Status: Working on Chapeter 2



I finished writing the details of my dream or as most would call it a nightmare, shoving my journal into my backpack, before heading to the bathroom to get ready for school. I stared into the mirror poking the bags under my eyes wishing they would go away. I turned on the sink splashing my face with water, jumping slightly frightened at the shadow that disappeared around the corner.

You think I would be used to them by now, always lingering around me. They were his helpers, his workers they did most of the dirty work causing the accidents to happen. As crazy as that sounds, Death just comes to collect the souls, and well needless to say he is a busy man and doesn’t like when I intervene. I’m almost positive that’s why he has them follow me around. I smiled slightly, satisfied with my rebelling against him.

“Eden, are you up” I could hear my aunt’s sweet voice coming down the hall.

“Yeah, I’m just washing up in the bathroom” I called to her

She walked in hoping on the counter, her amber eyes wide awake, and bag less unlike my own. Her short brown hair pulled into a small ponytail. “Don’t forget about your appointment you can’t miss another one or they are going to let you go. Dear, I know you hate going to these but it’s for your own good” she gave me a soft smile hoping off the counter and heading toward the kitchen.

I guess you can assume no one believes me, otherwise I wouldn’t be going to a shrink three times a week. I tossed my hip-length burgundy hair into a high ponytail.

I opened up my small walk-in closet grabbing a pair of black jeans with rips all the way up and slipping them on. Matching it with an equally ripped up top that just slightly fell of my shoulder, having to follow dress code I slipped on a deep violet tank top before putting on the black shirt. The shirt exposed my light caramel mid drift just barley. I grabbed my make-up bag before heading back into the bathroom. I once again looked into the mirror, outlining my sapphire blue eyes with a thick amount of black eyeliner.

“Eden, time to go” the familiar sound of her keys jingled in her hand.

I slipped on my black leather knee high boots. Before grabbing my backpack and heading out the door.

“There you are, Toots” his familiar voice rang from behind me, I cringed slightly turning and meeting his ashy colored eye
“Hey A, what’s up” I forced a small smile

Adin looked somewhat confused at the painful smile that I was sure lit my face. “You okay?” he asked pulling me to some of the benches in our schools court yard.

“No, actually we need to talk” I spoke softly, playing with a loose string that hung off my shirt, not wanting to meet his concerned eyes.
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