Status: new, on hiatus

The Amy Chronicles

the new girl

Amy did not like her old school. She was bullied a lot. They hated her for being too talented.
So her family switched her to a new school.
The first day was scary.
"Will I make friends here," she asked her family.
"Of course" her mom said.
Amy walked into the hallways. She was scared, until she heard a voice.
"Yeah mom, I'll see you later'" Joey Armstrong said on his cell.
Amy looked at him. Who was this person? After gazing at him, she finally walked over.
"Hi," Amy said. Joey hung up and looked at her.
"Who are you?" Joey asked.
"I'm Amy and you?"she said
"Joey" he said.
The bell rang and everyone went to class. Amy couldn't stop thinking of Joey. In band class, Amy had her own chair since she was the only person who played tenor sax. Later she ran into Joey again.
"Here's my number," she said.
Joey was confused. He never had someone go after him.
"Okay" he said taking the number.
After school that day, the phone rang. Her mom picked it up since Amy was practicing her saxophone. It was Joey.
"Honey, a friend is on the phone," Amy's mom said. Amy picked it up.
"So I think we should hang out on Friday," Joey said.
"That's cool," Amy said. Little did she know that Joey was related to the lead singer of Green Day.
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Amy just met Joey. Can they last when she meets the family?