
and we're getting older too

She was dreading this meeting more than anything. She was yet to sign the papers, stating family and work issues. John knew it was all bullshit. Kim had alway put things off and then made up bad excuses to cover it. He used to find it cute. 
Kim dressed as well as she could and took time doing her hair an makeup in the morning, he was not seeing her a broken mess. The night before she fell asleep on the floor staring up at the ceiling, the painting that would never be finished, left undone. Just like their marriage.
His band mates questioned why he wanted to get married so young. In fact he questioned it to, but he knew Kim was the one, above what anyone else said. She was his one and only and he wanted to make it official, that that little gold band meant that no one else could touch her, or so he thought. 

She couldn't believe what she was looking at. An image she didn't think she would ever see. Her hair curled and carefully placed and eyes adorned with eyeliner and shadow. She brushed a hand over her flawless cheek. She'd never seen herself look so beautiful. 
Admits all her insecurities, Kim had let John in. She let go of the thought of him finding someone better, because he picked her, he was hers and she was his. And the white dress that was wrapped around her body was a symbol of it. 
She remembered Johns proposal

The night air was filled with their laughter. It was a horrible wet cold rainy night and John had an amazing evening planned for them but it had all washed away down the storm drains so the two sat under a little hut by the river side. Pressed tightly together their legs and arms were intertwined. 
"I'm really sorry" John said for the hundredth time
"What are you apologizing for?" Kim replied, "this is perfect" she finished and nuzzled into his chest.
"I just really love you, don't you ever forget" he smiled
"I'll try not to" Kim smirked 
"Well this should help" John smiled and pulled out a piece of string, causing Kim to laugh.
He took her left index finger and tied the strong around it. It still hadn't clicked to Kim. 
"This string will always remind you then, whenever you forget look down" john smiled
Kim joined his smile and pressed her lips against his. 
John lifted the excess string and slid a ring down it and onto her finger.
As they pulled away Kim looked down and gasped and then looked at John wide eyed 
"Cornelius?" She asked 
"I am yours and you are mine, Kimberley, you are unlike anyone I've ever met before, I want you to be an O'Callaghan, will you marry me?"
The two danced in the rain before heading home to enjoy a wonderful night together. She remembered it so clearly and now it was all coming true.
She ran her hands over her dress again and touched just below her eyes, fearing something was out of place. She wanted to look perfect for him. 
There was a knock on the door and her father popped his head in.
"it's time my darling" he smiled. Kim returned the smile and tool his hand as he helped her out into the foyer.

After the bridesmaids had joined the groomsmen at the alter Kim took a breath. It was finally happening. 
She held her breath as 'By Your Side' by Ivory started playing. The doors opened and everyone stood. Step by step Kim took one more step to her future. Her eyes scanned over the groomsmen standing their proudly. Pat, Jared, Garret, Kennedy and Eric. Each beaming at her, she was family. Finally her eyes landed on John. He was trying to keep his wide smile and fears at bay but was failing, making her tear up as well. 
John took her hand from her father. This was his gorgeous wife. Till the end of time, she was his and he was hers.

A knock at the door broke her train of thought. It opened to reveal nick. He was taking her to the meeting. And Kim was brought back down to reality. 
♠ ♠ ♠
So guys I'm feeling a little ehh with my story writing and this sorry ATM, maybe you could encourage me with comments? Coz right now I have no motivation or drive and I get like one comment a chapter??
Not to be whinny but I just don't have motivation for this

So just another bleh chapter but I really like it, it shows a little more cute John and Kim with a nice contrast at the end
Excuse any grammar errors, I restyled this really quick because my iPod deleted it

Love y'all xox