Status: Weekly :)

Kiss and Control

Chapter Forty Two

Gordon hit the four teens where it hurt the most. Elladan was not allowed to drive his Audi TT for a week plus he couldn’t wear his goth makeup. Gordon said it was contributing factor to his aggression and a week without it would do him so good. Tom was banned from playing his video games and going to the teen cafe for one week and Bill had his jewellery and makeup confiscated. Gordon didn’t punish Nenya, one, because he was unwell and two, he was now Feanor’s responsibility. He would however be talking to Feanor about Nenya’s sharp tongue and Elladan supplying alcohol to Bill and Tom.

Bill cried all night and looked totally forlorn and tragic at the breakfast table the next morning. “I might as well be naked.” He sniffed into a tissue.

Gordon rolled his eyes. “Well you’re not happy unless you’ve got something to cry or be dramatic over. Maybe you should look at a career in acting rather than singing?” Gordon chuckled to himself and went back to his paper.

“Don’t EVER speak to me again! I HATE you!” Bill cried, dabbing at his eyes.

“Bill, don’t be unkind to Gordon.” Simone chastised.

“Why not? He’s being mean to me and I didn’t do anything bad.” The raven head wailed.

Simone sighed. “Maybe you’re being a tad harsh on him Gordon?” She looked wearily at her husband.

“Simi...don’t make him into any more of girl than he already is. He cannot cry or throw tantrums to get his own way.”

"Arrgghhhh!" Bill screamed frustratedly.

Tom slumped down miserably and glared hard at Gordon before laying his head down on his folded arms.

“Morning Tom.” Gordon said shaking his head in amusement. It was so good to feel in control once again. He only hoped that Elladan towed the line and obey him. Well, he had no choice about not driving the car as Gordon had taken both sets of keys from him and had them safely locked up but the volatile teen was sure be aggressive and obstinate but Gordon was taken by surprise when he finally made an appearance.

Elladan crept into the kitchen and took his seat at the breakfast table, silent and calmly and without makeup around his violet eyes. Simone did a double take.

“What a beautifully breath taking face you have without all that dark makeup on. I can quite see why the model agency snapped you up!” she smiled at the expressionless teen.

The other three looked up at Elladan. Bill managed a watery smile at Elladan; he had always said that same thing to his husband and was pleased that his mother thought the same. Bill always felt very proud when anyone complimented his husband.

“Yes much better indeed!” Gordon agreed. So his son-in-law was taking his punishment seriously and like a man, unlike Bill who began sniffing dramatically again.

Tom studied Elladan’s face; as much as he hated his brother-in-law, he had to admit that he was exceptionally beautiful for a boy and he did appreciate beauty. He could also notice some similarities between Elladan and Nenya; one being their flawless alabaster skin and high cheek bones, just like the catwalk models he ogled over in Nenya’s fashion magazines. Tom had never come across violet coloured eyes before and often wondered if Elladan wore contacts. The dread head hadn’t realised that he had been staring at Elladan a lot longer that the others who were now busy eating their breakfast until he saw Elladan’s eyes darken slightly. It was then he discovered that Elladan was staring right back at him and looked none too happy. Tom felt his cheeks heat up and colour red. He slowly averted his eyes, suddenly overcome with shyness, down to the bowl of fruit loops that he hadn’t noticed his mother place in front of him.

Elladan saw Tom’s mortification at being caught staring and wondered what had been going through the dread head’s mind. It certainly wasn’t the usual desire to kill look he normally got off Tom and that intrigued Elladan immensely. He cocked an eyebrow and ate his breakfast in silence.

Gordon stood at the front door waiting for the four teens at 8.15 am; Nenya had called round after breakfasting with his father for his usual morning lift to school with Gordon. The four came trundling down the stairs with school bags. Bill put on his large black Gucci glasses to cover up his red, puffy and makeup free eyes when he reached the bottom. There was no way he was going to take them off for any of his lessons. The only piece of jewellery he had on was his wedding and eternity ring. The raven felt at his neck and chest with a dainty manicured hand, his lip trembled at how bare and weird it felt without his usual thick heavy chains. Gordon opened the door and led the posse out to the car.

“Don’t worry Bill; I’ve brought my makeup with me. You could put some on when we get to school.” Nenya whispered in the back seat of the car after buckling up.

Gordon caught it. “You will be getting a smacked arse if you dare influence Bill to disobey me!” He said to the impish teen sternly.

Nenya squealed indignantly and his eyes widened with shock at Gordon’s threat; he then pulled an injured expression with his mouth pulled into the biggest pout ever imaginable. Gordon turned to the front and started the engine smirking to himself. He kept glancing in his rear view mirror during the journey at the pretty teen’s face and shaking his head. He loved Nenya to bits but he was the most mischievous and defiant person he had come across, more so than Elladan but the trouble with Nenya he knew that he could get away with a lot on account of his captivating and alluring personality together with his beauty. The goateed man still couldn’t believe at times that Nenya was not a girl. Lord knows he should’ve been born one.

“Have a good day boys!” Gordon called out in good spirits as he left them in the school car park.

“Smug git!” Tom muttered moodily kicking at a stone on the floor with his hands in his pocket.

“I hate him!” Bill stated dramatically stamping his Ugged foot; not that such footwear could make a dramatic sound to back up his melodramatic foot action. He then dabbed his eyes with a tissue under his Gucci glasses.

“Drama queen!” Tom sighed before taking hold of Nenya’s hand.

“Fuck you Tom!” Bill stomped off. “Come Elladan!”

Elladan rolled his eyes and followed his overemotional partner into the main building.

“The goth dude’s been giving me the evils all morning.” Georg complained to Gustav and Tom at lunchtime when he spotted Elladan coming into the cafeteria.

“I noticed.” Gustav commented. “What have you done to him?”

Tom shifted uncomfortably in his seat and scratched a non existing itch on the back of his neck.

“Nothing...I make sure to give the dude a wide birth!” Georg answered with wide worried eyes; Elladan freaked him out big time. “ the way...I’ve managed to get us a gig at the cafe at the end of the month so we need to up our band practice.” He said changing the subject swiftly.

“Fuck! I’m grounded for a week.” Tom groaned.

“What for?” Gustav questioned.

“Over yesterday with the Valentine witch and for fighting with Elladan.”

Gustav rolled his eyes. “What were you fighting over this time? You’ve not been posting embarrassing pictures of him on facebook?”

“Noooo...Bill opened his big mouth and asked Elladan if he was a vamp...” Tom clamped his mouth shut fast and his cheeks coloured up.

“Oh tell me you fucking never?” Georg covered his face with his hands. “No wonder he giving me the evils!”

“What’s going on?” Gustav asked. “What have you two gone and done now?”

“I didn’t think Bill would be so stupid as to go ask him!”

“Well obviously he is!” Georg hissed. “Now I’ll probably get another kicking from the deranged bastard!”

Gustav looked at them baffled.

"I said Elladan was a vampire to this big mouthed idiot!" Georg elaberated to stocky blonde as he gesticulated at Tom.

"OI!" Tom thumped Georg hard on the arm.


“I’m sure Bill didn’t purposely tell him.” Gustav said. “Anyway... why are you two obsessed with him?”

“I’m not obsessed!” The two teens shouted simultaneously. Tom blushed.

“Well you’ve obviously been discussing him... and this wouldn’t be the first time.” Gustav smirked. “You’re like a pair of old women!”

“I merely commented he was not human and most probably a vampire or something!” Georg excused.

“And I agreed. I thought I should warn Bill to be careful around him but Bill took it the wrong way and thinks he’s like Edward Cullen!”

“Who the fuck is Edward Cullen?” Georg asked scrunching up his face.

“A vampire in Twilight...god man where have you been?” Gustav replied.

“It’s a chick flick on vampires...Bill is obsessed with it.” Tom clarified.

Georg looked at Gustav outraged. “How come you’re so up on chick flicks?”

Gustav’s cheeks turned pink. “Sapphire’s madly in love with Edward Cullen...she’s made me watch the movie four times already.”

Tom snickered.

“Don’t tell me that Nenya hasn’t had you watching it!?” Gustav snapped feeling embarrassed. “You’re afraid of the girly dude!”

“ if!?” Tom replied cockily.

“Oh hey Nen...Tom was just complaining about you?” Georg said looking above Tom’s head.

The dread-head’s head shot round fast in a panic. Georg and Gustav pissed themselves laughing.

“Oh very funny...NOT!” Tom sulked, turning back around with a bright red face after finding Nenya was not standing behind him.

Georg wiped the tears of mirth from his eyes.” So where is fair Nen?” He queried.

“No idea.” Tom shrugged.

“Perhaps he’s eloped with Kiro?” Gustav suggested then chuckled in amusement.

Tom’s face contorted in anger at the mention of the short blonde boy. “Fuck off!” He got up. “I need a fag!” Tom walked off out of the cafeteria.

“Think you hit a raw note there dude.”

“Ohh he’ll get over it...he shouldn’t be so touchy...he gets more like our diva everyday!”

“Talking of which...did you see him with no jewellery or makeup?” The brunette teen asked. “Ms Valentine blew a gasket when he flat out refused to remove the glasses. She snatched them off him!”

“Really when was this?”

“Second period...I was outside the maths room waiting to go into the room next door and heard her haul Bill up to the front, screeching at the top of her voice. Naturally I had look in at what was going on. I can tell you...Bill was not a happy bunny!”

“I bet he wasn’t.”

The bell rang for afternoon lessons and the two teens got up from the table and cleared away their trays.

Elladan rushed out of the school gates at the end of the day and headed straight into town. He had sent Bill a text earlier telling him not to wait as he had some business to attend to. Elladan had a plan to get Tom back for shit stirring between him and Bill and getting him in trouble with Gordon. He couldn’t wait to put his plan into action tonight. An hour later he was on his way home with his purchases. He sniggered gleefully to himself with his brilliant idea to scare the shit out of the dread head as he walked up the path to the house. Elladan was also going to make Bill help him.

“What have you got there?” Bill asked curiously eyeing the bags in his husband’s hands.

“That’s for me to know and you too find out?” Elladan smirked as he put the bags safely hidden in the closet he shared with Bill.

“What are you up?” Bill could see the mischieve in his husband’s eyes.

“You’ll see.” Elladan smiled then pulled Bill down on to the bed to lie down with him.

Bill put his arms around his husband’s neck.

“Did you miss me while I was in town?” Elladan kissed his partner on the nose.

“You know I did.” Bill answered lovingly then instigated a make-out session with his husband seeing as he was in a good mood. The raven-head couldn’t help wondering why but knew better than to ask, so he just enjoyed the moment.