Status: Weekly :)

Kiss and Control

Chapter Thirty Six

Nenya sat on the bench with his and Elladan’s bags, waiting for his brother to come out of Newsagents situated in the station. Luckily Elladan had his wallet on him the night he ran away so was able to buy them both a few essentials including clothes and a coat each ready to travel to London.

“Here you go.” Elladan said when he reached the bench.

Nenya looked up and took the two magazines that Elladan had purchased for him.

“Thanks.” Nenya smiled. “Did you get...”

“Yes...I got you chocolate too.” Elladan laughed reaching into his pocket and pulling out a large bar.

Nenya balanced the magazines on his knees while he ripped the wrapper off with his teeth; he only had the use of one hand as his broken arm was still in a sling.

“Is he still not out?” Elladan asked as he looked about.

“Nope...must be constipated or something.” Nenya snickered.

“We’ll be leaving without saying goodbye at this rate.”

Two minutes late Erodin appeared beside them.

“At last...what took so long?” Elladan cocked his eyebrow.

Erodin grimaced as he looked at Elladan.

“Told you he was constipated!” Nenya sang before falling about laughing.

Erodin laughed, letting them believe that; he had in fact gone it to the toilets to call Gordon without them brothers knowing. The last couple of days, Erodin had been trying to convince them not to go to London and to return home to the Kaulitz twins but both teens flat out refused. Erodin knew that he owed them both, Elladan for not dobbing him in about the stabbing and Nenya talking him into returning to school so that was the reason he called Gordon. He didn’t want them throwing their lives away by running off to London so young without finishing their education, etc.

“I still can’t get used to you with black hair.” Elladan said ruffling Erodin’s hair.

Erodin no longer sported his bleached and red mohawk instead he had wore it black and down with a side fringe.

“Storm’s idea.” Erodin replied.

“Emo boy!” Chuckled Nenya. “It suits you though.”


“So you and Storm back together then?” Elladan asked.

“Yeah...good eh?”

Elladan smiled. “Just don’t fuck it up this time.”

“Don’t plan to.” He replied smiling happily.

Elladan looked at his watch. “The train will be leaving in ten minutes...we should get on.”

Nenya stood up, chucked his empty wrapper in the bin next to the bench then placed his magazines in the large holdall on the ground. Elladan picked up holdall.

“Thanks for putting us up.” The teen goth said.

“No probs...Just glad to make it all good between us.”

Elladan hugged Erodin and so did Nenya, they turned to walk up to the train that sat at the platform.


The three boys turned around. Tom was running towards them with Gordon hot on his heels. Nenya looked up at Elladan frowning.

“See you guys!” Erodin said hastily and left the platform.

“Nen...I’m sorry...please forgive me.” Tom puffed out of breath when he reached them. “Don’t leave.”

“He doesn’t want to talk to you!” Elladan hissed. “C’mon Nen...let’s get on the train.” He pulled on his brother’s arm.

Tom stepped in front of the doors blocking them for getting on.

“Get out of the way.” Elladan narrowed his eyes.

“Elladan...I’m sorry.” Gordon apologised as soon as he reached them. “I was out of order.”

Elladan just looked at Gordon and said nothing.

Tom took out the small black box from his pocket then got down on one knee. “Marry me?” He said after opening it and holding it toward the pretty teen.

Nenya blinked a couple of times. ”What?” He asked creasing up his face with a little uncertainty.

“Marry me...I love you.” Tom said more forcefully.

Nenya looked at the beautiful diamond ring sitting in the box, his eyes opened wide at the size of the diamond. He plucked it out of the box and tried it on the same finger where Tom’s old ring sat. The pretty teen had never given it back after breaking up with Tom.

“It’s gorgeous.” He gushed with awe.

Elladan and Gordon stood there opened mouthed. They certainly weren’t expecting that. Nenya wasn’t either.

Nenya sucked in his bottom lip as he admired the ring on his finger; it twinkled brightly under the lights.

“How did you afford that?” Gordon asked with astonishment, Tom didn’t have that kind of money.

Tom bit his lip before answering. “I erm...sold my guitar.”

“You did what?!” Gordon asked incredulously.

“You sold your guitar to buy me a ring?” Nenya asked bewildered.

“Yup...” Tom smiled a little.

“But you love that guitar.” Nenya looked into the dread-head’s honest and sincere eyes.

“I love you more.” Tom replied, his cheeks turning pink. It sounded cheesy but it was true.

“Yes...” Nenya laughed. “I will marry you.” He jumped on Tom putting his legs around the dread-head's waist and securing a hold around his neck with his good arm.

Tom gripped him quickly and held him securely, he planted a kiss on his lips.

“You are too young!” Elladan stated.

“Yes you are!” Gordon agreed.

Feanor came running up the platform. “Thank god I haven’t missed you.” He said panting.

Tom had called him while they were driving to the station. Elladan rolled his eyes; that’s all he needed.

“Come home Elladan...Bill is devastated.” Gordon said softly to the goth teen.

Elladan bit at his lip, he did miss Bill and still loved him very much. “I didn’t think he would want me back.” Elladan’s eyes glistened with tears.

“Are you joking?” Tom replied. “He’s been giving Gordon hell and making him go search for you every day since.”

Elladan’s face suddenly broke into a smile; he could just picture Bill doing that.

“I guess you two won’t be going to France then?” Feanor sighed with a smile.

“Or Elladan?” Nenya said grinning at his brother.

“Guess not.” Elladan replied with a smile.

“C’mon...we got a party to go too!” Tom set Nenya down on the ground and took his hand.

“Why don’t you come for Christmas?” Gordon said to Feanor.

“Yes...please dad?” Nenya looked hopeful at his father.

“If that’s alright with everyone?”

Elladan knew that was aimed at him. “Fine...” He sighed.

“Let’s go then!”

Gordon dropped Feanor off to pick up an overnight bag then they all set off home to Bill and Simone.

Simone glanced out of the window in the living room when she heard Gordon’s car. She ran out to greet them.

“Oh...welcome home boys...we missed you.” Simone gushed at the two Arvenien brothers with tears in her eyes.

Elladan and Nenya both hugged her.

“Someone will be pleased to see you.” She said to Elladan.

“Where is he?” Elladan asked anxiously.

“In the bedroom asleep.”

Elladan rushed inside and took the stairs two at a time. He walked nervously to the bedroom and opened it quietly. Bill was curled up in ball and sound asleep under a blue fleece blanket. Elladan tiptoed to the bed and sat down gently. He leant over and kissed Bill’s cheek.

“Hey beautiful.” He called softly.

Bill’s eyes fluttered open, he turned his head and his eyes rested on Elladan’s face. He sat up quickly and threw his arms around Elladan’s neck.

“Is it really you? I’m not dreaming am I?” Bill asked disbelievingly, blinking a couple of times, looking intently into Elladan’s face.

“It’s me and I’m home...for good.” Elladan replied sheepishly.

Bill kissed Elladan all over his face. “I missed you so much.” He cried. “Why did you leave me?”

“I’m sorry.” Elladan’s eyes welled up.

Bill started smacking him everywhere he could. Elladan ducked and tried to protect himself from Bill’s onslaught, with his arms.

“Don’t EVER do that to me again!” Bill sobbed.

The raven head stopped smacking him and began kissing him again. Elladan pulled him down on top of himself and kissed him slowly with passion and love.

“I love you Bill Arvenien.” He cried with streaming eyes after pulling away and tucking some of Bill’s raven locks behind his ear affectionately. “Love you too Elladan Arvenien.” Bill gave his husband an Eskimo kiss.

“This ring is really really beautiful and I love it so much but we're gonna to take it back and buy back your guitar” Nenya said while he was curled up on Tom on the sofa.

“ keep the ring...I’ll survive without a guitar.”

“It's a lovely gesture and it proves to me how much you love me and all that but I’m quite happy with the first ring that you gave me.”

Tom's eyes lit up. “I do love you with all my heart but if you’re sure?”

“Then it’s settled...we’ll take back the ring after Christmas.”

“Are you sure?” Tom’s eyes were wide with excitement.

“Yeah...I’m sure.” Nenya pulled Tom down on top of him with a handful of dreads. “Can’t believe you did that and turned up in a suit with all your hair down how I like it?"

Tom blushed. “Well...I had my suit on ready to ask you in hospital the day you ran away.”

“Really?” Nenya pulled him closer still and planted a kiss to his lips.

“Not many people get away with pulling my dreads!” Tom bit Nenya’s little nose gently.

“Not many?” Nenya raised an eyebrow.

“ are the only one to get away with it.”

Nenya smirked. “Good good or I might get....” Nenya reached over to the side table and picked up an ornament and held it over Tom threateningly. “Jealous!” He narrowed his eyes playfully.

Tom opened his eyes wide. “You’re not gonna...”

“No... he’s not!” Simone removed the ornament from Nenya’s hand. “The guests will be arriving any minute so get up off there and stop messing up the place!”

Tom pulled a face then moved and pulled Nenya playfully making him roll off onto the floor. “ can’t do that! I've a broken arm and bad head!” He pouted.

“Maybe you shouldn’t go to the party and go to bed instead!” Tom teased.

Nenya’s eyes shot open wide. “I’m not missing the party!” The pretty teen replied outraged. He lived for parties!

The door bell was the first guests arriving.