In for a Ride

Paintball War

A couple days passed and I was getting use to being around the guys. Most of the guys were leaving today since they had only came to visit for a few days, and were talking about making a new movie. I hugged each of the guys as they went out the door. The only guys who would be here now were the ones who lived in West Chester.

I went back to the kitchen to find something to eat since it was around noon. I decided on eating some pizza that was in the fridge. I sat down and ate a slice of pizza. Ryan came into the kitchen, and took a slice of pizza out of the box.

“Were you in school?” Ryan asked me.

“I was.” I told him once I swallowed the food in my mouth.

“I should probably enroll you into school here. You can drop out once your sixteen if you don’t like it. When is your birthday?”

“My birthday is July second.” I told Ryan.

“Well, you only have to go to school for two months then. School gets out at the end of May. Did you like your old school?” Ryan asked me.

“No, I was bullied a lot. The teachers didn’t seem to like me either.” I told him.

“Just finish the school year here. If you don’t like it then I will let you drop out. If anyone bullies you, then let me know. How long have you been out of school?”

“Since the accident.” I whispered.

“I’m sorry.” Ryan spoke quietly.

“It wasn’t your fault.” I told Ryan.

“I know. I will enroll you into school tomorrow. Is that alright?” I shook my head yes. “Well, let’s go see what we can do the rest of the day then.”

We both got up and went outside. Bam and Novak were skating. We walked over to them. Once Novak saw us, well more like me, he messed up and fell off the skateboard. Novak’s skateboard got in the way of Bam, which caused Bam to fall.

“What the hell, man?” Bam smacked Novak in the head.

“Sorry, bro.” Novak told Bam as he stood up.

“Hey Dunn and the beautiful Kaylee.” Bam grinned at me.

The guys were always complimenting me. It usually bothered Ryan. Ryan also didn’t like that Novak kept bothering me. I had told him about the texts Novak sent.

“Are you going to skate?” Bam asked me.

“I don’t have a board.” I told Bam.

Bam walked over to me. “C’mon, and I will give you one of my skateboards.”

We went inside. Bam had a few skateboards in the corner of his room. He told me to pick one and I did.

“Let’s go skate!” Bam yelled as we went back outside.

Bam, Novak and I were seeing who could do the best tricks. Ryan kept telling me to be careful. I was being careful since I had no shoes on. I also didn’t want to get hurt.

We continued skateboarding for the next hour until Bam announced that we needed something fun to do. He began talking about how he hadn’t bothered Phil in awhile. Of course, Bam had a plan. He was going to have Phil come over. We would then shoot paintballs at Phil while Bam began beating him up. Ryan and Novak thought it was a good idea. Bam went and found Dico and Raab to ask if they wanted to help, which they did. I thought it was mean, but I decided to join in anyway.

Bam had called Phil and made some excuse so he would come over. Dico, Raab, Novak, Ryan, and I were waiting for Phil to arrive and get out of his car. Bam was hiding behind a bush. Phil drove up the driveway and parked his car. He got out and began walking to the house. Bam gave us the signal, and we began shooting him with paintballs. We stopped once Bam jumped on his dad and began hitting him.

“Let’s shoot Bam.” I whispered. The guys looked at me and shrugged.

“Now.” Ryan whispered.

The five of us began shooting Bam. We were actually hitting Bam and Phil.

“What the fuck?!” Bam yelled.

The five of us began running. The guys were faster than me, so Bam was catching up to me easily. I took the paintball gun and threw it behind me. I managed to hit Bam’s leg with it. Bam yelled fuck. I kind of felt bad, but kept running anyway. The guys had gotten on the four-wheelers. Dico was closer to me, so I ran to him. He stopped, and I jumped onto the four-wheeler. We sped off as Bam chased us. Bam finally stopped running. We kept going towards the treetop casino though. Once we were there we stopped.

“The was an awesome idea.” Ryan told me. I smiled.

“Fuck yeah!” Novak gave me a high five.

“Let’s shoot him again.” Ryan laughed.

I followed the guys into the treetop casino.

“Where is your gun?” Ryan asked when he noticed I didn’t have it.

“I threw it at Bam and hit him with it.” I laughed.

“Nice.” Dico gave me a high five.

We waited for Bam. It wasn’t long before he was near us. The guys began shooting him. Bam jumped off the four-wheeler he was on, and got behind a tree.

“He has a paintball gun now.” Novak pointed out.

“Let’s split up so he can’t get us.” Dico spoke.

Raab was going to leave first and go back towards the house. Dico and I were going next, while Ryan and Novak stayed in the treetop casino.

Raab went down the zip line and jumped off. He ran to a four-wheeler. Bam began shooting him. I went next down the zip line. Dico just jumped down. I was amazed at how he didn’t get hurt. Dico gave me his paintball gun as we got on the four-wheeler. I began shooting at Bam. Bam hit Dico, but not me. We went towards the house. We got close to the house and got off the four-wheeler. We didn’t know that Phil was with Bam on this. Phil began spraying us with a water hose. Dico told me to shoot him, so I did. We ran inside the house. We found Raab. He was shirtless, and looking at his side. You could see where he got hit with paintballs.

“I bet Novak and Ryan didn’t get hit with paintballs.” Raab groaned.

“I didn’t.” I told Raab.

“I did though.” Dico spoke.

The two guys went upstairs and I followed.

“What are you doing?” I asked them.

“Going to shoot whoever comes in next.” Dico told me.

“I’m almost out though.” Raab spoke.

“Find something else to hit them with.” I told them.

“Go get all the eggs out of the fridge. None of them will shoot you.” Raab told me.

“Are you going to shoot me?” I asked them suspiciously.

“No.” they both answered at the same time.

I ran downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed all the eggs. I took the back to Dico and Raab. They didn’t shoot me. I laid the eggs down carefully. Now all we had to do was wait.

The door finally opened. It seemed forever, but it was only around five minutes. Novak came running in. I got back near the wall behind Dico and Raab so I wouldn’t get hit. Dico and Raab began shooting at Novak.

“The fuck?!” Novak yelled.

The two guys finished shooting the rest of the paintballs. They then began throwing eggs at Novak. Novak tried shooting them, but missed. The guys finally stopped throwing eggs. There were only a few left.

“Why did you shoot me for? And why did you throw eggs?” Novak asked after he threw his paintball gun down.

“Because we got shot, and the same reason you just threw the paintball gun down for.” Dico answered Novak.

“Are you planning on throwing eggs at Ryan also?” Novak asked.

“That’s the plan.” Dico grinned.

“While you are down there, go find some more stuff for us to throw. You can then join us.” Raab told Novak.

Ryan came in while Novak was getting more stuff to throw. Ryan didn’t have his paintball gun. He slammed the door. I got off the floor and by Dico. I picked up a few eggs. Once Ryan turned around, we began throwing the eggs. Bam and Phil also came in. We threw the rest of the eggs at them. Novak came with some apples. I took the rest of the eggs and threw them at him.

“Hey! You weren’t suppose to hit me!” Novak shouted.

“You shouldn’t have took so long!” I yelled at him.

“Why the hell did you do that for?” Ryan finally asked.

“It was Kaylee’s idea!” Raab pointed at me. My mouth fell open.

“It was your idea! Not mine.” I argued.

“You are the one who said shoot Bam!” Novak joined in on the argument.

“Why would I do such a thing?” I smirked.

“So it was your idea?” Bam raised an eyebrow.

Bam, Novak and Ryan were now standing behind Raab. I was still behind Dico.

“Why are you hiding behind Dico for?” Novak asked.

“Who said I was hiding?” I replied back.

“It looks like it.” Raab spoke.

The guys were stepping closer. I was pretty much holding Dico in front of me. I was taking steps back. Once I was near my room, I ran. I managed to close the door before any of the guys could get me. The bad thing was that my door didn’t have a lock. I was sitting in front of the door. I knew the guys would push the door open with me in front of it, but I tried to keep it closed anyway. I slowly began sliding along the floor as the door opened. I jumped up and ran to my bed. Bam tackled me to the bed. He then sat on me and began tickling me.

“Bam, stop.” I laughed. I began to squirm underneath him.

“You gave the guys the idea to shoot me with paintballs!” Bam tickled me some more.

“I’m sorry.” I laughed.

“No you’re not!” Bam stopped tickling me to take off his shirt. I saw where bruises were forming. “See what you did!”

“I didn’t do that.” I told Bam as I tried to get away from him. I realized that the other guys weren’t even in my room. I also realized the position Bam and I were in. I blushed. Bam noticed and smirked.

“What’s wrong? Does somebody have a crush?!” Bam laughed.

“No!” I yelled.

“Sure. Whatever you say!” Bam smirked again.

“Ryan! Help me. Bam is being a meanie!” I shouted.

Bam began tickling me again. “Nope! Nobody is going to help you.” I began to kick and laugh again.

“Please stop, Bam.” I laughed.


I noticed Dico walk pass my room.

“Dico! Help me! Please? I will love you forever!” I shouted to Dico between my laughing.

Dico came into my room. “Why should I help you for?” he asked.

“Are you serious?! I didn’t say that it was your idea to shoot whoever came into the house next.” I told him.

“It wasn’t my idea though.” Dico rolled his eyes.

“Please?” I begged.

Dico gave in. He then pulled Bam off of me. I quickly got up once Bam was off of me. Bam and Dico began wrestling. I left my room and went downstairs where I found Ryan.

“Thanks for the help.” I glared.

“It wasn’t like he was going to hurt you.” Ryan told me.

“I obviously knew that.” I told Ryan. Ryan laughed. I rolled my eyes. I went to the living room and watched Jackass 2.5.
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