Status: Active :)

Right or Left

What the Hell?

Later that night I asked Carla what happened with Andrew. She froze, bottle of Coke halfway to her mouth. “Carla?” I questioned. She snapped out of it and plastered a fake smile on her face.

“Um, Seth said it had something to do with low blood sugar or something,” she mumbled going back to her magazine. A couple hours later when Carla was passed out snoring I left the cabin. I figured that I’d go out and blow off some steam so I wouldn’t have to deal with the need tomorrow.

While looking for a good secluded spot I heard voices. “….really have to do that to him? In front of her? She is already suspicious enough!” said one male voice.

“I couldn’t resist.” This second voice that spoke I recognized. It was Zane and I could tell he was smiling. Zane continued, “It doesn’t really matter if I used my power in front of her Kye. We need a plan. She is being surrounded by them and they can’t win, not this one.”

“You mean they can’t win her.” Kye said softly.

“Yes Kye. They can’t win her. Not this one. I’m not losing Ash to them.”

When I heard my name I stiffened. They were talking about me this whole time! Why would Zane care if he lost me, or won me? I’d heard enough. I stepped back and my foot must’ve hit a twig because I heard it snap. Their voices stopped, I assumed they heard me. I no longer cared about my noise, I ran for my life. I ran all the way down to the water and crouched down behind one of the boat houses.
I turned and saw a shadow of a person standing right next to me. I shrieked and the shadow jumped.

“Oh god, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you saw me.” When I realized it was Seth I relaxed a bit. “It’s okay Seth,” I said as he sat down next to me.

“I’m really sorry,” he said again looking me in my eyes. As a turned to question him apologizing so much he pinned me against the sand and kissed me. I tried to push him off of me, but he was too strong for me. Right when I felt like I was going to pass out someone tackled Seth off of me. The last thing I remember is the mysterious person picking me up after Seth ran away.

When I opened my eyes I was in my cabin. Was that all just a dream? No, I can feel the sand in my hair. If that actually happened then who knocked Seth off of me? I was about to get up when I heard voices coming from another cabin.

“What the hell happened?” yelled Andrew Summer. “I tried to convert her. You know, bring her to the dark side,” answered Seth with heavy sarcasm. I could only guess they were talking about me.

Both brothers were quiet for a minute until Seth said, “I would’ve finished too if Zane hadn’t tackled me off her! How do you think my face got fucked up? I don’t know if she will remember.”

Somebody sighed and said “Let’s go see.” I knew it would be better if I acted as I didn’t remember anything.

When they knocked on the cabin door I mumbled a “Come in” feigning sleep. Andrew came in first and stopped short. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to wake you up. We were just looking for Carla,” Andrew said. Seth came in quietly behind him and avoided eye contact. I guess he was nervous I would remember what he tried to do last night.

“No, it’s cool. Umm Carla isn’t here. I haven’t seen her since last night,” I answered with a shrug. Andrew and Seth exchanged a quick look and Seth seemed to relax. “Ok, well do you want to go get something to eat with us?” Seth asked with a smile. “Nah, I got some stuff to do, but thanks.”

Once they were gone I sighed and collapsed back into my bed. So Seth kissed me and tried to “convert” me. What the hell did he mean by “convert”? Then Zane rescued me…. I didn’t know what was going on, but I planned on figuring it out.

I didn’t get to blow off steam yesterday, so I had to go soon. If I didn’t then I might explode and then someone would know I was different. I walked for a bit until I found a small clearing. I stood still. Closed my eyes, and focused. I felt myself becoming weightless. I looked down and saw the ground; ten feet below me. The urge to explode was gone. I closed my eyes again and settled back to the ground. When I opened my eyes I found Zane lounging against a nearby tree. My mind began to race. How long had he been standing there? How much had he seen? I realized neither of us had spoken yet.

As I opened my mouth to question him he spoke, “You’re not the only one.” His statement was blunt and it struck me, hard.

I was still thinking when Seth crashed into the clearing. “Ash, you should come with me. He’s dangerous.” Seth offered his hand to me while keeping both eyes on Zane. I looked from Seth to Zane.

Zane’s eyes met mine and he said, “Remember what I told you.” With those last words Zane stood there calm and motionless.

While Seth did the exact opposite, he became a whirl wind of fury. “What the hell did you tell her?” Seth began to scream at Zane. I saw Seth’s eyes flash and his hands began to shake. I took one step toward him to see if he was okay.

“Come with me and I’ll explain,” I heard Zane’s voice say, but his mouth hadn’t moved. Did he do what I think he just did? As I took three steps back toward Zane, Seth’s face drained of all its color and he turned and left the clearing. “You want to explain that?” I asked and turned to face Zane, but he was gone.