In for a Ride


Ryan woke me up the next morning.

“Can’t I just stay in bed?” I groaned.

“It’s only the second day of school.” Ryan laughed. He left my room so I could get dress. I groaned once again as I got dress. I hated morning so much, especially when I had to go to school. As soon as I was done, I went downstairs to find Ryan. I told him I was ready to go, so we got in the car and left. Only Ryan took me today.

“Jess is picking you up today. The rest of us are going to be filming.” Ryan told me once he was at the school.

“Alright, that’s cool.” I told Ryan. Jess was pretty nice. I didn’t see him often anyway.

I got out of the car and went inside the school. I stopped at my locker before going to geometry. Alana didn’t say anything when she saw me in class. She smiled and went on talking to her friends. I took the same seat as I had yesterday. I took out my notebook for classes and began to draw. I knew today was going to be boring as well.

The rest of the day slowly went by. I was in my final class. I took my seat next to the same girl as yesterday. We were originally suppose to go for a walk and take pictures, but it had started raining around lunch time. I plugged the cord into my camera and to the computer so I could edit one of the pictures I took of Ryan.

“He is pretty awesome.” the girl next to me spoke which caused me to jump in my seat.

“Um, yeah he is. Coolest ever.” I spoke to her.

“I’m Skyler.” the girl spoke quietly.

“I’m Kaylee.” I introduced myself.

“You are new here, right?” Skyler asked.

“Yeah, haven’t been here long.” I smiled.

“So why exactly did you move here?” Skyler questioned.

“It’s a long story. I live with my older half-brother now though.” I told her. I left out the part that Ryan was my brother.

“Oh, my mom moved us here because of a job she took. I’ve been here for about a month now.” Skyler told me.

“People here aren’t that friendly are they?” I whispered to her. She shook her head no.

“At least they stay to their own business.” Skyler spoke.

I continued editing the photo of Ryan as Skyler and I talked.

“Kaylee Greene.” The teacher said my name. I glanced over at her. “Someone is here to pick you up.” I was screaming thank you to whoever was picking me up in my head.

“Well, I will talk to you tomorrow.” I told Skyler as I finished what I was doing.

“Sure. I will be here. Here is my number if you want to text me.” Skyler gave me a piece of paper with her number on it.

“Awesome. I will text you as soon as I get home.” I told her. I smiled as I picked up my bag and left the classroom. I smiled as I realized that I was making a friend. I took everything out of my locker I needed and into my bag. I then walked to the office. Jess was waiting for me. We walked outside and I grinned wide. “Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!” I said a little bit too loudly.

“For?” Jess laughed.

“Picking me up earlier. I was talking to someone though. Oh well, I don’t like school anyway.” I rambled.

“No problem. Ryan said you didn’t like school much so I decided to pick you up a little bit earlier.” Jess smiled. I hugged him and he hugged back.

“So where are we going?” I questioned as I got in his car.

“Either Ape’s or Castle Bam.” Jess spoke.

“Let’s see April.” I smiled.

“Good choice. She has been wanting to see you. Plus, nobody is at Bam’s. I don’t even know where they are.” Jess told me.

“It’s alright.” I told Jess as I dug around in my backpack. I found my camera. I turned it on and then took a picture of Jess.

“Wow, who got you a camera?” Jess asked as I took another picture of him.

“Ryan. Who else?” I laughed.

“Of course. Stop taking pictures!” Jess laughed.

“Fine. April will let me take pictures of her.” I stuck my tongue out at Jess. I took my phone out of my pocket and put Skyler’s number in my phone. I then sent her a quick text telling her that it was me. We arrived at April and Phil’s house. “Let’s cause some havoc!” I jumped out of the car.

“You have been around Ryan, Raab, Dico, Novak, and Bam too long.” Jess groaned. I smiled and skipped into the house. I found April in the kitchen baking cookies. I took a quick picture of her.

“Smells good April. Whatcha making?” I asked.

“Sugar cookies.” April smiled.

“Yummy! Can I have some?” I asked.

“Of course you can. Just after they are done though. How have you been?” April asked.

“Thank you! You’re the best! I’ve been pretty good.” I smiled. I sat down on a bar stool as I told her about the past two days of school.

“At least you made a friend.” April smiled.

“I know. We have a lot in common.” I grinned. Jess and Phil came into the kitchen.

“Hey Ape. We decided that Bam is no longer related to us. Kaylee does though.” Jess laughed.

“Yeah Ape. We have a daughter and son. Not two sons.” Phil agreed.

“Awesome” I smiled. “Now tell Bam that.” I laughed.

“Phil! Jesse!” April yelled at them.

“C’mon Ape, she doesn’t go around destroying stuff.” Phil told her.

“I rather her be related to me anyway.” Jess shrugged.

“Are you aware I live with psychos?” I asked April. I was taking the guys’ side.

“See! She agrees Ape. She knows they are crazy!” Phil shouted.

“Phil, we can’t just disown Bam.” April sighed.

“Yes we can!” Phil argued.

“You can what?” Bam asked as he and the rest of the crew came into the kitchen.

“What are you cooking Ape?” Raab asked.

“Speak of the devil!” Phil shouted. I laughed.

“What are you guys talking about?” Bam asked.

“Nothing. I am baking sugar cookies Raab.” April answered the questions.

“We are disowning you.” Phil blurted out. Jess and I cracked up laughing.

“Me?” Bam asked.

“No, we are talking about Dico!” I answered Bam. All the guys quickly became confused. “Yes, you Bam.” I rolled my eyes.

“Why are you disowning me for?” Bam questioned.

“We like Kaylee better.” Jess and Phil spoke. All the guys glanced over at me.

“And what do you think about this, Miss Kaylee?” Bam asked.

“I agree.” I grinned. Jess gave me a hi-five.

“What about me?” Ryan asked.

“Hey Phil, what about Ryan?” I asked Phil.

“No! Just you and Jess we claim.” Phil answered.

“You heard him.” I smiled at Ryan.

“Wow Kaylee. That’s mean.” Ryan shook his head.

“You are still my brother.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Hey! I got an idea!” Jess spoke. “How about I trade you Bam for Kaylee. Bam can be your brother and Kaylee my sister.”

“Wow! Really Jess?” Bam and Ryan yelled at the same time.

“No? Okay then. I guess you guys are stuck with Bam.” I told Phil and Jess. They both groaned.

“Cookies are done.” April announced. The guys raced over to April. “Ladies first.” April glared at them. I snickered as I pushed my way in front of the guys. I grabbed a huge handful of cookies, leaving only about half left.

“Kaylee!” The guys shouted at me. I took my cookies to the table and sat down to eat them. The guys then fought over the rest of the cookies. The guys finished their cookies when I was on my fifth cookie.

“Are you gonna share?” Ryan asked. I pretended to think about it before handing a cookie to Ryan.

“What about me?” Bam asked. I shook my head no.

“Can I have one?” Jess asked. He did pick me up from school early. I gave him one as well.

“What?!” the rest of the guys shouted.

I was full from eating cookies and I had three left. I gave one to Novak, one to April since she didn’t get any and one to Dico.

“Wow, seriously. Just leave me out!” Bam complained. I just shrugged. Raab didn’t even seem to care. Neither did Rake or Phil.

“Are all of you staying for dinner?” April asked once everyone was done eating cookies.

“Yes.” the guys answered. I shrugged since I had no clue.

“Alright, I will fix spaghetti then.” April told us. We left the kitchen to do whatever until it was dinner time. I went outside to text Skyler in the meantime.
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Skyler's outfit
