
til I remember lending softer ears to my lungs

"Seriously Kim?! After everything we went through I thought we were gonna fix this?" he yelled
"I'm sorry John! What else do you want me to say!?" Kim cried 
"Fuck" he said running his hands through his hair
"Please!" she huffed, "like your the poster husband, you fucked up to!"
Johns head snapped towards her, "don't you dare turn this on me! This is your fuck up, we promised we'd come home and get through it" he yelled jabbing his finger in her face
"It was a mistake! I was upset and lonely and..." she started 
"Okay so next time I'm not feeling too great I'll go fuck one of your friends huh?" John seethed
"It wasn't like that!" Kim yelled 
"Then what was it like Kim? His dick just fell into you?" he growled back, normally a smirk would appear on his face at a comment like that but there wasn't so much as a raised eyebrow, just eyes full of hatred and anger.
Kim looked down and played with her sleeves, unable to look at him.
He sighed and threw his hand in her face.
"I can't even look at you" 
"What..." Kim started but John had grabbed his stuff and ran out the door, slamming it in the process causing Kim to jump.

She was nursing a cup of tea between her hands when John came home not 2 hours later.
He came into the kitchen with his coat still on.
"John I'm..."she started but he cut her off
"You know, I've been thinking about this for quiet a while, I was hoping to throw them out" he said, glaring at the distressed girl.
"I'm fucking done with you, this marriage was a mistake, the lies, the disloyalty, it's over" he hissed and threw the yellow envelope at her feet and stormed out again, leaving her heart shattered.

John placed a cigarette between his lips as he walked. He had promised Kim that he would quit, but apparently promises didn't mean anything in their marriage. He inhaled the soothing smoke into his lungs and blew it into the sky. Johns mind replayed what had just happened. His mother would be mad at him, his father would act strong for him and his brothers would pretend nothing was wrong. None of them had to deal with it like he did. He imagined her collapsing on the floor in a pool of tears, her hands pulling her hair at the roots. The one thought that would continuously pass through her mind would be why why why. He knew her all to well. 
No one understood John choosing Kim, plenty of drop dead gorgeous girls threw themselves at him but he still remained true to her. His answer was always the same, 'she's real and I love her'. Regardless of what other people said it was true, John loved Kim with his whole body and soul and she was the most beautiful girl inside and out to him. 
He didn't know where they went wrong
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is usual but I needed to put this update out
I said I wouldnt update unless I got 7 comments and I got 3 :(

Changed the title just FYI, I'm still not completely satisfied, suggestions for a title?

Guys I'm updating for you! I have school work to do and I could abandon this story
The next chapter is the first encounter since the divorce!

I'm sure you all wanna read that!!
So 7 comments and I'll update
This time I mean it

Thanks for those who comment everytime!!