In for a Ride

Leaving Boston

I took the mail from my mailbox and went inside. I sat down at the table as I read each envelope. I found what I was looking for. It was the letter that would get me out of the house with my aunt. I opened the envelope and read the print. I began to smile to myself. I had a brother. I grabbed the home phone and called the number that was on the paper. It rang twice before someone answered it.

“Hello?” The voice spoke.

“Um, hi. I am Kaylee Greene. I was given this number to call about my brother. His name is Ryan Dunn. My mom died and I need somewhere to live.” I was so nervous. I was telling someone I didn’t know that my mom died and I needed a place to stay. My aunt was psycho. That was why I didn’t want to live here.

“Do I know you?” the person asked.

“Um, no. According to records, we have the same dad.” I spoke nervously.

“Well ok. I wasn’t aware that my dad had another kid. Oh, this is Ryan by the way. So what do you need help with?” Ryan asked me.

“Uh, a place to stay?”

“So you want me to send you some money?” Ryan questioned.

“No, a place to stay. Like living with someone.” I told him.

“Do you not like living by yourself or something?” Ryan asked me.

“No, I am only fifteen. I can’t live by myself yet.” It was silent for a few minutes.

“Where do you live now?” Ryan asked.

“In Boston, Massachusetts.” I answered.

“Alright, you can move here, but I live with a few friends. I don’t think they will care. Do you have a lot of stuff to bring or not?” I answered no. “Do you have money for a plane ticket?” I once again answered no. “So, I will get you a ticket for the next flight to Philadelphia. Is that alright?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah, that works.” I was smiling to myself. I would be leaving this place.

Ryan said he would call back with the time of the next flight. I ran to my room and through what little I had in a bag. I managed to get everything of mine in the bad before the phone rang. I grabbed my bag and ran to the living to answer the phone.



“This is her.”

“Your flight leaves in thirty minutes. Can you make it?” Ryan asked me. I thought about it. If I got a taxi, then I would be there within ten minutes. If I walked, it would take about twenty-five. I decided to go with the taxi.

“Yeah, I can make it.” I answered Ryan’s questions.

“Alright, see you in a little bit.” Ryan spoke.
I said bye and put the phone back on charger. I then remembered that I needed to call a taxi. I grabbed the phone book and looked up a taxi company. I dialed the number and spoke to who answered the phone. I gave them the address to my aunt’s house. A few minutes later and I hung up the phone. I had only ten dollars. It should be enough, but I wasn’t risking it. I looked throughout the living room for money that my aunt hid. I found a dollar and two cents. I heard a horn honk, so I took that money and my bag. I ran outside to the waiting taxi. I got in and told the driver to go to the airport.

“Leaving the crazy lady’s house?” the taxi driver asked as he drove towards the airport.

“Hell yeah I am. That is my aunt and I can’t stand to live with her.” I told the driver.

The taxi drive chuckled. “Don’t blame you.”

It was quiet the rest of the way. He pulled up in front of the airport and I opened the door to get out.

“How much do I owe you?” I asked the guy.

“Nada. I know your aunt. You are quite young and probably need the money.” The driver smiled at me.

“Um, thanks.” I got my bag and got out of the taxi. I went inside the airport. I went and got in line for the tickets. I had no clue what to ask for when it was my turn.

“Um, my brother got me a ticket to Philadelphia.” I told the lady. She asked for my name and I told her. The ticket had been under my name. I did what I had to do before I got on the jet. I had a first class ticket. There was only a few other people in first class. I put my bag above and sat down in my seat. I put my seatbelt on and got comfortable. There was still five minutes left before we took off. I stared out the window and looked at Boston. I would be soon leaving here. I had never liked this place. Mom did though. I began to think about mom until a voice came over the intercom. I listened to what the person said. A few minutes later and we were in the air. I glanced out the window again. I liked how high it was, and how the sky looked. I smiled to myself. I began to think about my life. How mom loved taking me places. She loved taking me to amusement parks. She probably had more fun then I did. My mom and I were close. It depressed me so bad when I was told that she had died. It was one of those ‘at the wrong place, at the wrong time’ things. She was walking home from work like she always did. This time though, she didn’t make it home. A drunk driver swerved to miss hitting a cat, lost control, and ended up hitting my mom. That was what the police told me at least. I was then sent to live with my aunt because I was under aged. This all happened just two weeks ago. My aunt didn’t let me take some of my stuff. She said ‘it was junk and I didn’t need it’. I wasn’t allowed to go through my mom’s stuff either. All my pictures are at my old house. A guy my mom worked with had told me that he would keep all the stuff until I was older so I could have it. I was thankful for that.

A voice came over the intercom once again. This time we were landing. I hadn’t realize how fast time passes when you are thinking about something. I glanced at the scenery when we landed. The plane stopped and I grabbed my bag. I got off the plane and followed the people in front of me. I then realized that I didn’t know what Ryan looked like. He didn’t know what I looked like either. I began looking around at people, and trying to figure out who Ryan might me. I chuckled to myself when I saw a guy holding a sign that said ‘K. Green.’ written in green. I guess that was for me. I smiled as I walked over to him. I began to get nervous. What if he didn’t like me? What if he sent me back to live with my aunt? The closer I got, the more nervous I became.
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new story that i thought of at 1 in the morning! haha. i will put character up in a little bit



also check out the other Jackass story I have. My friend and I are writing it =)
Viva la Jackass