In for a Ride

Crazy Day

“Kaylee, wake up.” Someone was trying to wake me up. “C’mon Kaylee, you need to get up.” The voice spoke. I slowly opened my eyes. Dico and Ryan were standing in front of me. I realized that I was still on the couch. “C’mon, let’s get you to your room before one of the drunks try to fuck you.” Ryan spoke. I groaned and put my arm over my eyes. “Fine. I will carry you then.” Ryan slurred. He tried to pick me up, but failed. He couldn’t even stand straight. I decided to get off the couch before he hurt himself. As soon as I got up, he laid down on the couch. I just stared at him.

“Here, I will take you to your room.” Dico spoke quietly. I grabbed a hold of his hand as we began walking to my room.

“You look pretty.” Novak slurred as I passed him. Dico told him to fuck off.

We managed to get to my room after passing a stumbling Bam.

“Thank you.” I told Dico before walking to my bed and going back to sleep.


I woke up a few hours later to the sound of a chainsaw. I saw up on my bed and rubbed my eyes. I realized that somebody was asleep next to me. I screamed before I realized it was Ryan. He quickly sat up and looked at me.

“Sorry.” I told him quietly.

“Why did you scream?” he asked as he yawned.

“Uh, because I woke up and noticed someone next to me. I then realized it was you.” I told him.

“Sorry, I don’t honestly remember coming in here. What the hell is that noise?” Ryan groaned.

He got up and I followed him out of the room. We went downstairs and outside. I saw most of the guys around a car. They were messing it up. I noticed that Knoxville has a chainsaw. I saw Bam with a baseball bat.

“What are they doing?” I asked Ryan as we walked over to the guys.

“Probably fucking with Vito’s car.” Ryan stated.

Ryan joined in on the fun the guys were having. Apparently it was payback for Vito. The guys that were inside asleep joined in as well. I just stood back and watched. I decided to go inside and make breakfast. I doubt that any of the guys have ate.

I searched through the kitchen for something to fix. I decided on pancakes and bacon. I made sure that I made plenty of both. Once I finished, I went outside to tell the guys. They were now painting the destroyed car for whatever reason.

“Hey guys, if your hungry there is pancakes and bacon.” I spoke loud enough for them all to hear me.

“Food!” they yelled. They stopped what they were doing and ran to the house. I nearly got knocked down from them. I rolled my eyes and followed them inside. I realized then that I should of got my food first. There was hardly any left!

We all were scattered around outside eating.

“Vito is gonna be so pissed when he sees what we did to his car.” Bam said with a mouthful of food.

“He’s gonna be pissed when he finds out that you took his car.” Ryan spoke.

They all began talking about how pissed off Vito would be. Some even betted money on it.

I had finished eating so I took my plate and silverware to the kitchen. I laid the plate in the sink with the silverware on top. I then went upstairs to change clothes. I went back outside where the guys were. They were still eating.

“I’ve gotta take you to get a phone today.” Ryan spoke when he saw me.

“I‘m going!” Novak, Bam, Dico, and Raab said at the same time.

“Thanks for inviting yourselves.” Ryan replied sarcastically.

“Let’s go now!” Bam grinned.

“I’m not done eating!” Ryan exclaimed.

“Take it with you, fuck face.” Bam told Ryan as he stood up.

“Fuck you.” Ryan told Bam as he shoved the rest of the pancake in his mouth.

Bam came back outside with his keys. The ones who were going stood up.

“We will be here when you get back!” Knoxville yelled.

“I bet you will! Don’t fuck anything up.” Bam yelled back.

“That’s what we do!” Pontius yelled.

I followed the guys to Bam’s hummer. Bam and Ryan were in the front seats. It left Raab, Dico, Novak and I in the back seats. I managed to get it and sit in the middle. Raab sat on one side and Dico on the other.

“Where the hell am I suppose to sit?” Novak complained.

“Sit on someone’s lap!” Bam told him.

“I don’t want him sitting on me!” Dico and Raab both spoke at the same time.

I was awkwardly sitting in the middle. Novak was looking at me.

“Guess it’s you then. Want to sit on my lap instead?” Novak asked.

I glanced at Ryan. He was looking back at me. He was waiting for me to answer. He didn’t seem happy about Novak’s idea though. I scooted over to Dico’s lap. Raab then scooted over. Novak was then sitting on the outside by the window. We then left. Novak began questioning me on why I didn’t sit on his lap. I noticed that Ryan was getting annoyed at him. I never did answer why.

“Novak, shut the fuck up.” Ryan finally told him.

It was silent until Raab asked me questions. Most were about my favorite things. Some were about my life. The questions didn’t stop until we stopped. Everyone got out of the hummer. I followed Bam and Ryan inside.

“You can have any phone you want. So go choose one.” Ryan smiled.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Ryan answered.

I began looking at phones. I finally found one I liked. It was an LG Shine. I went over to Ryan and told him the phone I wanted. We talked to one of the workers and got the phone set up. Novak, Dico, Bam, and Raab were still messing around with the other phones. Once my phone was activated, we left.

I was once again sitting on Dico’s lap. Ryan had already took my phone and put his number in it. Bam had also when he got in the hummer. Right now, Raab had it. Novak took my phone next. He had it for at least five minutes doing who knows what. He finally gave me my phone.

“Go ahead and put your number also.” I told Dico. He took the phone and put his number in. I got it back right as we stopped at the house. As soon as I got out of the hummer, my phone was in someone else’s hands again. “Awesome.” I mumbled. I was going to have at least one hundred numbers before I even got to mess with my phone. After ten minutes, I got my phone back. I went to the contacts and began to laugh. One of the guys had changed some of the names. One read “Dickhead.” Another said “Fag.”

“What’s so funny?” Bam asked me.

“I really am going to know who calls or texts me. Who is Dickhead?” I laughed.

“What?” Bam asked as he took my phone. He began reading the names out loud. “Who the hell changed names?” Bam asked the guys. Nobody said anything.

“Wait, I don’t even have her number!” Ehren spoke.

“Yeah, neither do I!” Steve-O said next. The rest of the guys agreed except Ryan. Ryan had actually put my number in his phone. Bam handed me his phone and I made a contact to put my number. It was pretty easy number to remember.

“Hey! Text us so we have your number!” Novak spoke. The guys once again agreed. I stared at them dumbfounded.

“You guys were the ones who didn’t put my number in your phone!” I exclaimed.

“Just text everyone in your contacts.” Novak spoke again.

“How about I just tell you the number and you put it in your phone.” I replied.

“It would be easier if you texted us!” Novak argued.

“That is too many freakin’ texts.” I argued back. I then said my number out loud.

“Wait, what?” a couple of the guys asked. I was speaking to people who apparently didn’t know English. I said it again, but this time really slowly. Bam and Ryan laughed. “Did you get it now?” I asked them slowly. I had to make sure they understood me. They all answered yes.

“Now that’s done, where is Vito?” Bam asked.

“Not here.” Rake spoke.

“That fat ass still isn’t here? Guess I better go get him here!” Bam went back to his hummer. “Whose going?” he asked. Almost all the guys wanted to go. I decided to stay. Ehren, Raab, and Novak also stayed. The rest of the guys left. I went inside and sat down on the couch. My phone went off. It was from Fuckface. The messed said ‘Hey sexy ;)’

“Who the hell is Fuckface?” I asked the three guys.

“Here, let me see.” Ehren held out his hand for my phone. He glanced at the number and shrugged. He gave the phone to Raab.

“Fuckface happens to be Novak.” Raab spoke. Novak just shrugged. Raab gave me my phone back. I went to my contacts and changed the name to Novak. I noticed that Raab or Ehren’s names were in my phone which meant they were changed.

“So, who are you two?” I asked Raab and Ehren.

“Huh?” they both replied.

“Your names aren’t in my phone. Only a few are. That would be Bam, Ryan, Novak, Dave, Dico, and Jess.” I told them.

I gave Raab my phone. He found his number and changed the name. Ehren did the same.

“I figured some of them out, and changed them to their names for you.” Ehren told me. “Like ‘Pretty Boy’ was Knoxville, ‘Fatty' would be Preston, and ‘Flying Hair’ is Rake Yohn. I thanked Ehren.

I then began to go through the settings on my phone. Ryan told me I could buy whatever ringtones and screensavers I wanted. I began going through them. I got a text from Novak once again. This time it was a picture of him. I ignored it, and went back to what I was doing. I heard cars pull up which meant the guys returned. The four of us went outside.

“Bam, where the fuck is my car?” I heard Vito yell. Then it was a bunch of gibberish. I glanced where the car was earlier and it was gone.

“You will get your car in a few minutes. Calm the fuck down.” Bam told Vito. Vito went on rambling which nobody understood. “Dunn, Novak, Raab, and Knoxville, come with me. The rest of you guys stay here with Vito. Kaylee, you can either go with us or stay here.” I decided to go with Bam and the others.

We walked around Bam’s house where there were five four-wheelers. Each of the guys got on one. I got on with Bam. We then drove off into the woods that was part of Bam’s property.

“What are we doing?” I asked Bam. I had my arms wrapped tightly around him since he was going so fast.

“Going to bring Vito his car.” Bam told me.

We stopped in the middle of the forest where the car was. It was ten times worse as it was earlier. The guys had chains and hooked the car up to the four-wheelers. Bam got back on the four-wheeler. This time I was sitting in front of him. He was driving though. He thought it would be safer. We didn’t go as fast as we did the first time since we were pulling a car. It took us around five minutes before we were out in the open again. We stopped and got off the four-wheelers. Vito and the rest of the guys walked over to the car.

“What the hell did you do to my car, Bam?” Vito asked. Vito then began yelling at Bam. The guys didn’t care until Vito started talking about me. “You probably had the pretty girl help to! You guys are going to fuck her up. She will be crazy like you!” Vito yelled.

“She didn’t help at all. If she wanted to we would have let her.” Bam told Vito.

“She has a name. We aren’t going to fuck her up either.” Ryan added.

“None of us are crazy!” Dico yelled in some weird voice.

Vito began yelling at them again. He told them to stop fucking up his cars. I thought it was funny. Vito asked how he was getting home. Bam left for a minute and came back with a mini bike. Vito yelled at Bam once again. We laughed as Vito left on the mini bike.
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comments? I'm guessing that i should continue this story? sorry if there is misspelled words.