
and I don't want to sleep

"come on man, I'm fine going alone, don't set me up with some of your sloppy seconds" John groaned with a chuckle as he threw his head back 
"why don't you trust me? I have not laid a hand on this girl" Kennedy chuckled 
"sober anyway" he finished with a wink and John pushed him earning a laugh from both of them.
"I know your lying, how do you know her?" John asked
"She lived next door to me growing up, from what I know she still lives next door to my parents, bumped into her the other day and we thought we should catch up"
"and you didn't want your friend to be the awkward alone third wheel on this trip" John smirked
"weeellll...." Kenny dragged out, trying to look innocent 
Before John could take another sly rack at him, a honk was heard from outside
"be nice" Kennedy warned with a laugh as he opened the door, revealing a petite blonde girl with sunglasses covering her eyes.
"Kim!" Kennedy smiled and hugged the girl before leading her into the house.
"oh excuse my manners" he smirked, "Kim this is John, John meet Kim" 
"hey" Kim smiled and put her hand out
"nice to finally meet you" John replied, shaking her small hand.
As Kennedy explained the plans to her, John took a moment to asses the girl he'd be set up on a 'blind date' with. 
She was much shorter than him, and her legs were not long tan and spotless like his last girl. His eyes travelled up her body, resting at her waist, it was petit and only emphasized her chest, which wasn't large but was decent, smaller than his past girl. 
He was always used to having caramel brunet girls, sprinkled with salon highlights and flowing hair down to their waist, but the girl that stood before him, smiling with his best friend, had blonde hair, just above her breasts. Freckles littered her nose and she had full pink lips. 
The sound of a phone broke Johns assessment.
"I'll grab it" Kennedy said and darted out of the room.
"so your joining us on this trip" John asked
"yep, seems like it" Kim smiled and turned to John. It was the first time he caught a glimpse of her eyes. Bright blue, not crystal, just like the far ocean you see when you look out from the beach. 
Kim noticed a perculier look on his face.
"if you don't want to me to come I wont, Kennedy just asked me..."
"it's just Kenny thought i needed someone to keep me from being awkward wheeling however many people come" John said
"wow I was not told this, paired up before I even got to see the other fish in the ocean" Kim smiled 
John smirked back.
Little did they know, that, that was the start, of John and Kim

Kim's alarm had gone off for the fourth time that morning, but yet she still refuse to get out of bed. The blankets were wrapped tightly around her and if she closed her eyes tight enough, she could almost imagine the soft blankets were Johns strong arms, wrapped around her. 
Her phone buzzed from the pillow opposite her, sending the vibration through the bed.
His side was still made up, like it always was since he left. 
The harsh light of her phone made her  squint her eyes as she read the text message.
She replied with, 'use your key' 
and dropped the phone down next to her. She heard the door open and close and footsteps coming towards her room.
"hey" they said softly
"hi" she replied bluntly 
He pushed her legs aside and sat down 
"how you doing?" he asked
Kim was fed up with that question.
"how the fuck do you think I'm doing Nick?" Kim growled, sitting up, "I'm fucking going through a messy divorce with the love of my life and just to place the cherry on top, all my friends decided to ditch me, hearing the parts of the story they wanna hear to feel less guilty" she finished
"I didn't leave" Nick replied
"oh cut the bullshit nick, I saw you walk out that night, you took his side, just like the rest of them" Kim snapped and swung her legs out of bed and made her way to her joined bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror.
"but I came back didn't I?" he said, appearing in the reflection
"I don't see why" Kim glared
"look Kim, the way I see it, your not currently in the best position to be pushing people away, I can't see a line out the door for people who wanna be your friend" Nick snapped back with fustration
"yeah? Then why are you here? To make your self feel better? Or maybe to run and tell him what a fucking mess I am" Kim choked back
Nick finally tool notice of the tears pricking in her eyes and the dark circles appearing under them. Her hair had lost its vibrancy and she just looked sick. She reminded him of other friend who looked similar. 
He still didn't understand why these two were hurting each other so much.
"because, no matter what happened between you two, you don't deserve no one" he said softly 
Kim offered a small smile in return.
"come on get dressed, I'll drive you to Patrick's" Nick offered
"how'd you...?"
"your calendar was marked" he replied

The ride was silent to the offices. They pulled up into the car park and Kim stiffened up.
"hey, you'll be okay, do you want me to come in?" 
Kim shook her head no, " thanks nick, just wait here"
Nick nodded and watched the broken girl walk into the building.
He didn't know what brought him back, he was on Johns side for this mess, he had to be, but he felt bad for her, she needed someone. 

Kim walked into Patrick's office and saw him stressing over papers.
"hey" she said, pulling him away from the papers 
"Kim? Please tell me you've signed the papers?" 
Kim swallowed and looked down, thinking of the papers on her desk waiting for her signature to be swiped under his.
"come on Kim! I've got this other lawyer breathing down my neck, they just want this over with"
Kim felt the tears prick in her eyes. Other lawyer, Johns lawyer, they wanted it over with.
"I'll get them to you" she managed to get out
"well I'm gonna tell you now, its not going to be an easy spilt, alot of assets and money to spilt" he said, running his hands through his hair
Kim just nodded, feeling sick to her stomach. 
"we'll work it out" she replied
They sorted out a few more details and Kim managed to hold it together.
It was going to get real messy, she just hoped her body could get through it. 
♠ ♠ ♠
So guys just a bit of a filler and excuse punctuation, was typed on my iPod
And I gotta work on writing longer chapters, sorry!
The next two chapters are the ones you've all been waiting for!
But I would like at least 7 -10 comments to post it

Also listen to the song that's the inspiration :)

Hope you like it!
And new clues you've picked up on?