In for a Ride


“Wake up!” Bam was jumping on my bed. I groaned and put my pillow over my head. “Get the fuck up! It’s five in the afternoon. If you keep sleeping, you won’t sleep tonight, and you have school tomorrow! Also, it’s time to eat! Aren’t you going to eat anything today?!”

“Bam, fuck off.” I groaned. I hate people who wake me up and then are loud.

“Get your ass up then! Or I will find a way to get you up and you won’t like it!” Bam had stopped jumping on my bed.

“Fuck off and I will get up!” I yelled at him.

Bam jumped off my bed. “Fine! I will since you’re being a bitch.”

I sat up and threw my pillow at him. “Wait until Ryan hears what you just called me!” I shoved my way past Bam and ran downstairs to find Ryan.

“Wait! I didn’t mean it!” I heard Bam yelling at me. I still planned on telling Ryan though. Just to see what he says or does.

I found Ryan sitting at the table. He was eating. Raab and Dico were also sitting at the table.

“Ryan!” I pretended to cry. “Bam called me a bitch.” As soon as I told Ryan, Bam came into the kitchen.

“Bam! What the fuck man!” Ryan yelled at Bam. I turned around so I was facing Bam. I smirked.

“I was only messing around!” Bam quickly defended himself. I turned to face Ryan. Ryan was glaring at Bam.

“What the fuck did I tell you?!” Ryan shouted at Bam.

“I knew it!” I shouted in. “There is something that you aren’t telling me!” I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at Ryan. Ryan groaned before rubbing his hands down his face. Dico and Raab were quietly watching.

“Kaylee, it doesn’t really matter.” Ryan sighed.

“I know it had to do with last night.” I smirked. I remember Raab saying something about Dico, Bam, and Novak getting yelled at.

“Kaylee, I am just protecting you.” Ryan spoke. I waited for him to continue, but he didn’t.

“From what?!” I shouted. “You haven’t protected me yet!” Tears were streaming down my face. I realized I shouldn’t of said that. Ryan was frowning. Everyone else was silent. I shook my head as I walked past Bam and out of the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” Bam called after me. I ignored him and kept walking. I didn’t hear footsteps behind me, so I knew he didn’t follow.

I went outside and just walked wherever. I didn’t really have a clue to what I was doing. Novak was outside smoking and on the phone. Once he saw me, he told the person he would call them back and walked towards me.

“What’s wrong?” Novak asked.

“Everything.” I mumbled as I walked past him.

“Where are you going?” he was walking beside me. I shrugged. He brought me into a hug. I tried to get away from him, but he wasn’t letting go. I decided to give up since it was pointless. I rested my head on his chest. “It will be alright Kaylee. I promise.” He kissed the top of my head. I glanced up at him.

“How do you know everything will be okay?” I questioned him as I wiped the tears away that were on my cheeks.

“Because everything usually turns out alright at the end.” he smiled a little. I smiled a little. Novak kissed my forehead before leaning down to kiss me. I closed my eyes and kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. It lasted for a few minutes before he pulled away from me. Our foreheads were together as we caught our breath. He smiled and I smiled back. He kissed me one more time before he said he was hungry. He took a hold of my hand and lead me into the house. We went into the kitchen. Bam was in there eating. The other guys were no longer there. I sat down as Novak went and got hamburgers for the both of us. He came back and sat a plate down in front of me. He then kissed the top of my head before sitting down next to me. I thanked him for the food. Bam was glaring at him.

“You should probably apologize to Ryan.” Bam sneered.

“I’m going to.” I sighed.

“Yeah, well you probably should. He let you come here to live, bought you stuff, fought to keep you here, and has been looking out for you.” Bam said as he stood up.

“I know.” I sighed once again. Bam put his plate in the sink and left the kitchen.

“So, what exactly happened?” Novak asked. I told him everything that happened.

“I regretted saying that to him.” I told Novak.

“He probably knows that you didn’t mean it. You need to talk to him.” I agreed with Novak.

“I will go talk to him now.” I told Novak as I ate the last bite of my hamburger. I put my plate in the sink and walked back over to Novak. I kissed his cheek before going to find Ryan.

I searched downstairs for Ryan before going upstairs to his room. I knocked on his bedroom door. I didn’t hear anything so I opened it. He wasn’t in there either. I went back downstairs and outside to the casino. I heard voices as I got closer. It was Bam and Ryan. They were talking about me. I sat down by the tree where they couldn’t see me.

“She didn’t even seem bothered that she told you that.” Bam spoke. “Just send her back to her aunt’s. She is being a bitch anyway. You should of saw her and Novak.”

“I know she didn’t mean it Bam. I am not sending her back to her aunt’s. You saw what her aunt did to her. And don’t call her a bitch. She is only fifteen. What about Novak? I told him the same thing as I told you. He knows not to hurt her or do anything to her.” Ryan spoke. I now knew why Bam didn’t want me to say anything. Ryan didn’t want any of them hurting me.

“Well they were all close.” Bam stated.

“He knows that I will kick his ass if he hurts her. You know that to. Are you jealous or something? I’m pretty sure she thinks of you as a brother.” Ryan told Bam.

“I’m not jealous. Dico is though.” Bam answered.

“The three of you are all jealous. I saw how you each look at her. I don’t like it. She is my little sister. You are all also older than her.” I thought about what Ryan said. I realized it was true. They each treated me different. Bam has said I love you. And I kissed both Novak and Dico. I’ve been so oblivious.

“We are older than her by what…five years?” Bam asked.

“So? She will probably find someone she likes at school. Someone her own age.” Ryan reasoned with Bam.

“Whatever. I’m going to go skate.” Bam said.

I stood up and quietly got behind the tree so Bam wouldn’t see me. I watched as he walked off to his house. I waited a few minutes before quietly go in the casino.

“Hey Ryan.” I murmured. Ryan glanced over at me from where he was sitting down. He patted the spot next to him so I sat there. “I’m sorry.” I quickly apologized. “I didn’t mean it. I know you’ve been taking care of me and you are doing a good job.”

Ryan put his arm over my shoulder. “I know you didn’t mean it.”

“I’m still sorry.” I spoke.

“It’s alright. I forgive you.” Ryan reassured me. “Let’s get out of the house. Where do you want to go?” I shrugged. “Well, I don’t think a bar is a good idea.” Ryan laughed. I also did.

“No, I don’t think so either.” I agreed. “Movies?”

“Sure. Sounds like a good idea. Go get your shoes on and we will go!” Ryan grinned. I hugged him before taking the zip line down and running to the house.


Ryan and I talked as we waited for the movie to start. We were seeing some horror movie that was suppose to be scary. The lights began to dim and we got silent. I ate my popcorn as I watched the previews to movies. Every time I liked one, I told Ryan I wanted to see it. He said he would probably take me to see it. I knew he probably would.

Once the movie was over, we went back to the house. It was nine at night now and I needed to go to sleep soon. Ryan and I talked about how lame the movie was. It wasn’t even scary. It was more of a bad comedy movie with monsters.

I went to my room once we got back. I got a change of clothes before going to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I got ready for bed. I found Ryan and gave him a hug.

“Love you Ry.” I smiled as I went back to my room.

“Love you too Kaylee.” Ryan yelled a few seconds later. I laughed. I closed my bedroom door and got in bed. Maybe things would be alright. Hopefully school would be good tomorrow too.
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