Status: Working on Chapeter 2


My Lovely Shrink...Yeah Right

The shadows danced across the walls of shrink’s office my eyes following them, making me look crazy looking at nothing, at least that’s what I would have to assume about a person if I saw their eyes darting around a room as if it were full of people, when in reality it was empty. More shadows had accumulated. There were always more of them when something was meant to happen. “Miss Crossfire…Miss… Crossfire” her voice brought my eyes to hers. “Are you alright, something seems to be bugging you” she spoke calmly.

“I’m fine” I shot back with a slight attitude

“You know Miss Crossfire, you haven’t shown me much improvement over the last few months it’s seems as though you’re getting worse.” She said with a hint of disappointment. “You know, Post-traumatic stress disorder is common when you experience a traumatic accident, though your aunt doesn’t feel it is necessary to put you on medication to treat you for it.” She sighed softly “You are almost eighteen, you might want to think about what’s best for you” she gave me a weak smile.

I glared into her eyes wanting so badly to slap her, I took a deep breath “I can tell you right now, I will not be taking any kind of medication, to be completely honest with you I don’t even take the sedatives.” I gave her a harsh smile, standing from my chair “I think I’m done today” I made my way for the door.

“Eden, I’m concerned with you getting worse you could become a danger to yourself and everyone around you. I have spoken with your aunt about sending you to a more stable facility” The words dug into my skin like thousands of sharp tiny needles. My eyes dotting with tears, she couldn’t send me away, she wouldn’t? I thought, quickly rubbing the water from my eyes, before turning back to her.

“I’ll think about the medication” I tried giving a genuine smile

“Thata Girl” her smile sent chills down my spine “I want to see you back on Monday, after the weekend” I nodded giving her what she wanted.

I hurried out of the office building, as the sun was going down behind the big city buildings. I squeezed my eyes closed trying hard not to break down, no one had ever threatened to send me away for just being different. The tears began to prick my eyes this time escaping, I wiped them away with the back of my hand as I rounded the corner to the back parking lot. My eye’s scanned the lot for Adin’s blood red 65’ mustang. I spotted it parked in the last stall. A smile crept across my face seeing him playing his air drums. I tapped on the window softly, a smile lit his face when he saw it was me.

“Hey Toots” he cracked the window “How much for the night”

I shot him a playful look “If you play your cards right I’ll give you a freebie” I smiled “Would you unlock the door already” I giggled

“How was your little session” he asked as I slid into the front seat

I swallowed hard “That woman is the devil, she opted to send me away to a loony ben. If I don’t take stupid medication to control myself” I said irritated

“Want me to go in there and tell her to go fuck herself” I rolled my eyes “I’m serious” he smiled

“A, we kind of have to be at a bon-fire in a few hours, I’d like to at least look like I fit in. Let’s go…please” I gave him an agitated smile.

“Yeah, Yeah…I’m going” he said pulling out of the parking lot.
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Sorry if this chapter is a little boring, but it must be boring for content sake. The next chapter I promise will be full of action.