In for a Ride

Missing Runaway

“WAKE UP!” Bam yelled and jumped onto my bed. I groaned.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Time for you to wake up. Dunn said so.” Bam began jumping on the bed.

“Why?” I asked.

“He said something about enrolling you into school.” Bam told me as he jumped off the bed. “So, get up!”

Once Bam had closed the door, I got up. I grabbed clothes, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I wasn’t in the shower for five minutes when someone began banging on the door, telling me to hurry up. I did hurry up. I got quickly dressed. I opened the door to see Ryan, Bam, and Raab.

“Finally!” Bam shouted.

I quickly moved out of the doorway. The three guys tried to see who would get in the bathroom first.

“Isn’t there another bathroom?” I asked the three guys.

“Yeah, but someone else is in there.” Ryan told me.

I went back to my room to finish getting ready. I then walked downstairs.

“Ready to go?” Ryan asked when he saw me. I shook my head yes.


We had been in the school for about twenty minutes. They had to call my old school and get my files. When the school got everything settled, they told me that I started Monday. It was Thursday today. We left the school. I now needed school supplies. I told Ryan that I also needed clothes since I had very few. We went to Philadelphia to go shopping. We shopped most of the day. I finally had everything I needed. We went back to West Chester to eat. Raab, Dico, Jess, and Bam joined us.

“Where have you been all damn day?” Bam asked.

“At the school and went shopping. Kaylee needed school supplies and clothing.” Ryan told Bam.

“Of course. Kaylee was shopping most of the day, wasn’t she?” Raab asked.

“She needed clothes. She doesn’t have many. Did you want her to go to school wearing the same clothes every week?” Ryan asked Raab.

“I didn’t know that.” Raab apologized to me.

We ate our food and headed back to Castle Bam. The guys helped me carry all my stuff to my room. There was at least twenty bags.

“Did you get enough clothes?” Bam asked.

“Yeah, Ryan kept telling me to get more.” I told Bam.

“If you ever need anything, let me know.” Bam told me. He gave me a hug then left my room. I began going through the bags. I put all the clothes where they went. I didn’t bother taking off the tags yet. I would do that when I wore the clothes.

“Kaylee!” I heard Ryan yell.

I went downstairs to see what he needed. I saw the guys standing around the door. I got closer and saw a couple of police officers.

“Are you Kaylee Greene?” the tallest police officer asked. I shook my head yes. “Your aunt reported you missing. You have to come back with us.”

“What!” The guys and I shouted.

“I want to stay here. I like it here.” I told the officers.

“They aren’t your legal guardians.” The short, chubby officer told me.

“Ryan is my brother though!” I argued.

“You have to go back to your aunt’s. She didn’t even know you were here. You know that you can get into trouble for running away?” the tall officer asked me.

“I don’t fucking care!” I yelled. I had tears in my eyes. “I hate my aunt. She is fucking psycho.”

“Ma’am, calm down. We are just doing our job.” the tall officer told me.

“Sir, she is a lot happier here. I had to buy her clothes today. Her aunt never buys her anything. At least here, she is being taken care of.” Ryan spoke.

“Yeah, I’m sure you are taking care of her real good.” The chubby officer spoke.

“Fuck you!” Bam yelled.

“I’m not letting you take her.” Ryan told the officers.

I was standing close to the guys now. I didn’t want to go back to my aunt’s. I rather call here my home.

“We can arrest you.” the chubby officer told the guys.

“For what!? Taking care of family?” Ryan yelled.

“For kidnapping and not cooperating with us.” the chubby told Ryan.

“I don’t want to go back there.” I told Ryan. Ryan hugged me tightly.

“We didn’t kidnap her. She got a hold of me and asked if she could stay here.” Ryan told the cops.

“Well, in that case, you are helping a runaway.” the tall officer stated.

“That’s bullshit!” Bam yelled.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” the chubby officer told us.

I stayed by the guys.

“We aren’t making her go.” Ryan told the officers.

“In that case, you’re under arrest.” The officer spoke.

I began running back up to my room. I slammed the door of my room. I grabbed my phone and went to the window. I opened the window. I glanced down at the drop. It didn’t seem very high. I sat on the window ledge. I glanced down one more time before I pushed myself off. I landed on my feet and didn’t hurt myself. I ran to the treetop casino. I went up and sat down. I took my phone and texted Novak since he wasn’t here. I asked him to get here ASAP. I heard the officers yelling my name. Novak texted me, saying that he was on his way back and almost here. The officers had made it to the treetop casino.

“Get down here Kaylee. You can get into serious trouble.” Chubby officer said. I ignored him. Once the officers began coming up, I went to the zip line. I went down some before letting go. I ran back towards the house. “We don’t want to taser you.” I heard one of the officers shout. I kept running. I ran down the driveway. I ran until I got in Novak’s car.

“Go!” I yelled at him.

“Where?” he asked. He had no idea what was going on.

“Away from here.” I told him.

He backed out of the driveway. We then began speeding down the highway.

“What is going on?” Novak asked.

“The fucking cops want to take me away.” I told him.

“You’re running from the cops?” Novak asked. I shook my head yes. “Fuck.”

“Where are we going?” I asked Novak.

“Ape and Phil’s house. I can’t get in trouble with this shit. Sorry Kaylee.” Novak told me.

“I don’t want to go back. I like it here with you guys. I tried to tell the cops that, but they wouldn’t listen.” I was crying now.

Novak reached over and held onto my hand. “It will be alright. Just go back there. We will get you back here in no time. Just tell them why. Ryan has told us about your mom and how you were living with your aunt. Tell them how your aunt treats you. Tell them why you want to stay at Bam’s, alright?” I nodded my head yes.

We stopped at Ape and Phil’s house. “You’ll be fine. I’ve gotta get out of here. I’ll see you soon.” Novak squeezed my hand before letting go. I got out and knocked on the door. April opened it up.

“Kaylee, what’s wrong?” April brought me into a hug.

We went inside and I told her what happened.

“Did the boys get arrested?” April asked. I shrugged. I had no idea. There was a knock on the door. “Must be them.” April sighed.

I followed her to the door. It was the cops.

“Is Kaylee here?” the tall guy asked. He didn’t see me since I was standing against the wall by the door. April glanced over at me. I sighed.

“I’m here.” I spoke.

“You know that running from officers is against the law?” chubby officer asked.

“I know.” I spoke quietly.

“You aren’t in any trouble this time. Your brother explained why you probably ran from us. You still have to go back to your aunt for now. You will be staying at the police station until she gets here.” the tallest officer told me. I shook my head. I gave April a hug before going to the police car. The chubby officer opened the door and I got in the back. I stared out of the window as we left.

“So, tell us about yourself.” the tall officer spoke. He was the one driving. I just shrugged. “Can you tell us why you don’t want to go back with your aunt?”

“She is a selfish bitch. She is also psycho. She didn’t let me take hardly any of my stuff from my old house. That is why I had very few things. She didn’t even care that my mom died. Anytime I cried, she told me to shut the fuck up and stop being such a baby. I was there for only a few hours when she hit me. That was when I knew I needed to live somewhere else. And now you are making me go back. Just as I began to be happy again.” I growled.

“I’m sorry for your lost.” the chubby officer spoke.

“Now you’re not!” I snapped at him.

It was quiet the rest of the way to the police station. I was let out of the car and I went inside. The tall officer told me to sit down on the bench.

“Where is my brother and the rest of the guys?” I asked the chubby officer since he was watching me.

“We didn’t arrest them if that is what you mean.” the officer spoke.

The other officer came back from wherever he went.

“You have to stay here tonight, until your aunt gets here. Right now though, you need to fill out a report on why you don’t want to go back with your aunt. Any questions?” I shook my head no. Both officers left me alone so I could fill out the report. Once I finished, I took it to the tall officer. I then went back and sat down. It was going to be a long night.
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comments? I will update again later if I get at least five comments.