In for a Ride

You're Drunk

The rest of the day seemed to fly by. Alana helped me find the rest of my classes. At lunch I sat by myself at a table. Alana had went with her group of friends. Nobody seemed to pay attention to me. After lunch, my classes were English, geography, and photography class. I didn’t have a camera yet for photography. I would have to ask Ryan to get me one. I actually thought it would be fun to take pictures.

In photography, I sat next to a girl who didn’t speak much. She just smiled and continued doing her photo editing. I got to find pictures on the internet to edit. I did one of Ryan. Once I had it how I wanted it, I printed it. I was going to give it to Ryan as soon as class was over. I messed around on the internet until the final bell rang. I took the picture and put it in my notebook. I then made my way to my locker. Anything I didn’t need, I left in my locker. I put everything else in my backpack. I then went outside to find Ryan since he was picking me up. It didn’t take long to find him. I smiled as I made my way to the car. I opened the door and got in.

“I need a camera. Oh, I edited this picture of you also.” I told Ryan before he had a chance to say anything. I handed him the photo.

“That’s fucking awesome!” Ryan smiled as he glanced at the picture. “So, how was school?”

“Alright, I didn’t do much. Nobody paid attention to me either.” I answered.

“Okay, well let’s get you a camera and then we will head home.” Ryan spoke as he began driving toward a store.

It didn’t take us long to get to the store. I found the camera I wanted and we were out of there. It took us about half an hour just to do all that and get home.

“I’m going to be out here if you need anything.” Ryan told me as I got out of the car. I smiled as I walked towards the house. I went inside the house an placed my backpack by the door. First person I saw was Bam. He had a beer in his hand and was stumbling around. I could tell that he was drunk.

“Kaylee!” He sang drunkenly. He stumbled his way over to me.

“Hey Bam.” I smiled.

“I missed you.” Bam brought me into a hug. He smelt like cologne, cigarettes, and alcohol.

“I missed you too.” I awkwardly hugged him back. I tried to get away from him, but he wouldn’t let go. He walked us backwards until my back hit the wall.

“I love you Kaylee.” Bam whispered before kissing my cheek.

“Love you too. Now can I go get something to eat?” I asked him. A look of hurt flashed across his face before he smiled.

“Nope.” he smiled.

“Bam.” I groaned.

Bam kissed my cheek. He then began kissing down my neck to my collarbone. I tried to push him off of me. Instead he used one of his hands to pin my arms above my head. His other hand was on my hip.

“Bam.” I accidentally moaned. “Get off of me.” I spoke normal. He knew what he was doing to me.

“I love you so much Kaylee.” Bam whispered huskily in my ear.

“Bam, you’re drunk. Now get off of me.” I tried my best to get his drunk ass away. He stared in my eyes. “Please Bam.” He began looking from my eyes to my lips. I knew what he wanted. I noticed Novak was walking towards us. He was texting on his phone. “Brandon! Help me please?!” I shouted to him. Novak glanced up before coming over.

“Bam! Get off of her.” Novak grabbed a hold of him. Bam tightened his grip on my wrists.

“Bam, you’re hurting me.” I cried out. Bam saw the tears in my eyes and let go. Novak kept him away from me. I went upstairs to my room. I was now beginning to feel unsafe here. I didn’t want Ryan to know though. I sat down in front of my door. I began thinking once again. I knew Bam was drunk and didn’t mean it. I decided it would be best if I went outside by Ryan. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I grabbed my skateboard and headed downstairs. I went outside to find Ryan. I found him sitting down and smoking by his car.

“What’s up?” Ryan asked once he saw me.

“I’m bored.” I shrugged.

“Don’t you have homework?” he asked.

I glared at him. ”Yeah, but I don’t wanna do it.”

“And you are telling me that there is nothing to do here?” Ryan questioned.

“Pretty much.” I smiled. Ryan rolled his eyes.

“No, there is nothing to do! I wonder what I could do? Maybe skateboard? Or play arcade games? How about play video games or watch a movie? Isn’t there a casino in a tree that has a zip line!?” Ryan began naming stuff to do.

“Fine!” I laughed. “There is stuff to do. I just don’t want to.”

“Why not?” Ryan asked. I shrugged. “Why don’t you get your camera and take pictures?” He suggested. I thought about it.

“Okay. I need to charge the battery first though. Then I will come out here and take lots of picture of you!” I joked.

Ryan laughed. “Take as many pictures as you want. Doesn’t bother me none!“ I rolled my eyes.

I skated back to the house. My stuff was still near the door. I picked up my backpack and took it up to my room. I took out my camera and everything else with it. I plugged the charger in with the battery before I took out my homework. Luckily, I didn’t have much homework. I started on my homework to pass some time.
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here is the next chapter. sorry if it sucks. any comments?