Status: Active as of right now! We will find time to update soon!:)

New Kid in School


“Rayne, you’re going to be late for school!” My stepmother yelled from down the hall. I jolted up in bed realizing what day it was. The first day of school. I groaned inwardly at the thought.

I just wanted to lay here forever in the sweet comfort of my bed and never get up again. I’m about to fall back into an inviting slumber, when I hear something being thrown and hitting a wall from down the hall.

It has awakened!

“Jade, wake up, now!”

“Get out of my room, Mother!”

There is some more muffled shrieking from the she-demon, and then, the slamming of a door. Now, there was no way I would be able to go back to sleep, but I could try. I groaned and did so before Sophie came busting in to wake me up. Most likely she would get dad to pour cold water on me to get me up. I didn’t want her to find me still in bed, but I was just so tired. I guess that’s what you get for staying up too late playing Dragon Age instead of going to bed on time.

Hey, what can I say the game is addictive, so sue me?

“Time to get ready,” I mumbled as I stretched looking at the clock on my nightstand. I had just enough time to take a shower, get dressed and eat. I’d have to move fast if I wanted the bathroom.

I and the she demon share a bathroom, which is adjoined to both of our bedrooms. In the mornings it is just a battle to get in there first to get a shower. Jade loved to take her time getting ready, and if I didn’t make it into the bathroom before her, I’d be waiting a long time.
Yawning, I got up and I stumbled to my walk-in closet. As I went, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My long dark brown hair was a disheveled tangle of knots. There are bags under my eyes from the late night events of nonstop video game playing on my Xbox 360. I sighed raking a hand through my hair as I walked toward the bathroom.

To my dismay, Jade and I walked into the bathroom at the same time. My stepsister, Jade grumbled some incoherent things as she stomped in. I knew from experience that if you messed with her while she was like this; you would get a beating and an ear full. Jade loved to break people down verbally and physically, but most of the time verbally.

Sighing, I walked out knowing there was no hope of ever getting a shower any time soon. With that, I decided to get something to eat. Maybe, Jade would be done by the time I was done with breakfast. That’s a big maybe.

Walking down the stairs, the smell of bacon and eggs wafted in the air. My stomach instantly growled from the mouthwatering aroma. Sophie, my stepmother made a mean breakfast with all the fixings on special occasions. Apparently, the first day at a new school was one.

I wasn’t complaining, though.

Once, seated at the table, I helped myself to a little bit of everything. Sophie smiled as she sat my ten month old half-brother, Gavin down in his highchair to eat. He has my dad’s bright blue eyes and Sophie’s dirty blond hair. He’s a mess. Just a few weeks ago he learned how to walk and he gets himself into stuff. Most of the time, I or Sophie are the ones to get him out.

“How’s my little buddy?” I coaxed and he giggled clapping his plump baby hands.

“Would you mind feeding him?” Sophie asked exhaustion clear in her voice.

“Hard night, I presume?” I got up to get Gavin’s baby food.

“Yeah, Gavin just wouldn’t stop crying. I stayed up half the night trying to get him to sleep.”

“You could have woken me up,” I said as I sat down to feed him. “You know how much Gavin loves to be sung to.” Every night before going to bed, I’d sing him a lullaby. It would work like a charm every time.

“I didn’t want to wake you, Rayne.”

“Nah, it would have been fine.” Just as I said this, my dad came walking in. He kissed my stepmother on the cheek as she placed his plate down where he sat at the head of the table. He ruffled Gavin’s hair and kissed my forehead.

“You ready for your first day?” Dad asked just as Jade came stomping down the stairs. Finally, she was done, I thought. That was a lot faster than I thought it would take.

“Do we actually look ready?” Jade asked as she took a seat across from me. “I don’t even know why we moved to such a cow pile town like this.” She began to fill her plate with breakfast.

“Jade, be nice.” Sophie warned as she sat down to eat as well.

Jade sighed and mumbled. “I still don’t understand.”

See, we had to move here, because dad got a new job as a physiatrist. Jade hadn’t taken the idea of moving as quite as well as me. Yeah, I’ll admit I was upset, but then, again it would be a good way to start over. I wasn’t the popular girl in school. That went to my stepsister. I was sort of the outcast who got made fun of for being different or just simply ignored. It seemed like every day at Carmel High School, I was the invisible girl. My social life was nonexistent, not to mention my love life, but all of that didn’t seem to matter, now. McKinley High School might change that.

But, that was a big fat maybe.

After I was done with feeding myself and Gavin, I went to finally get ready. All the while, the thought of how McKinley High would be like floated around in my head. I was secretly anxious at the thought of starting a new school. I had been trying to make my parents think I was calm about it, but that was before the day actually got here. So many thoughts circulated in my head as I stood in the shower letting the hot water pour down on me.

After taking a shower, I toss on a band tee of my favorite band, Avenged Sevenfold, and ripped up washed out skinny jeans with fishnet leggings underneath as well as a studded belt. On my feet, I put on some knee high leather boots. I did my makeup and combed the knots out of my hair. I left my naturally wavy chocolate brown hair down my back.

I pulled on a leather vest and grabbed my purse and binder. I always liked the first day of school, because you were never expected to have everything on the first day of classes.

Today, should be a breeze, hopefully, I thought as got up to leave for school.
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