Status: Active :)

Right or Left

The Beginning

It was always the rumors going around. What scary secrets were the two new Goth guys hiding? Was the Junior Trip ever going to happen? Was Seth Summer really in that movie over the break? That’s what my best friend, Carla, and I were trying to figure out today in Study Hall. I didn’t really care about the Goths or Seth Summer because they weren’t all that interesting. Seth was just the popular dude that Carla always talked up and the Goths just looked at me weird. Since the beginning of junior year, Carla has been telling me to go out with a Summer brother, but the only thing I want to focus on now was the trip to Tango Beach. The trip to Tango Beach wasn’t school approved, but most of the junior class skipped a week of school to go. One week, 137 juniors, and no chaperones; this was a disastrous party just waiting to happen. I got the text that said the party at Tango Beach started tonight at 6. I found Carla and we ditched our last two periods to go home and pack.

Three hours later Carla and I drove over the only entrance and exit to Tango Beach. We were belting out 3OH!3 as we parked in front of the cabins. I picked the one closes to the woods so I would have easy access. The cabin was cute and small. It had two mahogany beds and two matching dressers. There was a tiny bathroom and that was where Carla headed first.

“Are you ready for this? One week of hot guys and a beach! What more could you ask for!?”

Carla started one of her rants that didn’t require a response. I started to put my clothes in a dark wood dresser next to my bed when I heard cars pulling up and different pairs of voices. I peeked out the window above my bed and shouted to Carla,

“C, you’re going to be thrilled. Guess who picked the cabin next to ours?” Carla shrieked,
flung herself out of the bathroom and pushed me out of the way so she could get a good look at the Summer brothers.

“This is so great! Everything is going way too perfect!” I gave her a weird look that she obviously missed.

“C’mon, put on your bathing suit. I wanna go swimming before a lot of people get here,”she said as she walked back into the bathroom and shut the door.
Not even ten minutes later, Carla and I were in the water. I submerged myself in the water and when I came back up for air I saw Carla waving to two figures on the beach.

“Who is that?” I squinted as the two guys started to swim out toward us. “The Summer brothers; who else?” she answered me right as they reached us.

Great! I thought I was just going to go swimming, but nope. Carla had to go and wave over guys that scare the hell out of me. As they started to talk I noticed how familiar Andrew looked. His eyes were this perfect dark blue and his hair was honey blonde. I focused on Andrew, trying so hard to think of what I was forgetting. I was staring so intently at Andrew that I just barely noticed the low growl coming from Seth. Andrew tried to hold my gaze, but I turned and saw that both Carla and Seth had their eyes fixed on the shore. They were staring at that new Goth kid, Zane. Standing next to Zane was the other Goth kid, Kye. Zane was staring back, but he was focused on Andrew. What the hell is going on? Are they really having some sort of creepy death match stare down?

Zane narrowed his eyes just slightly and Andrew just fell. He sunk right to the bottom of the clear blue water. I looked to Seth and Carla, but they didn’t even seem to notice. I had no choice, I dove down into the water and hooked my arm around his waist and hoisted him up. When we broke the surface I saw Zane and Kye disappearing into the trees. By now Seth and Carla had snapped out of their daze and looked at me trying to support Andrew’s weight. I pushed him toward Seth and quickly swam to the shore. I raced into the woods. I was getting answers, whether they liked it or not. I wasn’t even that far into the trees when I jolted to a stop. Leaning against a tree was Zane. He didn’t say anything, he just looked at me.

“What did you do to Andrew?” I asked him cautiously. I got the feeling that Zane could be very dangerous when he wanted.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he answered me with a voice that sent shivers down my back. “I think you know exactly what I’m talking about. I saw the way you looked at him. And what the hell was that stare down? It was really creepy, and kind of stalkerish.”

Somewhere in my little rant Zane’s face had lifted into a smile. An amazing smile I might add. “I don’t know what you’re smiling about, but stay away from me and my friends.”

The last words out of my mouth wiped the smile off of Zane’s face. Now his face showed no emotion, just his tightened jaw. “So you’ve made your decision?” Zane asked. Was this guy creepy and crazy? “What decision?” I questioned. “I guess that’s a no,” he responded and started to walk away. “Hey! What are you talking about?” I ran forward and grabbed his arm right below where his dark hair stopped.

The minute I made contact with his bare skin Seth, Andrew, and Carla rushed into the clearing. I knew what they saw; my hand on Zane’s upper arm and him smiling down at me. Zane shot Andrew a look and with one last look at me quickly faded into the trees.
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Comments anyone?