Status: Working on Chapeter 2


Death has Spoken

The sun was high in the late afternoon sky. I walked with Adin everyday today would be no different. I laughed softly at his impression of the cheerleaders. He was my best friend and I loved him like a brother. Nothing could ever come between us. Nothing had ever come between us I thought. The yellow and brown colored leaves of autumn crunched underneath our feet. We both turned looking to the street when we heard the frantic honks of a truck barreling down the sleepy neighborhood. To our horror a young kid was crossing the street he seemed to be too distracted by his mp3 player to notice the truck that was coming straight for him. I watched as Adin took off at a dead run pushing the kid out of the way. The truck continued to honk as it collide into Adin.

“Adin” I screamed shooting straight up from my bed, sweat beads lingered on my forehead. “Not Adin, anyone but him” I said still breathing heavy. "Death has spoken" I said under my breath shaking my head not wanting to believe what I had just seen.

I fell back on my bed letting out a frustrated grunt. I pulled my navy blue comforter over my head hoping to get a few more hours of sleep before school, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen, it never did. I reached to my night stand grabbing my journal writing every detail of my dream in it. After a while you forget what a dream was about, I couldn’t forget, forgetting in my case comes at the price of someone’s life. I jotted down everything from the color of the leaves to the cracks in the side walk. A soft knock on my door, brought me from my detailed writing.

“Eden, dear, I heard you scream are you okay?” my aunt popped her head through the door.

“Yeah, just a dream” I smiled, letting her know I was okay

“You have an appointment today with your shrink after school” she smiled setting a glass of water on my night stand “Thought you might need this” she smiled setting two small pills next to the water.

“Thanks” I smiled as she shut the door behind her.

I took the small pills shoving them under my mattress with about fifteen other ones. The pills they gave me are sedatives to help me sleep, I prefer not to take them. I continued writing the detail in my small journal. I carried my journal with me everywhere like a bible. Half the time I don’t pay attention in class because I’m too busy looking over my notes. Most of the dreams I have are about complete strangers, but in some period of my live I will see them, because I’ll be there when they die.
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