In for a Ride

Meet The Dudesons

The next few days quickly went by. I still didn’t like school. At least Skyler was there. Nobody bullied me which I was glad. I was ignored most of the time though. That didn’t bother me. I actually liked it.

I was currently waiting for school to let out. Skyler had left early so I was bored out of my mind in photography class. Ryan told me that some guys were picking me up after school. They were going to be here for the weekend and staying at Bam’s. I had no clue who they were or what they looked like. The bell rang and I quickly left the classroom. I had brought everything I needed to class with me, so I didn’t need to walk back to my locker. I went outside and began looking around for the mystery guys. According to Ryan, one of them never shuts up. I glanced around until I saw four guys holding a sign with my name on it. One of them was asking random people if they have seen me. I quickly became embarrassed. I glanced down at my feet as I walked to the four guys.

“Are you Kaylee?” the skinny guy with blonde hair to his shoulders asked.

“Yeah.” I replied shyly. I glanced up at the four guys. The one who had spoke had blue eyes.

“I’m Jukka.” the guy who had been speaking to said.

“I’m Jarppi!” the fatter of the bunch spoke. He then began speaking in a language I didn’t understand.

“This is Jarno and HP.” Jukka spoke over Jarppi to introduce the other two. Jarno smiled at me as well as HP.

“We should probably go.” Jarno spoke.

We all got in the car. Jukka was driving and Jarppi was in the passenger seat. That left me sitting between Jarno and HP. All the way to Bam’s, Jarppi didn’t shut up. I guess Jarppi is the one that Ryan was talking about. Once the car stopped, which Jukka slammed on the brakes, we got out of the car. Jukka drove worse than Bam and Ryan. I went into the house without saying a word to the four guys I was just in the car with. I put my stuff in my room and went back downstairs. I called out for Ryan. Instead I ended up finding Dico.

“Yo Dico, where is Ry? And when does Jarppi shut up?” I asked Dico. Dico groaned.

“They are already here?! I don’t know where he is.” Dico spoke.

“Yes, they picked me up from school. I had to listen to Jarppi talk all the way here.” I groaned out. Dico chuckled. “It’s not funny.” I grumbled as I walked away from him.

I kept yelling for Ryan. I finally found him. Bam, Novak and him were with the four guys who picked me up. They were all talking. I went over to Ryan’s side.

“Yo, Kaylee. They are the Dudesons.” Bam told me when he realized I was by Ryan.

“And the fat one doesn’t shut up.” Ryan added.

“Yeah, I realized.” I told Ryan. Jarppi was still talking. He wasn’t even talking to anyone.

“They are only here for the weekend, so we’ve got things to do. Are you coming with us?” Bam asked me.

“That depends. What are you going to be doing?” I asked.

“Whatever the fuck we want!” Bam grinned.

“Sure, why not.” I answered his question.

“Alright then, let’s all get in the Hummer.” Bam was still grinning.

Of course Bam was driving. Ryan was in the passenger seat like usual. I got stuck in the back with Raab, Dico, Jukka, Jarppi, Novak, Jarno, and HP. Bam had told us that Rake would be there as well. One less person in the Hummer at least. Novak, Dico and Raab were in the back seat. I was on Novak’s lap. The Dudesons were in the very back sitting. Jarppi was still talking.

“Oh my God, do you ever shut the hell up?!” I asked Jarppi after listening to him for five more minutes. The guys all laughed.

“Do it bother you?” Jarppi asked in English.

“No, not at all.” I replied sarcastically.

“Oh, okay then.” Jarppi spoke in English before speaking in the language he was speaking in before.

“Where are you guys from anyway?” I asked.

“Finland.” Jukka answered.

“You guys have awesome accents.” I randomly spoke out loud. Ryan gave me a strange look while Jukka said thanks.

Bam finally stopped. We were at a huge empty field. I got out of the Hummer and glanced around. Novak was by me. He grabbed a hold of my hand and laced our fingers together. Soon, all the guys were out of the Hummer.

“Rake should be here in a few minutes.” Bam told us as he leaned against the Hummer.

I let go of Novak’s hand and jumped up so I was sitting on the hood of the Hummer. Bam glared at me and I smiled innocently.

“I thought Skyler was coming over tonight?” Bam randomly asked a few minutes later. I shrugged.

“She left during school. I don’t know where she is.” I told Bam.

“Who is Skyler?” Jukka randomly asked.

“My friend.” I told him.

Rake soon pulled up next to the Hummer in his car.

“So, what’s the plan?” he asked as he got out of the car.

Bam smirked. “You’ll see.”

Bam started walking and everyone else followed. I jumped on Novak’s back since I didn’t want to walk. We walked all the way across the empty field to the forest. Bam began walking into the trees. I had no clue where we were headed. At least I wasn’t the only one who didn’t know. I could tell that the Dudesons didn’t either. We finally stopped walking when we were in the middle of the woods.

“Bam, why are we in the middle of the woods?” I was the first to speak.

“Because we are going to have a team race.” Bam grinned.

“Awesome I guess?” I didn’t know if that was good or not.

Rake took slips of paper out of his pocket and handed it to Bam. Bam took his hat off and put the slips of paper in his hat.

“Kaylee, you pick first since you’re the only girl and your name isn’t written down. You get to pick two is it is an odd number of people.” Bam told me as he held that hat out for me.

“Um, ok.” I stuck my hand in the hat and grabbed the first piece of paper. “HP and…” I grabbed another slip of paper. “Dico.” I smiled. The two guys came by my side.

Jarppi went next. His teammate was Ryan.

Ryan groaned. “Why do I get the guy who never shuts up?” We all laughed.

Jarno went after Jarppi. His teammate was Raab. Jukka then went and he picked Novak’s name. The last team was Rake and Bam. Rake pulled out more paper from his pocket. He handed a sheet to each team.

“The paper has your goals on it. The first team to make it to Ape’s house wins. Let the games begin.” Bam grinned before running off. I glanced at the paper in my hands before handing it to Dico. The rest of the teams had scattered.

“Is this a shopping list?” Dico laughed as he read through it. He then showed HP.

“Looks like it.” HP laughed. It was the first time he had spoken.

“You talk?!” I giggled.

“Yes.” HP answered.

“Okay, let’s go. We have to get eggs, bacon, cereal, and some soda.” Dico told us.

“Why is it that the list is the exact food that Bam needs in the house?” I asked Dico.

“Good question. Oh well, we will win, hopefully.” Dico smiled.

We began running back the way we came. I knew that Bam and Rake were probably cheating since they had cars. We got to the field and began running the directions the cars were at, but no longer were. Once we got to the road, we saw Jarppi and Ryan. Ryan noticed us and walked over to our group.

“Did you guys get a shopping list also?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah.” I answered Ryan.

“Damn Bam! He just wants us to go shopping for him. Rake and him probably don’t even have anything on their list!” Ryan groaned.

“Why don’t we just go back to the house and not get anything.” I suggested.

“How are we suppose to get back?” Jarppi asked.

“Walk?” I questioned.

“Or we could call someone?” HP spoke up.

“But none of us have a cell phone with us.” Ryan sighed.

“Actually, I do.” I told Ryan as I took my phone out of my pocket. He picked me up and spun me around before kissing the top of my head.

“You are a lifesaver.” Ryan laughed.

“I’m actually a girl named Kaylee.” I laughed. Ryan rolled his eyes.

Ryan took my phone and called Jess. We all sat down on the edge of the road as we waited for Jess to come pick us up. He finally arrived.

“Jesse! Bam Bam left us here!” I pouted as I got in the passenger seat before any of the guys could.

Jarppi, HP, and Dico got in the back seat.

“Kaylee, scoot over so I can sit somewhere.” Ryan told me.

I scooted over near Jess since their was a middle seat in the front.
“Where is Bam?” Jess asked.

“Who fucking knows!” Ryan spoke. “He takes us out in the middle of the forest, we get on teams and handed a list. Rake and him then leaves. When I read the list, I read it was a grocery shopping list.”

“He gave us lists of food he needs. My list had eggs, bacon, cereal and soda.” I told Jess.

“So where is the other teams? Jess asked.

“None of us know. They could be lost in the woods.” Jarppi spoke up.

“Or actually dumb enough to go buy the food.” I laughed.

“If it is Novak and Jukka, who knows.” Dico said. It got silent.

“So, where am I taking you?” Jess asked.

“Bam’s.” Ryan spoke. “I doubt he is their. He wanted us all to go to Ape and Phil’s.”

It was silent once again. I was amazed the Jarppi was being quiet. Jess took us to the house. Of course, Bam wasn’t there. He probably thought we would actually go to April and Phil’s house. We all thanked Jess as we got out of the car. We went inside and sat down.

“I wonder if Raab, Jarno, Jukka, and Novak are actually doing what the list says?” Jarppi asked.

“I doubt Raab and Jarno are.” Dico shook his head. “Jukka and Novak, well who knows with them two.”

“I bet Bam will be pissed.” HP spoke.

“Probably so since we didn’t get his food he wanted.” Ryan laughed.

“We should make him think that we are lost in the woods.” I spoke.

“He would know we aren’t.” Dico told me.

“How?” I asked.

“Believe me, he would know.” Dico smiled a little at me.

“What if it was out team who got lost in the woods. Wouldn’t he feel bad since I am part of the team?” I questioned Dico.

“He might actually freak out.” Ryan smirked.

“What if we aren’t even in the woods, just let him think it?” I saying everything that popped up in my head.

“And where would you be?” Ryan asked.

“I don’t know. Someone’s house? A hotel maybe?” I thought about it.

“That might actually work.” Dico finally agreed.

“C’mon, let’s go.” Ryan spoke as he got up.

We followed him out to his car. I got in the passenger seat as the other guys got in the back.

“Whose house?” Dico asked.

“Chad’s. I doubt Bam would even think to look there.” Ryan grinned.

Ryan drove us to Chad. I. Ginsburg’s house. Ryan dropped Dico, HP and I off at his house. He told us to tell Chad the plan and he would tell Jess and anyone else who wouldn’t say anything to Bam. I followed Dico in the house. HP was behind me. Dico told Chad the plan. He thought it was a good idea also.

“So, now all we do is wait.” Dico told us as we sat on the couch in the living room.


A few hours passed before Ryan texted me. It was eight o’ clock at night. Ryan told me that Bam and Rake just got to the house. Bam was bragging about winning. He even asked Ryan if he had seen the rest of us.

I was sitting on the couch leaning against Dico with my feet in HP’s lap when Ryan texted me again. Now Novak and Jukka were at the house. Of course they didn’t get anything on their list. Who knows what they were doing the past few hours.

Another hour passed. Ryan never did text again. I had no clue if Raab and Jarno were there. I had fallen asleep when my phone went off again. It was from Jess. His text said that Ryan, Bam, Novak, Jukka, and Jarppi were looking for us and Raab and Jarno. I closed the text and read the time on my phone. It was midnight. I realized that I was no longer leaning against Dico, but laying down on the couch. My feet were still on HP’s lap. He had fallen asleep sitting up.

“HP!” I kicked him gently to wake him up. He finally looked over at me.

“Bam, Ryan, Novak, Jukka and Jarppi are out looking for us. They are also looking for Raab and Jarno.” I told him. His eyes went wide.

“Jarno and Raab never came back?” he asked. I shook my head no. “We need to go find them.” He tried to get up but I stopped him.

“There is already five people looking for them. Ryan will probably end up telling them that we aren’t missing.” I told HP calmly.

“What if they don’t find Jarno or Raab?” HP asked.

“Then we will go search for them also. A lot of people will. Let’s wait until morning.” I tried to reason with HP.

He relaxed. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

My phone went off again. It was Jess again. He said that they found Raab and Jarno. They were just trying to scare Bam. Bam was still looking for us three though. I showed HP the text. Bam text me a few minutes later asking where I was. I ignored it. Ryan texted right after him telling me to. He’s going to tell Bam where we really are in the morning. I put my phone on silent before putting it on the coffee table. I then got comfortable so I could go back to sleep. HP was laying at the opposite end of the couch, trying to get comfortable also.

“Goodnight HP.” I smiled in the dark. He said goodnight back. I began thinking about how worried Bam must be as I drifted off to sleep.
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I just realized that this chapter got deleted. :(


i'm going to post the next update that i am writing soon.