Sequel: If We Ever Meet Again
Status: Active!

Catch Up With Fate


Sleeping in late on Sunday morning was great. With the whole weekend off there was nothing urgent to be done right now, only things to be looked forward to.

I had no idea what time it was when there was a knock on the door, but it must’ve been late otherwise Viktor wouldn’t have come to check on me. After I had made some sort of noise, he opened the door and came in. It was more of an afterthought that I remembered that I hadn’t taken off my makeup from last night before going to sleep (I know, shame on me), so I quickly pulled the covers over my head.

“Good morning,” he laughed.

“Good morning,” I replied, muffled by the covers. “Sorry, I look horrible right now,” I added as an explanation.

“I don’t believe that,” he replied and I almost grunted. How sweet and polite could one man be?! “I just wanted to come check on you, you kind of have to get up soon for the date...”

That made me flip down the covers. “I thought that was tonight?”

“You don’t look horrible,” he told me first. “And no, it’s not. Figured you’d want to watch the game in peace, so we’re going on the date around noon.”

I reached for my glasses. “O-kay. What time is it?”

“Almost 11,” was the answer, followed by my groan and his laugh.

“Get out, I’ll get dressed then we can go.”


One look into the mirror proved that Viktor was just too nice to admit that last night’s mascara and eye shadow made me look like a raccoon. I quickly fixed that and the mess that was my hair, but for once picking an outfit took a while. Since I didn’t know where we were going, I had to go with something nice but not too nice. In the end I settled on something I felt comfortable, but pretty in and went out to tell Viktor I was ready.

This was a seriously weird part of living together first and then starting to date. There was no distinct point where a date began and ended, because we would be at the same apartment before and after. That could both be good and bad, but definitely something we would have to figure out.

“I’m ready.” I could only see Vik’s head over the back of the couch. As soon as he heard me, he turned off the TV and got up, turning around.

“You look great,” he smiled and I nervously smoothed down the cardigan.

“If it’s not fancy enough, I can change,” I offered, but he shook his head.

“It’s perfect, we’re going to the aquarium,” he told me. I was surprised, I hadn’t expected that.

“Great idea!” I voiced my approval and he smiled. “I might wear flat shoes though...”

“Whatever you’re comfortable in.” I nodded quickly and changed my shoes, then we left.

“How’d you come up with the aquarium?” I asked in the car. “That’s really a cool idea.”

Viktor was visibly proud that I liked his plan. “I just thought we should do something we wouldn’t normally do, cause we eat together almost every day and stuff. I didn’t think you had been there yet either, so...”

“I haven’t,” I nodded. “Have you?” He shook his head. “I think it’s been a couple of years since I’ve been to one, to be honest. The last time we went was when my one cousin was... a couple of years ago.”

Viktor chuckled. “Did you have something for breakfast?”

“Yup, I ate a toast with Nutella while I was trying to decide what to wear. And maybe a couple of spoonfuls without toast,” I grinned mischievously.

“Sweet tooth, huh?”

“Pretty much,” I nodded. “It’s Sunday though, so you’re not allowed anyway.”

“How come?” he wanted to know.

“Everyone knows that kids in Sweden are only allowed to eat sweets on Saturday. What was that called again?”

“Lördagsgodis,” he told me. “But I’m not a kid.”

“Arguable. At the very least you’ll always be your parents’ child,” I grinned from ear to ear. “So no candy for Viktor today.”

“We always sneaked candy on the other days anyway,” he shrugged with a grin.

“I know, my cousins do the same,” I nodded. “It’s just for fun anyway, you probably don’t eat that much candy anyway, right?”

“Not really,” he confirmed. “But you do.”

“Not really. Sometimes I crave chocolate, but not that often,” I said without really thinking. My chocolate cravings were mostly reserved for a special time a month and I could tell from the look on his face that he somehow knew I’d meant that. ‘Awkward!’ my brain screamed as I blushed, looking anywhere but him. Depending on how long I was going to stay at his apartment, he would probably find out little things like that about me anyway, but this was definitely not a topic for a first date.

“You love oreos though,” Viktor said a few moments later that seemed like an eternity.

“That I do,” I confirmed. “The right amount could be used as bribery even. I think.”

Viktor grinned. “I’ll have to remember that.”

“You should,” I grinned back and was glad that the awkwardness had passed so quickly.


It wasn’t a surprise to me that Viktor insisted on paying, but at least my ticket was reduced because I was a student. He took my teasing about him being too old with a smile and, opening the map we had been provided with, asked what I wanted to see.

“The penguins,” I grinned cheekily. He rolled his eyes. “What do you want to see?”

“The seals,” he told me, pointing them out on the map.

“Pretty sure they have Nemo fishies, too, so I want to see those,” I added with a sheepish smile.

“Cute,” he chuckled. “Let’s just start this way then,” he offered me his arm and I looped mine through, smiling softly.

“I’m starting to think that Swedish boys all go through gentleman school,” I told him and he laughed.

“Nah, my brothers aren’t chivalrous at all, they’re goobers.”

“Good thing I got stuck with you then, huh?” I laughed and squeezed his arm lightly. “If any of that Swedish stuff rubs off on my cousin, girls will be in big trouble.”

“How old is he?”

“Luca is 6, I think,” I said slowly. “He’s got big brown puppy eyes and dimples and he’s a very sweet, thoughtful little guy already. Think he might start playing hockey, too, actually.”

“Sounds like a good match,” Viktor smiled and I nodded, feeling a little bit wistful because I hadn’t seen Luca, his sister and my aunt in a few years.

“Like the world really needs more charming, cute Swedish hockey players... There are more than enough, trust me.”

“He can represent the new generation,” Viktor suggested.

“No, you know what he can do? He can play for Team Germany. Get all the Swedish perks and play for Black-Red-Gold. That would be awesome!”

“Well, you guys need all the help you can get, so maybe,” he said with a smug grin.

“Insulting my country on the first date? Way to go, Viktor,” I rolled my eyes and dropped his arm, pretending to be insulted. He looked at me like he wasn’t sure if I was serious, but then laughed when I exaggerated by crossing my arms over my chest and lifting my chin, looking away from him demonstratively.

“I’m sorry, can you find it in your heart to forgive me?” he said in an I’m-kissing-your-ass voice and gave me a cute pouty look.

“Jeeze, stop with that face!” I groaned, covering my eyes. He did it a while longer, but then dropped it. “There, fish,” I pointed at the display and turned to examine the contents closely.

The aquarium was really a good place to go for our date. It was semi-dark, people paid attention to the animals and exhibits, not the other people around them and especially the smaller exhibits gave Viktor prime opportunities to get close to me. The fist time he did that he almost scared me to death, never mind that my racing heart almost killed me, when his head suddenly appeared next to mine over my shoulder as he stood behind me. He was amused by the fact that he’d actually taken me by surprise and did it a few more times, though from then on I enjoyed it immensely.

“Can you imagine swimming or surfing and suddenly one of these guys pops up below you?” I shuddered, watching how a shark swam by over our heads in one of those glass tunnel things.

“I heard it helps if you punch them,” Viktor offered the information with a grin.

“Oh, right. I think you’re getting the team and the animals messed up here,” I said dryly. “Like I would punch something that has so many sharp teeth, yeah right.”

“If that keep it from eating my arm or leg or me in general, I’d at least try it,” he shrugged unfazed.

“Too bad they don’t have manatees,” I sad quietly, watching a ray swim by.

“You like those?” He stepped closer to me as a family passed by.

“They’re funny when they smash their noses into the glass,” I grinned. “YouTube is a wonderful thing.”

“You can show me at home.”

“I will,” I nodded.

The aquarium had a few exhibits with jellyfish, of which I made Viktor take a picture and send it to Niklas.

“I don't really get why they’re called fish, they’re just jelly,” I frowned slightly and shuddered at the memory of stepping into one when I was younger.

“What are they called in German?” he asked as he finished reading the description.

“Quallen. In Swedish?”

“Manet,” he told me and pulled his phone from his pocket, showing me the reply from Niklas.

nice, thanks. what are you doing at the aquarium? tell tasha i said hi

“What should I write back?” he asked me, both of us well aware that we’d just sort of given ourselves away. What were the chances of two people randomly being at the aquarium, especially with our history?

“Gimme,” I held out my hand and typed a quick reply.

we’re finding nemo, duh

Viktor laughed when he read that and sent the text, then pocketed his phone and didn’t take it out again. Eventually we finally made it to the penguins, which I was of course most delighted to see.

“In the Pittsburgh zoo they have penguins named after Malkin, Staal, Crosby, Flower and more,” I informed Viktor happily, watching the little guys in black and white go about their business. “The one named Flower is a girl though.”

My date let out a laugh at that. “Really? How do you know?”

“Pens TV,” I shrugged. “You guys aren’t the only team with good team videos. The Canes run a very funny feature called ‘Ask the Canes’.”

“As long as you still like us best,” he smiled lightly.

“Yes, Viktor, the ‘Hawks have been, are and will always be my first love.”

“Whew, lucky us,” he laughed and casually put one arm around my shoulders. I turned into him slightly and wrapped my arms around his waist loosely. It was such a couple-y pose that I almost laughed. He turned it into one of our little moments when he put his hand behind my ear and dragged his thumb over my cheek lightly. With my head turned up to look at him, it was a perfect opportunity to get that kiss I had denied him last night.

He did lean in a little, but then stopped and started to grin. “Nah, not yet,” he said, straightening up.

For a moment I just stared at him speechless, but then I couldn’t help but laugh. Seemed like he had accepted my challenge. Game on.
♠ ♠ ♠
Date outfit

Quick break from writing this massive kick-my-ass 17 page education sciene paper...
Yes, Rach, I am writing it! WOOT
For the first time ever really, I'm not worried about having enough pages though haha Really weird feeing!

Thanks for waiting and reading! :)