In for a Ride


The rest of the week slowly went by. Skyler and I were becoming good friends. I learnt that Skyler’s dad dies in a car accident a few years ago. Skyler and I had a lot in common. From music to movies, we liked the same things. After school today, Skyler was coming over. Ryan said it was alright to. I hadn’t told her anything about the guys yet.

“I can’t wait for class to be over.” Skyler groaned. We had only five minutes of class left. We both were ready to leave.

“I know. Why can’t they just let us out early? It’s not like we are doing anything.” I sighed.

“Yeah, so what are we going to do at your house?” Skyler asked.

“No clue. We can do whatever we want.” I told Skyler. It was true. Ryan wouldn’t care. Neither would Bam, and it was his house.

“Sounds fun. So we could have a water balloon fight?” Skyler asked.

“Yeah, that is if we have any balloons.” I laughed.

The bell rang, dismissing classes. Skyler and I stood up and left the classroom behind a few others. We went to Skyler’s locker first since it was closest, and then to my locker.

“I need to tell you something. Promise you won’t freak out.” I bit my lip as I waited for Skyler to respond.

“Yeah, what is it? I promise not to freak out.” Skyler spoke.

“Well, my brother is Ryan Dunn.” I waited to see how she responded.

“That’s cool.” Skyler grinned. She was staying completely normal.

“And I live at Castle Bam.” I told her.

“Now I see why you can do whatever you want.” Skyler laughed. I let out a sigh of relief when I realized that she wasn’t going to freak out.

“I’m not sure who is picking us up.” I told her as we exited through the school doors. Once outside, I knew Ryan was. Skyler and I walked to the car. She got in the back while I got in the passenger seat.

“This is Skyler.” I told Ryan once he was driving.

“Nice to meet you Skyler.” Ryan smiled.

Ryan talked to us both as we went home. Skyler told Ryan some about herself. Once we got to the house, Skyler and I went to my room. We put our bags down before sitting on my bed.

“What do you wanna do?” I asked Skyler.

“Can I meet Bam?” Skyler asked.

I smiled. “Sure. Let’s go find him. I will introduce you to everyone.”

We got off my bed and out into the hallway. I walked ahead of Skyler as I tried to find the guys.

“Bam Bam!” I smiled when I found him. He smiled as he walked over to Skyler and I. He gave me a hug before looking at Skyler. “This is my friend Skyler.” I told Bam. Bam smiled and started talking to Skyler. They continued talking, so I decided to find the other guys. I found Novak, Dico and Raab and we went back to where I left Skyler and Bam. They were still talking.

“Hey Skyler, this is Novak, Dico, and Raab.” I told her as I introduced the other three guys. The guys talked us for a few minutes before going back to what they were doing.

“So, what to do now?” I asked Skyler.

“Whatever there is to do.” she smiled.

I walked to the arcade room.

“Which game?” I asked Skyler as I glanced at the games. Skyler went over to one of the games. I smirked as we began playing the game.


After a few hours of playing games in the arcade room, Ryan told us it was time to eat. Skyler and I went to the kitchen where the rest of the guys were. One of them had made hamburgers. I thanked Ryan when he gave Skyler and I a plate with a hamburger on it. I sat by Novak, and Skyler sat beside me. Bam was sitting across from Skyler. I realized that Skyler kept looking down and blushing. I was going to question her later.

Once Skyler and I were done eating, we went upstairs to my room. When the door was closed, I leaned against it and smirked at Skyler.

“So Skyler, why did you keep blushing for?” I asked. She glanced down again and blushed. I laughed. “Does someone have a crush?” I asked.

“Bam kissed me.” she blurted out. Her face turned redder.

“So, you like Bam.” I giggled. I didn’t think her face would turn redder, but it did. “Aw, that’s cute. Maybe I should tell him.”

“What! No! Please don’t.” Skyler spoke. I laughed.

“I was kidding. Calm down. Your secret is safe with me.” I told her as I sat down on the floor.

“Thanks.” Skyler smiled.

“No problem. So, do you wanna watch a movie or something?” I asked her.

“Movie is good.” Skyler grinned.

“Let’s go downstairs to the living room then. We gotta beat the guys though. If they get the t.v. we will have to watch whatever movie they do.” I told her as I got up off the floor. I literally ran from my room downstairs to the living room. Skyler was right behind me.

“So what movie do you want to watch?” I asked Skyler as I walked over to the movies Bam had.

“What movies are there?” Skyler asked. I gave her an ‘are you serious’ look.

“Well, there is so many movies that I am not going to name them all. So get over here and look!” I told her.

Skyler came over to where I was and glanced at the movies. She finally picked a movie. The movie she picked was American Pie. I put the DVD in the player and waited for it to start. I sat down by Skyler as it came on. I started the movie from the menu. We weren’t even five minutes into the movie when Bam, Ryan, and Novak came into the living room. They ended up staying to watch the movie also. Novak sat by my side. Ryan sat in a chair. Bam sat between Skyler and I. He hand one arm of each of our shoulders. I had my head resting on Novak’s shoulder. We all watched the movie. Dico and Raab joined us later. Skyler decided that she wanted to watch movies all night, so that was what we did.
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