In for a Ride

Wake Up Call

I woke up the next morning and yawned. I sat up and realized I had fell asleep on the couch. I had been sleeping on Novak the whole time. I glanced around to see that Skyler and the rest of the guys weren’t even in the living room. I carefully got up so I wouldn’t wake Novak. I kissed his cheek before going upstairs to my room. Skyler wasn’t in there. I didn’t know where she was. I went ahead and got a change of clothes before going to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got out. Once I was dressed, I went to find Skyler. I decided to look in Bam’s room first. I quietly opened the door to find nobody in the room. I went downstairs and began searching. I didn’t find Skyler downstairs either. I decided to go upstairs again, and look through all of the room. I opened the first door, which was Raab’s. Raab was sound asleep. I closed his door and went to the next. Nobody was in Ryan’s room. Dico was asleep in his room. Skyler still wasn’t in my room. Novak’s room was empty also. I began the guest rooms next. I opened the first one to find Skyler and Bam asleep on the bed. They were cuddled together. It was cute. I quietly closed the door before going to my room to get my camera. I went back to the guest room and took a picture of the two. I then left them alone so they could sleep.

I went back downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. I got a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table. Ryan came into the kitchen with bags of stuff.

“Where have you been?” I asked him.

“Had to go buy stuff. Ape is making dinner here tonight.” Ryan smiled.

“Awesome! I love her cooking!” I exclaimed.

“Who doesn’t?” Ryan laughed as he began putting groceries away. Once I finished eating I helped him with the rest of it. “Where is Skyler at?” Ryan asked once we were done.

“She’s asleep.” I told Ryan. I didn’t tell him where or with who.

“Is everyone still asleep?” Ryan asked me since I was the only other one awake.

“Yeah.” I answered.

Ryan smirked. “Let’s wake their asses up then!” I grinned.

We went outside to get the water hose. We filled up five buckets to the top with water. We then carried each one inside. We went to Novak first. Ryan tipped the couch so Novak fell to the floor. I then dumped the bucket of water on him.

“What the fuck!?” Novak yelled as the water hit him.

“Wake up call!” Ryan laughed.

“Fuck you guys!” Novak grumbled as he got off the floor and walked off.

We took two buckets upstairs. We went to Raab’s room first. He was still asleep. Ryan dumped a bucket of water on him. Raab groaned and pulled the covers over his head.

“Get your ass up!” Ryan hit him.

We went to the hallway where we had left the other bucket. We opened Dico’s door next. Of course, he had to ruin the plan. He was messing with his camera.

“Damn you Dico!” I groaned.

“Dude, let’s film Bam getting water poured on him.” Ryan spoke. Dico agreed with the plan. The guys started walking towards Bam’s room.

“Wait! He’s not in there.” I spoke. The two guys turned to give me a weird look.

“I thought you said he was asleep?” Ryan asked.

“He is, but not in his room.” I pointed to the guest room where Bam and Skyler were asleep. Dico and Ryan went to the door and opened it. They closed it and turned to smirk at me.

“Let’s get the other two buckets downstairs. We then will pour three buckets of water on the love birds.” Ryan smirked. I smirked as well.

We quickly went downstairs and got the other two buckets. We told Novak what we were going to do. He followed us upstairs. Raab was going to watch as well. Novak, Ryan, and I were going to dump the water on them. Dico was going to film it, while Raab opened the door for us to go in. We all smiled at each other as we put the plan into action. Raab opened the door quietly. Novak, Ryan and I went inside the room. Dico followed us. I was on the right side of the bed. Novak was at the foot of the bed, and Ryan was on the left side. Dico gave us a thumbs up. We then dumped the water on Skyler and Bam. Skyler screamed, while Bam yelled at us. We quickly got out of the room. Raab was in front with Ryan behind him. Dico was still filming as he ran in the middle. I was running beside Novak. Ryan and Novak jumped over the railing to get downstairs. Dico and Raab ran down the stairs. I slid down the railing. We all scattered when we heard Bam yelling that payback was a bitch. I was following Dico. Dico had stopped to set his camera down on a shelf. We then ran outside and hid behind a bush. We gave each other hi-fives as we caught our breath.

“So how do you think he will get us back?” I asked Dico.

“Who knows? It’s Bam.” Dico replied.

We sat there and watched the door. Raab came running out a few minutes later. Dico got his attention so Raab hid behind the bush as well. Bam came out a few minutes later. He had a paintball gun. The three of us stayed quiet behind the bush. Bam had walked towards the Treetop Casino. Skyler came out a few moments later with a paintball gun. Her hair was still wet, but she had changed clothes. She ran after Bam.

“Let’s get back in the house and hide.” Raab spoke.

The three of us silently made our way back inside. We split up to search for places to hide. I went to the kitchen and glanced around. When I walked past the table, a hand grabbed my ankle. I screamed, but quickly covered my mouth. I glanced down to see Novak.

“You fucker. I hate you!” I glared at him.

I then realized that I could hide under the sink. I opened the cabinet door that was under the sink. There wasn’t much stuff in there so I easily fit.

“What are you doing?” Novak asked.

“Hiding! Now shush!” I whispered as I closed the cabinet door.

I heard footsteps walk into the kitchen. I held my breath as I listened.

“Ryan! Dico! Raab! Kaylee! Novak! Where are you?!” Bam yelled. The footsteps walked closer to where I was hiding. “Kaylee, I heard you scream!” Bam spoke. I heard Bam lift up the table cloth on the table. “Gotcha! Except you aren’t Kaylee, and I am sure you don’t scream like a girl. So, where is she?” Bam asked Novak.

“You would know. I don’t know where she went. She ran out of the kitchen.” Novak lied. I smiled.

“Are you lying?” Bam asked.

“Nope. I grabbed her ankle when she was walking by. She screamed and ran off.” Novak spoke.

“You seem to be telling the truth. Now get up and let’s go! We need to find the others before I shoot anyone. I told you that payback is a bitch!” Bam snickered.

I listened to the footsteps as they left the kitchen. I sighed out in relief when I knew it would be awhile before they found me. It was like we were playing hide and go seek except if you get found you get shot with paintballs. I stayed quiet as I listened for any noises coming into the kitchen. I had a feeling that it would be awhile before I was found.
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five comments and i will update again with the next part