Status: Working on Chapeter 2



My eyes gazed up from the string I played with to his gray eyes. A concerned looked washed his pail face and his eyes grew narrow. “You okay Toots” his voice was soft.

I swallowed hard before answering. How do you tell your best friend you saw him die? “A, you know I love you right?” was all I could manage to say before my eyes drifted to a young girl who seemed lost. My eyes widened. “Freak” I said under my breath digging through my bag for my journal.

“What’s going on?” his rugged voice becoming protective.

I ignored him now flipping through my journal panicked. I looked to her again “Shorts” I whispered, looking down to the journal, then back to her again “bleach blonde” I whispered again My finger quickly tracing each line on the page. I let out the breath I had been holding in, checking the date at the top of the page. I had this dream four months ago to the day, I cringed at the way she was meant to die.

“Damn it Toots what’s wrong?” his voice a strained yell

“Her” I pointed to the girl behind him

“Oh, She’s so young” he said somewhat upset “And hot” he smiled

Adin was the only one who actually believed me. In fact he was the only one I could talk to about the situation. He had been with me on several occasions, when I had failed to save the person, but not before predicting their death. I read my journal calmer then I had the first time. “Is there a bonfire tonight in that field off highway ten?” I asked. Adin was very involved in the party scene, if there was going to be even a small get together he knew about it.

“Yeah, it’s Friday night there is always one out there on Fridays.” His tone interested

“We have to be there.” I spoke plainly
“Alright, you know me I’m always down for a little party time, maybe I’ll even score some action” I rolled my eyes. “So how is she going out” he asked playfully

I gave him a disgusted look before answering “That’s for me to know and you to not find out. You know my policy it’s a need to know bases. And you….Don’t need to know” I said getting up from the table as the bell rang.

“Hey” Adin said grabbing my hand meeting my eyes “What were you going to tell me” a flash of worry danced behind his eyes for only a second.

I smiled politely “It can wait” Our conversation was interrupted by a jock calling Adia over. “See you after school." He said lightly kissing my check like always before leaving my side.
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