Status: Active :)

Right or Left

Running, Running, Running

Today was the races. I don’t know who came up with the idea, but everyone usually competed. Most of the races were earlier today, but I had missed them because of my encounter of Zane. I hadn’t seen him since then and I hoped he didn’t tell anyone about what he saw. The last race was a running race. I was excited because I’m pretty damn fast. When I walked over to the sign-up sheet I scanned the names. Nobody looked like a real threat until I saw Andrew Summer’s name. I had to admit I got a weird feeling from him. I feel like I’m forgetting something about him. Every time I see him something begins to stir in the back of my mind. I made myself push Andrew out of my head and I added my name to one of the last spots on the list.

When everyone was lining up for the race I saw Zane. That’s weird; I hadn’t seen his name on the list.
I wasn’t unnerved until I heard his voice say, “Remember.” Again his mouth didn’t move. I was ready to march over there and figure out what he was doing when I heard the horn. I started to run. I wasn’t even aware that it was time to start. Andrew and I quickly overtook most of the runners. We both kept a steady pace. It seemed like we were evenly matched. I decided to get some answers, or at least try.

“So Andrew,” I started. “Did I know you before this year? Because you look really familiar and I just can’t figure out why.” With each word I said Andrew’s face lost more and more color. Before Andrew got a chance to answer I heard someone snicker. I turned and saw Zane running along on my other side. I hadn’t even noticed when he came up next to me.

“What’s so funny?” Andrew practically spit at Zane.

“Oh nothing, I’m just waiting until she remembers,” Zane said while picking up his pace. He didn’t even sound out of breath. Wait! Did he really just say that? Andrew suddenly stopped and ran off into the woods. We turned a bend and were out of sight from all the other runners. I shot my hand out and backed Zane up against a tree.

“Tell me what the hell you’re talking about. Oh and how you seem to get into my mind,” I said huffing. Before I could even blink, Zane had grabbed my arm and now I was the one pinned up against the tree.

“You have no idea what’s going on here, do you? You don’t know who or what you’re dealing with!” he spit out his words at me. His eyes-which were pitch black-searched mine and I imagined mine, were doing the same.

“You’re right, I have no clue what the hell is going on. All I know is that you can somehow get into my head and Seth tried to freaking convert me. Whatever he meant by that! Don’t let me forget that Andrew…”

Zane quickly covered my mouth and whispered “Shh.” The majority of the other runners thudded past, but I wasn’t paying attention to them. I was looking into Zane’s charcoal eyes. I pictured him looking back into my simple brown eyes. When all the runners had passed Zane removed his hand and smiled.

“And Andrew seems so familiar and I just can’t remember. Somebody needs to fill in the blanks,” I finished. I was trying to look anywhere except for Zane’s eyes. They were beginning to trap me. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.
“Your eyes are not simple, they have great depth,” he whispered. “Get the hell out of my head,” I yelled at him. I pushed past him and took off into the woods, just like Andrew.

I don’t know where I am. I’m beginning to think that I don’t know a lot of things. I stop when I hear voices. What is it with me finding everyone’s secret meeting places?

“We need to get rid of Zane. He has become too forthcoming with the truth around her. I also think she might be his match.” I know that voice-Andrew. “Are you stupid?! You never think! We can’t ‘get rid’ of Zane. None of the leaders can kill another. Don’t you remember we have rules to play by? As for her being his match, we would have to suspect. If what we suspect is right, she possesses both powers. So she will have a match on either side.” I could only guess that the second voice was Seth.

“I’m going to go talk to C,” said Andrew. C? No, they couldn’t be talking about Carla. Could they? I peeked out from behind my hiding spot and gasped. There was a tearing sound…and Andrew changed. One moment he was Andrew and the next….a gray wolf. The gray wolf loped off and left Seth standing there. Seth turned in my direction and I tried to hide again.

“Ash?” he called out. CRAP!!!! I didn’t want to be alone out here with him, not after last time.

“Hey Zane, if you’re listening now would be a good time to do your whole protector thing.” I thought hard. “Ash come out and I’ll tell you about what happen to John-“Seth’s voice was abruptly cut off. I heard scuffling. I peeked out again and saw Seth being held on to by Kye. Zane’s right hand man. Speak of the devil and he shall appear

. “You called?” he smirked and extended his hand. “You have a lot of explaining to do,” I said as I took Zane’s hand and allowed him to lead me away.