In for a Ride

Peaceful When Asleep

I woke up early the next morning on the couch. I stretched and yawned. I realized that someone was laying on me. I opened my eyes to see Bam asleep. His head was laying on my stomach. His arm was draped over my legs. I glanced around the living room to see the rest of the guys asleep also. Ryan was still in the chair. Novak was sprawled out across the floor in front of the couch. Dico was asleep in another chair. Raab had his feet on Novak and was also laying on the floor. I smiled as I looked at each of the boys. They were so peaceful when they were asleep. I glanced back at Bam. I knew that if I tried to get up, I would wake him up. I didn’t want to wake him up, but I needed to go to the bathroom. I tried to move without waking him up. It didn’t get me nowhere though.

“Bam, wake up.” I whispered as I ran my fingers through his hair. “Bam, can you get off of me? I need to pee.” I spoke a little louder.

“But, I’m comfortable.” Bam mumbled.

“I know you are, but I need to pee really bad!” I told him. He mumbled something that I couldn’t understand before he sat up. I quickly got up. I forgot about Novak laying right in front of the couch, and almost stepped on him. Once I was out of the living room, I ran to the bathroom. After I did what I needed to do, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I glanced in the mirror at my face. The bruise was not as bad as it had looked yesterday. I lifted my shirt up and noticed that my stomach still looked the same. It just didn’t hurt as bad. I then went back to the living room. Bam had laid back down and fell asleep. I decided to go ahead and get dress for the day. I knew that the guys would be up soon, and would probably want to go somewhere or do something. I haven’t lived here long, but I had figured these guys out some.

I went upstairs to my room to get dressed. I smiled at how quiet it was. Usually it was noisy and something was being destroyed. I changed my clothes and went back downstairs. I got some cereal and sat down to eat it. Dico came in a few minutes later. He didn’t say anything as he got something to eat.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him. He had been acting weird.

“Nothing.” he replied a few minutes later.

Dico had a bowl of cereal also. He sat down, but as far as he could from me. I was beginning to wonder what I did. He seemed to be mad at me. I was going to ask him, but didn’t when Novak came into the kitchen.

“Good morning crazy!” Novak spoke. As he walked by me, he messed up my hair. I frowned.

“I just brushed my hair!” I complained as I ran my fingers through my messed up hair.

“I know. That is why I messed it up!” Novak grinned as he sat down across from me.

“You’re a jerk.” I glared at him.

“You can always brush your hair again. Be glad I didn’t cut it or put gum in it, or something like that.” Novak rolled his eyes.

“If you did, I would kill you.” I smirked.

“I bet you would since you’re insane.” Novak took my spoon and took a bite of my cereal.

“Get your own cereal!” I frowned.

“I don’t wanna though!” Novak whined.

I took the spoon from his hand and ate some of my cereal. He then took the spoon out of my hand once again.

“The fuck? Gimme my spoon! Go get your own spoon.” I yelled at him as I reached for my spoon. He held it away from me where I couldn’t reach. “Novak, I’m going to kill you!” I snarled. I kept reaching over the table to grab the spoon, but failed. I sat back down in my seat and crossed my arms. I then glared at Novak. He took my bowl of cereal and began eating it. I got up from my chair and went to the fridge. I grabbed a Rockstar energy drink. I began drinking it. I smacked Novak in the head as I left the kitchen. I went to the living room to find only Bam and Ryan still asleep. I had no idea where Raab went. I grabbed the remote to the t.v. and turned it on. It was really loud. I turned down the volume. I had waken up Bam and Ryan. Ryan began stretching in the chair, while Bam just sat up and rubbed his eyes. I took the opportunity to sit down on the couch. I then began flipping through the channels to find something on.

“What are you doing?” Ryan asked before he yawned.

“Trying to find something to watch.” I answered him.

I kept flipping through the channels. Nothing seemed to be on. I finally just turned the television off.

“Nothing on?” Bam asked as he laid his head on my shoulder.

“Of course not!” I mumbled. I took another drink of the Rockstar.

“Can I have a drink?” Bam asked. I thought about it before handing the Rockstar to him. He took a drank and gave it back to me.

“Where is the other guys?” Ryan asked.

I shrugged. “Novak was being an asshole in the kitchen. Dico was also in the kitchen. I don’t know where Raab went.”

“What did Novak do?” Ryan asked.

“He took my cereal!” I frowned.

“He can be a dick.” Ryan spoke.

“Who is a dick?” Raab asked as he came into the living room. He had only a towel around his waist. You could tell that he just got out of the shower.

“Novak, and put some clothes on!” Ryan shouted at him. Raab quickly left and I laughed.

“What are you laughing at now?” Bam asked.

“Raab.” I giggled.

“Do you find everything funny?” Bam asked me.

“Maybe.” I smiled. Novak walked into the living room and I frowned. He sat down on the other side of Bam. “Go away.” I told him.

“What did I do?” Bam asked as he lifted his head off my shoulder to look at me.

“Not you. Novak.” I glared at Novak.

“Novak, stop being a dick to my sister.” Ryan spoke.

“I didn’t even do anything!” Novak argued.

“Don’t take her food away.” Ryan told Novak.

“I was hungry!” Novak then defended himself.

“You can get your own damn food!” I shouted at him.

“Dude, just leave her alone.” Bam told Novak.

“Fine.” Novak mumbled.

Raab came back into the living room with clothes on this time. He sat down in a chair before asking what we were doing today.

Bam shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m tired.” Bam laid his head on my shoulder again.

“I don’t want to go anywhere.” I spoke.

“I think it is suppose to storm.” Ryan added.

“Where’s Dico?” Raab asked.

“I don’t know.” The four of us answered at once.

“That’s kind of weird.” Ryan spoke.

“What is?” Bam asked.

“Dico not in here. He usually is.” Ryan told Bam.

“He’s been ignoring me. I asked him what was wrong earlier and he said nothing was.” I spoke quietly.

“Why would he ignore you for?” the guys asked. I shrugged.

“I will go find him and talk to him.” Ryan told us as he stood up. “It probably doesn’t even involve you.” Ryan told me with a soft smile. He kissed the top of my head before walking off to find Dico.

“Turn the t.v on.” Raab told me.

“Nothing is on.” I yawned.

“Give me the remote. I will find something on.” I threw the remote to Raab. He caught it and turned the t.v. on.

Bam yawned next to me. “I think I am going back to sleep.” He announced. He wrapped his arm lightly around my waist.

“There are these things called beds. You should sleep on one.” I laughed.

“But, I am comfortable.” Bam whined.

“Whatever.” I mumbled. I pushed him off of me and got up.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“My room.” I answered.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you mad.” Bam apologized for no reason.

“I was going to my room to sleep on one of those things called beds.” I laughed. All Bam said was ‘Oh.’

I walked up to my room. I yawned as I closed my door and went over to my bed. I flopped down on the bed. I pulled the blankets over me. I was slowly drifting off to sleep when I head my door open. I opened my eyes to see who it was. Bam was closing my door.

“What are you doing?” I asked him.

“Sleeping in one of these things called beds.” he smirked.

“Don’t you have your own bed?” I questioned him.

“Maybe. Maybe I rather sleep by you.” he frowned.

“Fine. I don’t care.” I sighed.

Bam took off his shirt before getting under the blankets by me. He pulled me close to him. He put his hand so it was resting on my hip. It was awkward, but at the moment I didn’t care. I was too tired to. My head was against his chest. His head was resting on top of mine. I realized that I felt safe in his arms. I closed my eyes. I slowly drifted off to sleep. Before I was in deep sleep, I heard Bam say that he loved me.

I hadn’t been asleep for long when my bedroom door slammed. The loud noise scared Bam and I. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I was wondering who had just slammed my door and why. I don’t think it was Ryan. I knew it had to be either Novak, Dico or Raab.

“Who was that?” I asked Bam as I laid back down.

“I don’t know. I will go see though.” Bam told me as he got out of the bed. I closed my eyes and listened to any other noises. I heard Bam close my door as he left my room. I tried to listen, but I was too tired and ended up falling back asleep.
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here is the next chapter. any comments?