritted teeth as he was dragged away struggling.

“Let me go...I need to go find Bill.” Tom hissed when they reached outside.

Georg and Gustav let him go and Tom took off down the corridor to find his twin.

“I’m going to make you pay for what you did to me!”

Storm was coming out from the toilets from the third time that lesson. She backed away and looked at Elladan, terror in her eyes.

“Stay away from me!” She ordered scared witless as the teen goth with murderous black eyes advanced on her, she continued to step backward.

“Did you really think you got away with giving me this tattoo?”

“Elladan I’m sorry...I should have never let Tom talk me into it.” The pixie was backed up against the wall.

Normally she would have given him a swift kick in the balls and a severe tongue lashing but she was in no position to do so. She had her baby to consider. Damn Tom, she thought, getting her into all this trouble she was in.

“Well you did and you must pay!”

Elladan picked up the tiny pixie faced girl and turned her upside. He dangled her over the banister by her ankles. Storm screamed terrified for her life and her baby’s.

“ELLADAN STOP!” Brianna screamed. “SHE’S PREGNANT!”

At that moment the staircase in the science block was buzzing with students and all had heard what Brianna screamed. Elladan turned her the right way up and set her down on the floor. The halls were buzzing with gasps and whisperings about Storm’s pregnancy, speculating about the father.

Storm sat on the floor hugging her knees and crying. Tom knelt down next to her and put his arm around her. Bill watched his twin with her and pondered to himself. Was Tom the father, from the one night stand they had together? He turned to have a go at Elladan but he was nowhere to be seen.

Elladan had walked off and left the mess behind he always caused for others to clean up. Tom looked at the broken pixie girl and felt so guilty, he could see she was starting to fall apart and he pulled her up and Storm winced slightly and Tom noticed.

“Sorry, I forget your only tiny, Storm.” Tom half smiled at her and took her to girl’s bathroom just down the hall. Storm looked at the bathroom walls; she spent more time in here than she did in class. Damn pregnancy. Damn Tom. She sat down against the wall and Tom grabbed her some toilet roll. She dabbed at her eyes and began to repair the make-up in a small hand mirror she carried.

“Are you okay now Stormy?” Tom questioned, looking softly at the pixie girl.

“Yeah I’ll be okay, I’m as tough as old boots.”

She smiled weakly at Tom and then added after a thought.

“Have you told Nenya about the baby?”

“Y...yeah, he’s fine about it.” Tom lied stammering slightly. “But don’t mention it to him would be like rubbing his nose in it.”

Tom hated lying to her but honestly if he had told Nenya he would not be standing her now but instead buried six feet under.

“I won’t.” She promised.

“So who you going to the Christmas dance with?” Tom asked changing the subject.

“Fuck knows...depends who asks me?” She stuck out her tongue.

Tom smiled affectionately at her; this was the Storm he loved. Tom laughed and he put his arm around her as they walked to their final lesson of the day.

“Frosty the snowman.” Bill sang, holding a decorative snowman in his hand, one week later; he was decorating the Christmas tree in the living room.

“Will you quit with those songs already?” Tom complained. He was in no mood for jollities.

“BAAHH HUMBUG!” The raven head yelled in his ear.

“Fuck! Bill!” Tom stood up, dropping his comic, his heart doing nineteen to the dozen. He chased Bill around the room whacking his twin with his comic which he had retrieved from the floor.

Bill ran toward the door and collided with Elladan.

“Sorry...are you okay?” Bill looked apprehensively at his husband. These days, Bill seemed to be treading on eggshells where he was concerned.

Elladan smiled. “Yeah I’m fine.” He put his arms around Bill. “What you doing?”

“Decorating the tree?” Bill grinned.

“And singing crappy songs!” Tom interjected taking his seat on the sofa once more.

“Tom...they’re Christmas songs!” Bill looked outraged.

Elladan laughed at his partner’s expression.

“This will be our first Christmas together.” Bill jumped up and down and flutter clapped in Bill fashion. “I’ve bought you lots of presents.”

Elladan kissed Bill’s nose. “I got you something really special.”

“Really? What is it? What is it?”

Elladan laughed again. “Not telling!”

Bill pouted. “No fair!”

“It’s too big to go under the maybe you can unwrap it on Christmas Eve when it arrives?”

Bill squealed with excitement and clapped his hands

“Help me with the tree?” Bill asked in his cute baby voice reserved only for his husband.

Tom rolled his eyes; this was his cue to leave. He couldn’t stomach it when the two were all lovey dovey and all over each other like cheap perfume. Tom decided to see what Nenya’s was up to, he went up stairs to the bedroom.

“Where are you off to?” Tom asked, seeing the pretty teen clad in a bubble gum pink coat and beret.

“Shopping for my new outfit for the dance on Friday.” Nenya beamed, flicking back his ringlets.

“ you want me to come?” Tom offered, needing to get out of the house.

“Yes can tell me what outfit makes me look hot?”

Tom felt his cheeks grow pink as he recalled the time he watched Nenya parade in out of the La Senza fitting rooms. The dread head’s stomach somersaulted in pleasure and Tom adjusted his leg in his trousers.

“Let’s go cuddles.” Nenya said in his sexy seductive voice and picked up his pink tote bag then linked his fiancées arm.

Tom blushed again; everything about Nenya was so fucking hot! Tom licked his lips with anticipation of the forth coming fitting rooms.

It was Monday morning. The school was buzzing. Thursday wass the concert and Friday was the dance plus the last day of term with Christmas was a two weeks away. Everyone was in good spirits, well except for Tom and Storm that was. Tom hated this time of year as it reminded him of when Jorg, his father left their mother, also he was still upset about the prospect of becoming a father.

Storm felt sick and bloated and thoroughly miserable plus she was still only ten weeks pregnant. She had a fucking eternity to go with the prospect of only getting fatter and uglier. But Storm wasn’t ugly, she was far from it with her tiny pixie face and cute turned up comical nose and big bright eyes, albeit they were different colours. Tom had likened her once to one of those Manga characters from his comics that he read. She also had a beautiful high pitched laugh which Tom had said was like one that should’ve belonged to a fairy or something.

“A fucking ass!” Storm giggled sadly to herself, as the memory suddenly sprang to mind as she looked at her reflection in the girl’s bathroom. She searched in her bag for her eyeliner, having had to take another pee and vomit for the third time that morning. She had had a bad night and was feeling particularly rough, more that she usually did.

Storm suddenly doubled over in pain and dropped the eyeliner. She fell to the floor in agony and scrunched her tiny form into a ball. A pool of blood formed around her tiny frame.

“Oh no...” She sobbed. “Not my baby?” Storm writhed about the floor in pain.

“Storm?!” Nenya cried when he entered to redo his lip gloss. He always used the girl’s bathroom rather than the boys.

He looked down frightened at the tiny girl surrounded in blood twisting in pain and sobbing.

“Call an ambulance. I’m losing my baby.” She sobbed.

Nenya pulled out his mobile from his bag and pressed 999.

“Ambulance now!” He screamed hysterically. “Amadeus Musical friend’s having a miscarriage!”

Nenya held Storm’s hand all the way to the ambulance whilst she was carried on the stretcher, followed by the school’s nurse, Gordon and Brianna.

“Tell Tom I’m sorry about the baby?” She whispered to Nenya before she was loaded on to the back.

“Keep us informed!” Gordon called to Brianna as she got in the ambulance with her sister.

Nenya’s damp face turned pale and he vomited after Storm’s words sank in. Tom was the father of Storm’s baby. Gordon put his arm around his foster son.

“C’mon let’s get you a hot drink.” Gordon said, putting an arm around his foster son’s shoulders, it must have been quite an ordeal to see all that, especially at such a young age.

The paramedics climbed in and the vehicle whirred to life. The lady checked Storm’s temperature and then pulled up her top to check her stomach. Brianna’s eyes widened in shock and horror as she took in Storm’s stomach. Deep cuts and scars lied all over her stomach; deep purple bruises could be seen also. Brianna’s eyes welled up as she couldn’t see one patch of skin clear of scars. Some looked weeks old whereas some could have only been an hour old, one was still bleeding slightly and blood stains could be seen. The paramedics began to clean up the cuts while the man began to check her current situation. The ambulance pulled up outside the doors and she was rushed into hospital. Brianna was left in the waiting room and desperately tried to contact Tom.

Nenya finished his hot chocolate in the staffroom and was snuggled up in a plush chair by the fire. The door burst open and Tom fell through the door hanging on to his pants for dear life.

“GORDON! YOU NEED TO TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!” Tom screamed at the top of his lungs and then stopped short at the sight on Nenya’s face contorted with such pain and anger.

Nenya leapt up and advanced on Tom and smacked his face so hard Gordon swore he felt some of the slap himself. Tom fell back to the floor clutching his cheek as if it was on fire. Nenya leapt on Tom and began to beat and slap him with all his might and Tom tried to push him off and couldn’t as Nenya was too angry. Gordon grabbed hold of the scary teen and dragged him off Tom, Nenya struggled and thrashed about wildly but Gordon held him in an iron grip.

“WHAT’S ALL THIS ABOUT?!” Gordon yelled over Nenya’s screams and howls of anger.

“HE’S THE FUCKING FATHER!” Nenya roared and lunged for Tom again and out of Gordon’s hold.

Gordon’s faced turned a ghostly white and he shouted for Nenya to stop. Nenya was suddenly quiet and was shaken with fear and began to cry. Gordon picked him up, grabbed his coat and headed to his car, Tom on his heels. Gordon opened the door and Nenya got into the back and sat there angry and his faced like a slapped ass. Tom sat in the front next to Gordon because if he sat in the back he was as sure as hell if he sat with Nenya, the teen would dig a hole through the car floor and then the ground and bury him while the moved. Gordon started the car and sped off.

Brianna paced the floor waiting for news on her sister and for the others arrival. Tom ran through the double doors, through reception and yelled loudly at the receptionist of A&E.

“Storm Valentine, she was taken in about twenty minutes ago for a suspected miscarriage.”

“She’s in th... theatre but she’ll be out sh...shortly.” The nurse stammered clearly frightened of the young teen in baggy clothes, resembling a gangster. He could have hidden a jumbo jet in each trouser leg thought another staff member as she looked up from the paperwork she was filing.

“Th...thank you.” Tom stammered and rushed off down the corridor into the waiting room where he saw Brianna sitting motionless. He rushed up to her and crouched down next to her.

“Is she okay? What’s happened?” Tom spoke, panicking profusely.

Brianna looked down at Tom her eyes wet with shock and pain.

“Her stomach, it’s been mutilated.” She whispered in horror.

“What do you mean...?” Tom looked puzzled.

“She’s been self harming!” Brianna burst into tears and Tom felt his stomach churn unpleasantly.

“How bad..?” He said in a hoarse whisper.

“I can’t see a patch of skin clear of cuts or bruises.” Brianna choked out.

Tom felt his head go light and he didn’t feel quite present. It’s my entire fault thought Tom, he didn’t look after her, he treated her shoddily, he didn’t care - no he did care about her, just not the baby. If you could call it that, it was more of bake bean surely but whatever it was he wished it was gone and now it most likely wasgone. Tom felt huge guilt, blame and remorse. He sank to his knees and began to sob hysterically. Brianna looked down the pile of clothes Tom was hidden in and put her arms around his skinny frame. Gordon watched his step son fall to the floor and he knelt down next to him and pulled him onto his lap.

Nenya watched his broken fiancée. He felt such pain because of what Tom had done to him, with getting Storm pregnant and keeping it secret, but it also hurt to see him in such bits. He didn’t’ want Storm to lose a baby, that it’s self is horrible, even though he had never experienced it but losing his mother was something similar. He just wished it wasn’t Tom’s. The pretty teen wondered whether Tom had wanted the child or had any feelings for the pixie. The whole thing was a mess.

He went and sat down on one of the hard chairs in the waiting room and then suddenly noticed a tall respectable man standing in the waiting room looking at the crowd of people which filled the room. A young woman with blonde hair and a petite frame stood next to him. Must be Storm’s parents thought Nenya; the woman clearly resembled an older, wiser Storm.

“Dad, where did you appear from?” Brianna said surprised, she thought her father’s boss wasn’t going to let him off early even though it was an emergency.

“I walked out, if they fire me I don’t care right now, Storm is more important.” William Valentine stated emphatically.

“And who are you?” Spoke the man addressing Gordon in a well spoken and polite manner.

“Gordon Trumper and this is my stepson Tom, he’s the father of Storm’s baby.”

Tom was shaking and quiet sobbing could be heard from the young dead head.

Brianna stood up. “I’m going to get a hot chocolate. Anyone want anything?”

“Get Tom and Nenya a hot chocolate please.” Gordon spoke quietly passing her a couple of coins.

Brianna nodded and left the room swiftly. The young woman sat down on the chairs next to the pretty teen.

“Are you alright darling?” She questioned softly.

“No, I don’t think anyone is right now are they?” Nenya said softly and then looked at his lap in silence. Brianna re entered carrying the drinks and handed them out.

“Mr and Mrs Valentine?” A young male doctor in his thirties appeared in the waiting room and looked at the new flourish of people to have entered in his absence.

The mum and dad looked up and hurried up to the doctor.

“I’m afraid your daughter has suffered a miscarriage. That’s not all, we’re concerned about her mental health, it appears your daughter has been self harming, pretty badly.”

Lily Valentine began to sob and her husband put his arms around her and held her tight.

“My god.” Was all Mr Valentine could utter.

“We should go home Tom, there is nothing we can do.” Gordon said.

“I need to stay, for Storm.” Croaked Tom, looking up at his stepfather.

“Her parents wouldn’t want you here, it’s their daughter.”

“We will come back tomorrow, and if anything happens in the mean time, Brianna will keep you posted.”

Brianna nodded confirming what Gordon said and took a sip of her drink.

Gordon put his arm around both Tom and Nenya’s shoulders. They walked out the hospital and got into the car to go home.

“We’re so over Tom.” Spat Nenya as he got into the back next to Tom.

That was the final straw for Tom. He broke in to erratic sobs and cried himself into a deep sleep.

Gordon glanced in his rear view mirror. "Over?" He muttered to himself. Was Tom dating Nenya? That was news to him. He wondered how long that had been going on.

Gordon arrived back at the house and carried Tom in doors and into bed, Nenya picking up the rear, walked into the living room and sat down next to Bill on the sofa.

“What happened, Nenya?” Bill said softly as the pretty teen began to cry.

“The baby was Tom’s.” He sobbed uncontrollably.

“Was? Did she lose the baby?” Elladan questioned his eyes full of shock, pain and horror.

“Yes.” Nenya whispered quietly and began to cry again. It was times like this Nenya really wanted his mother with them.

“I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM!” Roared Elladan as he leapt up and sped out of the living room and up the stairs two at a time.

“No you will not!” Gordon snapped and caught the goth teen before he could sprint down the landing to the dread heads room on the far right.

“He has had enough to deal with over these last few weeks and a sleep is what he needs most right now. Your questions can wait till the morning and they will be in a civilised manner.” Gordon stated simply and Elladan backed down and walked back down the stairs. As wild as he was, Elladan still had a certain amount of respect for Gordon and also, his wife Simone.

Gordon went into the kitchen and greeted Simone who demanded to know what the hell was going on.

“You better sit down darling, it’s a long story.”

Simone sat down at the kitchen table and Gordon began to tell the happenings of today.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh's getting worse...x