In for a Ride


Ryan came into my room the next morning to wake me up. I didn’t want to get out of bed since it was only seven in the morning. Ryan had told me that he didn’t want me to be late on the first day of school. I slowly got dress. I found my backpack and put everything I needed into it. I then went to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

I yawned as I sat at the table and ate my cereal. My backpack was now sitting on the floor beside the chair. I had twenty minutes before I had to go to school. I stared at my cereal as I stirred it around in my bowl. I finally ate it.

“You don’t look to happy.” Bam commented.

“No shit.” I mumbled. Bam chuckled.

I got up and put my bowl in the sink.

“Ready to go?” Ryan asked as he walked into the kitchen. I shrugged. “Well then, let’s go.” I grabbed a Rockstar energy drink before grabbing my backpack and following Ryan outside. Ryan was walking to the hummer.

“Why are we taking Bam’s hummer?” I asked Ryan.

“Because the guys insisted on going.” Ryan shook his head. As if on cue, the guys came running out of the house.

“Shotgun!” Raab yelled.

“I called shotgun before you came outside!” Ryan laughed. We all got in the car.

“Ready to go?” Bam asked all of us. We all said yes. Bam sped off to the school, which would be my hell.


“Are you sure you can find your way around?” Ryan asked one more time. I told him I could. “I’ll be here to pick you up when you get out.” I responded with an okay. The guys told me to have a good day.

I sighed as I turned around and faced the school. I didn’t want anyone to know that I knew the guys. Everyone then would want to be my friend. Thankfully, nobody seemed to pay attention. I walked towards the front doors. I made my way inside. Everyone seemed to be talking to their group of friends. I made my way to the office to pick up my schedule. I got to the office and waited patiently for my turn since two kids were in front of me. When it was my turn, I realized that the lady was at least in her mid-twenties.

“How may I help you?” she asked kindly.

“Um, I need my schedule. I am new here.” I spoke loud enough for her to hear. She asked for my name and I gave it to her. She flipped through some files before finding a sheet of paper. She glanced over it before handing it to me.

“Do you need help finding your classes?” she asked.

“Um, maybe.” I answered as I scanned over my schedule. My first class was geometry.

“Eric? Can you help Ms. Greene find her classes?” the lady spoke. I glanced up to see a tall guy with blonde hair. He was muscular and had blue eyes.

“Sure.” Eric smiled.

I followed Eric out of the office. I stayed quiet.

“What class do you have first?” Eric asked me.

“Geometry.” I smiled a little since he was staring at me.

“Cool, my sister does too.” Eric smiled. It didn’t take long for us to get to geometry class. “Here you go. If you need any help as my sister. Her name is Alana.” Eric pointed to a girl with long blonde hair. She was sitting on a table and talking to the people around her.

“Thanks.” I mumbled. I made my way into the class. I went to the teacher. He was an older man with a head full of grey hair. “Um, hi. I am new.” I spoke to the guy.

“Hi new, I am Mr. Collins, your geometry teacher.” he grinned.

“Um, my name is Kaylee.” I spoke shyly.

“Well Kaylee, go find a seat. The bell should ring in a few minutes. I will then get you what you need.” Mr. Collins told me. I nodded my head and headed to the back of the room. I sat down at the very back table in the corner. I took the chair closest to the wall. I realized that I should of put my backpack in my locker, but didn’t really care at the moment. I would just get out what I needed when I had to.

I laid my head down as I waited for the bell to ring. It finally did a few minutes later. Everyone in the class took their seats. Nobody was sitting by me. I was glad. Mr. Collins began talking about what we were learning today. He had everyone get their books out.

“Kaylee, I have your book up here.” Mr. Collins spoke. I got up and went to the front of the room. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. I took the book from Mr. Collins. “Kaylee is our new student.” Mr. Collins spoke. ‘Yeah, I am sure they figured that out by now.’ I thought to myself. I had my head down as I walked back to my spot. I sat down and stared at the book. Once Mr. Collins began talking again, I glanced up. Everyone was somewhat paying attention to him. I listened to him some. He then gave out the assignment which I wrote down in my notebook. The bell rang to dismiss class. I got up and walked to Alana. I tapped her lightly on the shoulder. She turned around to face me. She smiled a little.

“You’re Kaylee, correct?” she asked. I shook my head yes.

“You’re brother said to ask you if I needed any help finding my way around.” I spoke.

“Oh, sure. What class do you have next?” Alana asked as she got all of her stuff together.

“Chemistry.” I told her once I checked my schedule.

“Okay. I need to stop by my locker first. Then I will show you the way.” Alana spoke as she began walking out of the classroom. I followed her.

“Could you help me find my locker also?” I asked shyly.

“Sure, what’s your locker number?” Alana asked. I found it on my schedule.

“Locker 202.” I answered her.

“Awesome. That is right next to mine.” Alana grinned. I smiled back.

We soon got to our lockers. I opened my locker and put my geometry book in it. I then took out my notebook and pencil out of my backpack before putting it in my locker. I closed the door.

“To chemistry we shall go!” Alana began skipping. I followed behind her.

“So you have chemistry?” I asked her.

“No, sorry. I have piano class next.” Alana spoke. “I will meet you here though once class is over with. I will then show you your next class.”

“Thanks.” I smiled. I then went into chemistry. I went to the desk of the teacher. It was a skinny man with brown hair and eyes.

“I’m Kaylee, and I am new.” I spoke to the teacher.

“Nice to meet you. I am Mr. Klutz, and yes, I can be a klutz.” He grinned. I realized that this was chemistry class and him being a klutz didn’t seem to go together. “I’m kidding about the last part. If I was klutzy, I wouldn’t have this job. Just find a seat. We are starting a new lesson today.”

I quickly took my seat since the bell rang. Not many people were in the class. Maybe twelve. I sat at a table in the middle since the other tables were full. A tall guys with black hair sat down at the same table. He didn’t say anything though. Mr. Klutz started the class. I took notes throughout the class. That was pretty much it. We didn’t have an assignment for that class. The bell rang and I got up. I went to the door to find Alana.

“Next?” she asked once she saw me.

“Spanish.” I answered her. We walked to her locker. She got her stuff before she led me to the classroom for Spanish. I thanked her again.

“I’ll meet you by our lockers.” she spoke before running off to her next class. The teacher wasn’t in the class room so I sat down quietly. There were only three other people in the class. They didn’t even pay attention to me. The bell rang and a few more student entered the classroom. There was still no teacher. Finally an old lady walked in.

“Sorry, I am late class. Mrs. Lopez isn’t here today. She left a note saying to let you guys work on homework or watch a movie. Which will it be?” the substitute teacher asked. The class shouted movie. The teacher got the movie ready while a student took roll.

“Kaylee Greene?” the girl asked. I raised my hand. She smiled before going on down the list. I was glad I didn’t have to do much today.

Everyone got settled as the movie started. We were watching Finding Nemo. I laid my head down to sleep since I didn’t want to watch anything.
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next part will be up later. comments?