In for a Ride

Bam's Castle

I was standing in front of the guy.

“Are you Kaylee?” the guy asked me. I shook my head yes.

“Awesome. Well I am Ryan’s friend, Brandon. You can call me Dico though.” He smiled at me.

“So where is Ryan?” I asked.

“Oh, he had some thing he had plan. He sent me to pick you up. Is that all your stuff?” Dico asked.

“Yeah.” I said shyly.

“I thought you were moving in?” Dico asked me.

“I am.”

“So where is the rest of your stuff?”

“This is all I have.” I told him quietly.

“Oh, we will get you more stuff later. Let’s go now!” Dico smiled at me.

I followed him outside and to a car. I got in the passenger seat. Dico got in the driver’s seat and began driving off to where ever we were going. I didn’t really have a clue.

“So, you know who I am, right?” Dico randomly asked.

“Uh, your Dico?”

Dico glanced over at me. “Yeah, but did you know who I was before I told you?” I shook my head no. “Do you even know who Ryan is?”

“Well, I know he is my half brother…”

“Wow. Have you ever seen the show or movies called Jackass?” Dico questioned. I shook my head no. “How about Viva La Bam?” I once again shook my head no. “Are you series?” This time I shook my head yes. “Wow, when we get to the house, we are going to watch Jackass.”

“Okay.” I told him. I wasn’t sure why he wanted me to watch it for. I hadn’t heard of either shows or movies.

It was silent in the car for a few minutes until Dico began doing impressions of people. I couldn’t help but laugh. He then began free styling. I once again laughed. He was pretty hilarious.

“I knew I could make you smile and laugh.” Dico told me as we pulled up into a driveway.

My mouth fell open when I saw the house. It was huge. It was castle like.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“At the house.” Dico told me.

“Holy shit.” I mumbled.

“Yeah, c’mon and I will show you around.” Dico smiled.

We both got out of the car. I followed Dico inside.

“There is usually quite a few people here. A few live here also.” Dico told me as we walked up the stairs. He began to point out whose room was whose. He also pointed out the other upstairs room. He finally came to another room. “This is the guest room. I think this is where you will be staying at.” I glanced around the room. It was twice the size as my old room. I threw my backpack on my bed and followed Dico back downstairs. He showed me everything else in the house. We stopped in the living room. “Now let’s watch Jackass since you never seen it before.” I sat down on the couch while Dico put the DVD in the DVD player. He sat down beside me and turned on the television. “This is the first movie.” Dico told me as he pushed play. I began watching the movie. I realized Ryan was in the movie when it said his name. I didn’t know who the others were besides knowing what their names were. Fifteen minutes into the movie, and I couldn’t stop laughing. These guys were crazy. I laughed all the way through the movie. I realized why Dico asked if I had seen it. He was also in it.

“That movie is hilarious. Can we watch the next one?” I asked Dico.

“Hell yeah we can.” He changed the DVDs and sat back down.

The intro passed and the first scene was playing.

“Oh, this is the unrated version. There is a lot of nudity. Just warning you.” Dico laughed.

“It’s fine.” I told Dico.

I couldn’t believe how dumb these guys were. It also seemed like they were obsessed with their balls. I rolled my eyes at the television. I heard the front door open and voices. I glanced over at Dico.

“It’s just the guys. They are always loud.” Dico told me. A few seconds later and Dico’s name was being yelled.

“Dico! Where ya at you motherfucker?” A guy yelled. Dico didn’t say anything. I looked over at him to see if he was going to answer. He seemed to be thinking.

“Um, your name was being yelled.” I told him quietly.

“I know. Wanna do a prank?” Dico asked. I shrugged my shoulders. “Go over there and hide. I am going to pretend that I forgot to go get you, and that I have been asleep.”

I walked over to where Dico pointed and hid behind the chair. I made sure that nobody could see me. I waited as I heard the voices getting closer.

“Dico! What the fuck are you doing?” Someone yelled.

“Huh, what?” I heard Dico say.

“Dude, did you go get Kaylee?” I heard another someone else ask.

“Who?” Dico asked.

“My sister!” the voice who asked said. I realized that it was Ryan who was now talking.

“Oh shit! I am so sorry man! I fell asleep.” I heard Dico say.

“You fell asleep watching Jackass Two. It is like thirty minutes into the movie. How is that possible?” I heard someone else ask.

“How am I suppose to know? I was asleep.” Dico spoke.

“Is Kaylee here or not?” Ryan asked Dico. Dico didn’t say anything. It was quiet. “BOO!” Ryan yelled next to me. I screamed and quickly covered my mouth. Ryan laughed. He held his hand out and helped me up. I glared at Dico. I then realized that there was at least ten guys in the room, and they were all staring at me.

“Did Dico tell you to do that?” Ryan asked me. I glanced over at Dico and shook my head yes.

“Well, you are awesome.” Dico replied sarcastically.

“Well, you are mean.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Well, I’m Ryan. You probably already knew that. Anyway, that is Bam, Novak, Raab, Rake, Knoxville, Ehren, Dave, Pontius, and Steve-O. I will introduce you to everyone else when they get here.” Ryan pointed to each of the guys.

“How many more people are there?” I asked.

“Not much more.” Ryan smiled.

It got awkwardly quiet. All the guys were staring at me and it was making me uncomfortable.

“I will show you around.” Ryan said.

“I already did.” Dico spoke.

“So? Did you show her everything?” Ryan questioned him.

“Outside? No.” Dico spoke.

“Then we are going outside.” Ryan spoke.

I followed Ryan as we went outside. I then realized that four of the guys were following us.

“Ryan, we have stalkers.” I giggled.

He glanced behind him to see Bam, Novak, Ehren and Pontius. “Am I not allowed to speak to her alone?” he asked the guys. They all stopped and went a different way then us.

“So how old are you?” Ryan asked.

“Fifteen.” I answered.

“Oh, if any of the guys bother you, let me know.” Ryan told me.

“I will.” I told him. “Who lives here?”

“Well, it is Bam’s house. Only Novak, Raab, Dico, and I live here.” Ryan told me.

“It’s a big house.” I randomly said.

“Yeah, there is a lot of things to do here.. There is a casino, bar, zip line, Bam’s skate park…”

“Bam has a skate park?” I asked.

“I guess you could call it that.” Ryan pointed and I saw the ramps Bam had.

“That’s awesome.” I smiled.

“You skate?” Ryan asked.

“I did until my skateboard broke.”

“Do you have a skateboard?” Ryan asked. I shook my head no. “Let’s go get one of Bam’s skateboards then. Then you can go skate.

We walked over to the ramp. A skateboard was laying on the ground.

“I figured that I would find one outside on the ground.” Ryan laughed.

I picked it up and placed it on the blacktop. I didn’t have my shoes on since I took them off inside. I decided to skateboard anyway. I grinned as I began pushing the skateboard with my left foot. I then put it on the skateboard. I decided to ollie. I grinned when I did it without falling. I skated over to the ramp. I jumped off the skateboard, and picked it up. I climbed to the top of the ramp. I then got ready to drop in. I was nervous since it had been awhile. I took a deep breathe and put my other foot on the board. I went down the ramp and managed to not fall. I skated back and forth a few times before I began doing tricks. I jumped off the skateboard when I got done with a trick. That is when the clapping began. I glanced over to see all the guys and some more I didn’t know.. They had been watching me and I didn’t realize. I smiled at them.

“Good job!” Ryan said as he walked over to me. He hugged me.

“That was fucking awesome.” Bam gave me a hug also.

All the guys ended up telling me how good I was. Once everyone had told me how good I did, Ryan named off the other people who were here.

We all then went inside and went to the Pirate bar. Some of the guys were playing pool. I somehow got pulled into the game since I was watching. Ryan was teaching me how to play. I quickly figured out how to play and beat Raab. I played a couple more games of pool, but I lost. It was then time to eat. At least that was what Bam said. We all went to the kitchen where a few more people I didn’t know were.

“That is Bam’s parents and uncle. April, Phil, and Don Vito.” Ryan told me. When April noticed me she gave me a hug. Ryan told her who I was. Phil told me that if things got crazy here, that I could live with him and April. Ryan told Phil that it would never happen. Don Vito noticed me also and began to flirt. I stayed close to Ryan since he kinda creeped me out. Ryan told him to leave me alone.

Everyone scattered out throughout the kitchen, dining room, and living room to eat. I was sitting at the table between Ryan and Dico. Novak was sitting across from me and would occasionally kick my leg. I got annoyed at it so I kicked him back.

“What the fuck was that for?” Novak shouted which caused everyone to look at him.

“You kept kicking me.” I shrugged.

“Dude, leave her alone.” Dico told Novak.

Don Vito began talking, but everyone ignored him. Probably because you can barely understand him.

“I didn’t kick her.” Novak lied.

“Are you going to keep complaining because she kicked you?“ Ryan asked.

“Yes, she kicked me and I didn’t do anything to her.” Novak glared at me. I just continued eating.

“Yeah, I really believe that.” Dico spoke.

“Just shut the fuck up, Novak.” Bam yelled at Novak before he could say anything else. He got up and went to eat somewhere else.

“Did he kick you?” Ryan asked me when he was gone. I shook my head yes since I had a mouthful of food.

“Just ignore him. He will get over it.” April told me.

We all finished eating. We went outside for a few minutes before everyone started to leave. The only people who didn’t leave were Ryan, Bam, Novak, Dico, Raab, and I. Bam and Novak said they were going to a bar for awhile.

“You can go.” I told Ryan since I knew he probably wanted to go.

“I would, but you just got here today.” Ryan told me.

“I will be here with Dico and Raab. I am sure that they aren’t going to bother me. I don’t need a babysitter.” I told Ryan. He thought about it for a few minutes before he hugged me.

“Alright, but if you need anything then call me.” Ryan said.

“I don’t have a phone though.”

“Oh, we will get you one tomorrow. Use Raab’s or Dico’s then. I will be back if you need anything.” I told him alright and he hugged me once more. He then left with Bam and Novak. I went inside and found Dico and Raab playing a video game. I sat down on the floor and watched them.

“Wanna play?” Raab asked me. I shook my head no. Dico and Raab then began asking me random questions about myself. They kept asking questions until they got tired of playing the game. They put some action movie in. I got up and laid on the couch to watch it. Dico was sitting in the chair, while Raab laid on the floor. I gradually fell asleep watching the movie.
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sorry if it got lame at the end. comments?