In for a Ride


It had been a long night. I didn’t sleep at all. The officers kept asking me if I wanted to sleep, but I would shake my head no. It was now seven in the morning. I was tired, and could easily fall asleep. I glanced over at the door when it opened. I groaned when I saw who it was.

“Kaylee! You are grounded when we get back. Don’t you ever do that again or I will put you in a girl’s home. Understand me?” My aunt was yelling at me. She had a tight grip around my arm.

“I’m not going with you. You can fuck off and die!” I shouted at her.

The officers in the station were watching. My aunt slapped me across the face.

“Don’t you talk to me like that!” My aunt shouted.

“Ma’am, you are under arrest for hitting a minor.” a female officer said.

“I’m her legal guardian. Don’t tell me what I can’t do! You heard what she said. She is being a brat.” my aunt was angrier now.

“That is child abuse. Now let go of Kaylee.” one of the guy officers spoke.

“See what you did, you little bitch!” My aunt hit me hard in the stomach. The officers ran to her and quickly arrest her. The female officer helped me up since I was doubled over in pain.

“Are you alright sweetie?” the female officer asked. I shook my head no.

“I just want my brother.” I cried. She walked off to call him.

I sat down on the floor and held my stomach. Tears were streaming down my face. None of the other officers even cared to ask if I needed help. I was obviously in pain. I laid my head back against the wall. I tried to think of something to keep my mind off of the pain. I guess I had managed to do that, because the next thing I know, Ryan was here.

“Kaylee, are you alright?” Ryan was concerned.

The pain wasn’t as bad as it was, but it still hurt.

“My stomach still hurts.” I told Ryan. He helped me up.

“C’mon, let’s leave here.” Ryan helped me out to the car. “Has the pain gone away any?” I shook my head yes. “We’ll go home for now. I will give you some aspirin. If it still hurts later, I’ll take you to the hospital. Is that alright?” I shook my head yes again. “What happened?” Ryan asked once we were driving.

“She came in yelling at me and grabbed my arm. Next, she slapped me. The officers told her that she was under arrest, so she yelled at me more. Then she punched me in the stomach.” I told Ryan.

“Did the officers even ask if you were okay?” Ryan asked.

“No. The girl asked and I told her that I wanted you.” I told Ryan.

“Well, I am sure that you are staying here at Castle Bam now.” Ryan smiled. I smiled back.

Ryan stopped the car and we both got out. He helped me to the house. As soon as I was inside, I got attacked with a hug from Bam. I hissed out in pain.

“Bam!” Ryan yelled at him. Bam quickly let go and apologized. The other guys were now gathered around me.

“What happened?” Dico asked. Ryan told him.

“What a bitch.” Novak spoke.

All the guys hugged me carefully. Ryan then helped me to my room. I got comfortable. Bam came in a few minutes later with aspirin. Raab came in with two bags of ice. One bag of ice was for my face and the other was for my stomach. The three guys left my room after I told them I was going to be okay, and that I wanted to sleep. Once they were out of my room, I just stared at the ceiling. The door opened. It was Novak.

“Here, you left your phone in the car yesterday.” Novak handed me my phone. I smiled and thanked him. “Are you sure you’re alright?” Novak seemed concerned.

“Yeah, I will be fine.” I told him. He leaned down and kissed my cheek that wasn’t bruising. He then kissed my lips. He smiled and left my room. Dico came in right after.

“I’m fine.” I laughed since I knew he was probably going to ask me. Pain shout through me when I laughed.

“You don’t seem it.” Dico spoke.

“It hurts when I laugh.” I frowned.

“Yeah, it probably does. Do you need anything? If not, I will go.” I told Dico that I didn’t and he left my room. Something seemed wrong with him. When he first saw me, he seemed worried. Now he didn’t. Maybe I was imagining it?

I decided to go to sleep since I was tired. Once I was asleep, I wouldn’t feel the pain either.


A couple hours had passed before I woke up. I wasn’t in as much pain as I was earlier. I carefully got up. My shirt was wet from the ice melting. I walked over to my closet and pulled a shirt out. I carefully took my shirt off and put the other on. I then walked to the bathroom since I needed to pee. Once I finished doing my business, I glanced in the mirror at my face. It was slightly swollen and bruised. I lift my shirt up to reveal my stomach. I winced when I saw how it looked. It was black and blue over most of my stomach. I put my shirt down and went to downstairs. I found Dico and Novak.

“Damn, have you seen your face?” Novak asked once he saw me.

“Have you seem my stomach?” I asked him as I lift up my shirt so he could see.

“Fucking hell! Are you sure you’re alright?” Novak asked as he walked over to me.

“Yeah, I’m better than earlier.” Novak smiled and carefully hugged me. Dico wasn’t even paying any attention.

“Where’s Ryan?” I asked the two guys.

“The others might have went to the police station to bitch them out.” Novak spoke slowly.

“Why?” I asked even though I knew.

“For not asking if you were okay. Also for not trying to stop it.” Novak told me.

“So, why didn’t you two go?” I asked.

“Dico didn’t want to. I was staying here so if you needed anything.” Novak grinned.

“Aw, thank you.” I smiled. I watched as Dico left the room. “What is his problem?” I asked Novak.

“I don’t know. He is mad about something though.” Novak answered.

“Did I make him mad?” I asked quietly.

“What would you have done to make him mad?” Novak seemed confused.

“I don’t know. That was why I asked you.” I told Novak.

“I’m sure it has nothing to do with you.” Novak assured me. I figured that Novak was right.

“So, how long has the rest of the guys been gone?” I changed the subject.

“Since they left your room earlier.” Novak told me.

“They have been gone for more that two hours?!”

“It’s been more than two hours?” Novak asked. I shook my head yes. “Wow, maybe we should find them.” I agreed.

We were walking towards the door when Dico stopped us.

“Bam called. I‘m going to go bail them out.” Dico told us.

“I’m going.” I told Dico.

“No, you should stay here.” Dico argued.

“Dude, we are going.” Novak told Dico.

We got in Dico’s car and headed towards the police station. It was an awkward silence there. We arrived and got out of the car. We went inside. Dico was talking to one of the officers. Novak and I were sitting on the bench. A few minutes later and Raab, Bam, and Ryan were released. Ryan came over to me and gave me a hug.

“Wow, you look awful.” Bam told me before he gave me a hug.

“Wow, thanks. Makes me feel better.” I replied sarcastically. Raab hugged me last.

“Let’s go before we get in more trouble.” Ryan spoke. Bam had his arm around my shoulder as we walked out.

“Who is going with who?” Dico asked. Novak, Ryan, and I said Bam. Raab went with Dico.

I was sitting the passenger seat since I called shotgun. None of the guys were going to argue with me.

“How does your stomach look?” Ryan asked.

“Horrible.” I answered. I lift up my shirt so my stomach was showing. Bam glanced from the road to my stomach.

“Yeah, she’s not kidding.” Bam told Ryan.

Ryan leaned forward so he could see.

“Do you feel better?” Ryan asked.

“Better than earlier.” I told him.

Ryan and Bam changed the subject. They were talking about what they did the past two hours.

“What are we going to do the rest of the day?” Bam asked.

“I don’t know. It’s almost noon.” Ryan spoke.

“We will figure out something.” Bam smirked. I had a feeling that it involved me.
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new story.
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i have two more story ideas haha. i dont know when i will start them though. one will be Chris "Drama" Pfaff and the other will be Scott "Big Cat" Pfaff =D