
Somewhere In The Space Between

She laid there, her beautiful brownish green eyes closed with delicate, fragile eyelids framed with long, slender blackish eyelashes. Her high left cheekbone was pressed firmly into the silken soft fabric of the thousand thread count sheets and her ruby-red plump lips were pursed gently as she slept. The large and antiquely ornate headboard, made of oak and stained to look like a dark maple, was leaning right up against the moderately beige walls. Jonathan, with his boyishly wavy deep-chestnut brown hair, grey-blue steely eyes that, if you looked hard enough, seemed as though they spanned the entire timeline of the world as they were wracked with suffering and compassion, and his hard-working, but gentle calloused hands, was lying peacefully beside her. One muscled arm had maneuvered itself to drape languidly across Katarina's own subtly toned arm, but neither roused from their sleep-filled trances. At this awkward, glorious, Earth-shattering moment of time, it didn't matter if they weren't in love; it wouldn’t even matter if they fell long and hard for the other's warm yet cautious comforting embraces, if they melted into a puddle of romantic mush whenever the other drew near. They were simply professional business associates, who couldn't control what their comfort-deprived bodies adhered to in an unconscious state. Even if they were soul mates, should such a term still exist in this new, despicable Utopia, they would push the other away for as long as was necessary to prevent any unwelcome instances to occur.
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It's supposed to leave you with questions, so hopefully it accomplished that.
Please comment telling me what you liked and what you didn't, I appreciate them immensely :)
And thanks just for reading!