In for a Ride

Get Out

Raab and I spent the rest of the night playing video games. We both had fell asleep on the floor. It was around two in the morning when we fell asleep, and the guys weren’t back yet.

I woke up around eight in the morning. I sat up and stretched. My back ached since I slept on the floor. I glanced beside me to find Raab asleep. I realized that there was a blanket over the both of us. One of the guys must of covered us up whenever they got back. I pulled the blanket off of me and stood up. I noticed that Ryan was sleeping sprawled out on the couch. One of his legs were hanging off the couch and touching the floor. He was about to fall off the couch. I went over to him and moved him enough so he wouldn’t fall. I then found a blanket and put it over him. I went upstairs to my room and grabbed a change of clothes before going to the bathroom. I took a quick shower since I didn’t know if any of the guys would wake up needing to use the bathroom. They usually came to the upstairs one if the other bathroom had someone in it.

I went to my room and grabbed the skateboard that Bam gave me. I went back downstairs and outside. I began skating around in the driveway. I kept skating until a car was coming up the driveway. I recognized it to be Don Vito. I went and stood by the door as I waited for him to park his car and get out. Once he got out, he began talking. He was saying something about me skateboarding and being like Bam. Most of the time I didn’t understand a word he said.

“Where is Bam?” Vito asked.

I shrugged. “I guess inside asleep.”

“How do you not know? You live here with him don’t you!?” Vito yelled. He had his gibberish between words.

“Technically, I live here with Ryan.” I answered him.

Don Vito then began talking about how a beautiful girl like me was related to Ryan. I ignored him and went inside. I went to the living room where Raab and Ryan had been. Raab wasn’t in the room, but Ryan was still asleep. I heard Vito in another room yelling about something. I went to the Pirate Bar and found Raab.

“Can you get rid of Vito? He is starting to annoy me.” I complained to Raab. He laughed.

“I doubt I can. Maybe if we stay down here he won’t look for us. He can bother the others. They will be hung over anyway. They will probably just destroy his car.” Raab told me.

“I really hope he bothers them. I already had to listen to him for about five minutes. I only understood a few things he said.” I laughed.

“Yeah, nobody can ever understand him.” Raab told me before changing the subject. “Don’t you have school tomorrow?”

“Fuck! Yeah, I do.” I groaned.

“It won’t be that bad.” Raab laughed.

“How do you know?” I glared at him.

“I don’t. I was just saying.” Raab chuckled. I continued glaring at him until we heard glass breaking upstairs. Raab and I glanced at each other before running upstairs to see what was happening. Raab stopped me once he found a shattered plate. “Be careful Kaylee. There is glass all over the floor.”

I followed Raab around the broken plates. There was actually three in all. I heard arguing in the living room. I stayed behind Raab as we entered the living room. Ryan was now wide awake. Bam was standing in the middle of the living room yelling at a blonde girl. Vito was sitting in a chair and yelling. Nobody was paying attention to him though.

“I said to get the fuck out.” Bam yelled.

“Why?” The girl yelled.

“It’s my fuckin’ house! You already broke plate by throwing them at me! Get out before you cause more trouble.” Bam yelled back.

I jumped when I felt an arm go around my waist. I turned to see Novak beside me now. Dico was standing behind me. I glanced back to the drama in the living room.

“What is your fucking problem Bam? What did I ever do to you?!” The girl shouted.

“What did you do to me? Should I start naming everything off?! First of all, you cheated on me.” Bam yelled at her.

“Like you didn’t cheat either!” The girl smacked Bam across the face.

“GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. NOW!” Bam shouted.

“Make me!” the girl yelled back.

“Jen, get out now. You’ve already caused a scene.” Ryan spoke.

“Fuck off.” Jen yelled. “None of you can make me leave.”

“We can call the cops.” Bam glared at her.

“Go ahead. I will say that you were being abusive.” Jen glared back.

“Who the fuck would believe you! There is what…six witnesses?” Bam spoke.

“Do you have your phone on you?” Novak whispered to me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I handed it to Novak. He handed it to Dico. Dico went away from the living room to use the phone. I knew he was going to call the police.

“I’ll show them the shattered plates.” Jen crossed her arms over her chest.

“Well, you left a mark on my face from hitting me!” Bam yelled at her.

“I doubt the police will believe you.” Jenn growled.

I was tired of hearing the yelling. Vito had shut up to listen to the argument. I walked around Raab.

“Kaylee!” he hissed. I ignored him and went over by Bam’s side. Ryan was on my other side quickly. I knew that none of the guys would let her hurt me.

“Who is this slut?” Jen glared at me.

“Why don’t you shut the fuck up? You are giving me a headache. You probably are giving everyone a headache. Just fuckin’ leave. It’s Bam’s house.” I told her.

“Who says you can tell me what to do?” Jen asked.

“Just get out.” I glared.

“You don’t scare me little girl.” Jen smirked.

“What are you gonna do? Hurt me?” I questioned her.

“I might.” she grinned.

“Go right ahead. Hit me.” I smirked.

“Don’t you dare touch her.” Ryan glared.

“Why? Is she your slut? She is probably cheating on you then.” Jen smiled politely.

I began laughing. “Ryan is my brother. None of the guys will let you hit me. And if you do, you’ll be in trouble for hitting a minor.” Jen’s eyes went wide. “So, do you plan on hitting me? Are you going to leave? Are you going to wait for the police? I doubt the police will believe you.”

Jen glared at me. “You’re a fucking bitch. You probably are just like the guys.”

“It takes a bitch to know a bitch.” I smirked. “And I am kinda like the guys.”

“Jen, will you get the fuck out.” Bam stated as he ran his hand through his hair.

“I will sit here on the couch and wait for the cops.” Jen spoke as she sat down.

Bam groaned. “Fucking wonderful.” I gave Bam a hug.

Vito left the room, so Bam sat down in the chair. He pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap. Ryan was sitting on the arm of the chair. Novak was leaning against the wall. Raab was sitting on the floor. Dico had gave me my phone back before going to the door to wait for the police. It wasn’t long before Dico gave back to the living room with the police.

“What is going on here?” one of the officers asked. Bam began telling what happened. Jen kept trying to interrupt, but the officer told her to wait her turn. Once Bam was done, Jen began talking. You could tell that she was making stuff up. Once she was done, the other officer took us to a separate room to tell what happened. I told him exactly what I heard and saw. I went back to the living room and sat back down on Bam’s lap. The officer took Raab next. After about ten minutes the officers talked to us. Jen was caught in her lies. The officers arrested her for peace disturbance and hitting Bam. Once the police left it was quiet in the room. Vito had left. I was still sitting on Bam’s lap. He had his face buried in my neck. Ryan was still sitting on the arm of the chair. Raab and Novak were now sitting on the couch. Dico was leaning against the wall.

“I have a headache.” I groaned as I broke the silence. The guys laughed. They all agreed except Raab.

“I’m tired.” Bam mumbled into my neck. He held me closer to him.

“I’m hungry.” Raab spoke. As if on cue, my stomach growled. The guys laughed once again.

“Sounds like you’re hungry.” Ryan poked me.

“Well, I haven’t ate, so that is probably why.” I rolled my eyes.

“You should probably eat. You are so skinny.” Bam poked my stomach. Ryan poked me again. Then Bam did. They kept poking me.

“Stop poking me!” I frowned. Instead they kept poking me. Novak came over and sat down on my lap. He also began poking me. “Stop it!” I laughed. Dico and Raab joined in. “Please stop.” I giggled. I tried moving, but it didn’t work. Bam was still holding onto me while Novak was still sitting on me. “You guys are mean.” I whined. Raab poked me a few more times before stopping. He said he was going to get something to eat. Ryan got off the arm of the chair and left the room also. Dico, Novak, and Bam kept poking me until they all stopped. They were then staring at me. “What?” I asked. Dico messed up my hair before saying that he was going back to sleep. Novak and Bam started smiling at me. “What?!” I asked again. Bam and Novak began tickling me. I tried to move away from them the best as I could. Novak got off of me. He had his hands right above my knees. I knew what he was planning on doing. I began squirming around. Novak smirked and began tickling me. Bam was now tickling my sides. I was laughing so hard that I was crying. I could barely breathe. “Oh my God, stop please.” I managed to get out between breaths. Novak stopped and smirked again.

“Okay, I will for now. I will tickle you more later.” He messed up my hair also before leaving the living room.

I sighed of relief and then realized I was on Bam’s lap still. I tried to jump up, but Bam grabbed a hold of me.

“Where are you going?” Bam smirked.

“Nowhere.” I giggled.

Bam pulled me back so I was leaning against him. His hands were resting on my stomach. His head was on my shoulder.

“I’m tired.” Bam mumbled.

“You already told me this. Go to sleep then.” I laughed.

“But I don’t wanna.” he whined.

“Stop being whiney and go to sleep.” I rolled my eyes.

He stood up with me.

“What are you doing?” I asked him as he carried me out of the living room and upstairs.

“Going to sleep.” Bam stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“I’m not tired. Put me down.” I stared at him.

“Nope.” Bam went into his room. He kicked the door closed before going to the bed. He laid me down on the bed. Instead of walking around to the other side, he climbed over me. He pulled me against his chest.

“Bam, I’m going to tell Ryan that you are being mean.” I groaned.

“No! Don’t do that.” Bam quickly sat up and was looking at me.

“Why?” I asked. I was so confused.

“Just don’t. Please.” Bam was staring at me.

I sighed. “Bam, I was joking.”

“Please, don’t though. Please stay in here with me.” I stared at him as I tried to figure out what was going on. Why did he not want me to tell Ryan? Bam sighed after a few minutes. “If you want to go you can.” I didn’t move. Instead I continued staring at him.

“Bam, what’s wrong?” I finally asked.

Bam laid back down on the bed. “It’s nothing.” he mumbled. I laid back down beside him. He seemed so sad. I planned on laying here until he fell asleep. I was then going to ask Ryan if he knew what was wrong with him.

Bam smiled a little as he pulled me over to him. He kissed my forehead before he closed his eyes. I laid there thinking as he slowly fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠

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