If I Were to Write a Song

If I could Write A Song

If I were to write a song, it would be sad, with bitter dissonance that would echo throughout music halls and empty rooms. It would creep into your dreams and make your heart ache. If I were to write a song I would be a musician and I would have the ability to wrap you up in melodies you could never imagine on your own, I would bring you to another world and lift you up, higher and higher until you smashed back down, surprised by how hard you fell.
If I were a musician I could write a song but I’m not a musician. These melodies do not dance in my head and I cannot carry a tune. I am a writer that is all; I string words together in sometimes obvious and terribly cliché sentences because that’s what writers do. But sometimes words bear repeating; sometimes people just don’t seem to get it.
I am a writer yes, but I am also an artist. Everyone can write but few can write well and since I am no fool, I am aware that I do not write well. Still I practice my art, for I have a futile hope that one day my pen will dance across the page and it will create magic. I will transport you to a world I had dreamed up the night before, I will show you witches and goblins and darkness. I will wrap you up and lift you up and gently put you back down as the last few pages flutter past your eager eyes.
I am a writer, and if I was a good writer I would show you the world as I see it. I would show you a world with infinite possibilities and a million heartbreaks. I would show you the place I go when I cannot sleep, I would show you how my heart manages not to ache despite the tears I silently cry at night.
If I was a good writer I would wish the world to remain as it is, maybe change every now and again, just to keep it interesting. Because this world tells a good story, the earth beneath our feet is a gifted writer, writing pages and pages hidden in the leaves of the trees and the flowers in the garden. I envy it in a way, its freedom to create is infinite and although we cannot understand the beautiful words written on gilded pages I know they speak of a magic no one can find in this world.
If I was a good writer I could write a song for you because writers have the world at their fingertips while musicians have only their instrument to speak through. We have an entire langue and maybe more, if I was a good writer I would write you a hundred songs, and all of the musicians would lament at my genius, for that is what writers do.
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Just some thoughts I had.