Carry On, Carrie Ann

Untold Secrets Still Remain Secret

Carrie Ann

Carrie bit her bottom lip to keep herself from screaming out once she reached her climax. A soft groan managed to escape her pursed lips, but she kept most of it quiet. She released her lip when Billie slowly climbed off of her and settled on his back at her side, his breath coming out in shakey rasps.
"Oh my God, Care. You know how to fucking fuck," he managed to wheeze out as he ran a hand through his dampened dark hair.
"You're not so bad yourself," Carrie said, equally breathless, as she turned to face her not-so-secret lover. A smile spread across her lips as her gray-blue eyes met his emerald green ones. In those captivating eyes she saw a gleam of satisfaction. Without much thought Carrie began to trail her fingers up and down Billie's heaving chest, still keeping their gazes locked.
What's going to become of us Bill? Are we going to last through the years and grow old together? Or will this just be a one time thing, a wham bam thank you ma'am? I know you seem committed, but can I trust you? I'm only seventeen, you could be taking advantage of me without me knowing it. Will we last?

Billie shifted a bit, moving his arm around Carrie's waist. Usually she would acknowledge his touch, but at the moment she was too deep in thought to react to anything. He took in a deep breath, trying to regulate his choppy breathing before asking Carrie what was on her mind. He could see in her grey-blue eyes that something was troubling that mind of hers. Billie pressed his lips to her forehead, drawing her out of her thoughts.
"Babe? What were you thinking about?" he asked as he breathing became regular. Carrie's eyes scanned his face before resting on his eyes again. She inhaled deeply before sighing.
"About us," Carrie answered dully.
"What about us?"
"If we'll last throu-" she began, but was cut off by a few sharp raps at the door. Her breath hitched in her throat as footsteps were heard running down the hall. A few seconds later more footsteps were heard running down the hall in pursuit of the man who had knocked on the door.
"Tre! Get your ass back here!" the familiar voice of Mike screamed as the footsteps disappeared.

Not wasting any time, Carrie reached over the side of the mattress and grabbed her bra by the strap. She untwisted it and slid her arms through the loops. Her fingers began to fumble with the clasp in the back. Try after try, Carrie couldn't seem to get her bra clasped.
"Billie? Could you snap the clasp together?" she asked, holding her long, colored hair up so it was out of the way.
"Sure," Billie muttered as he sat up so he could get a better look at what he was doing and clasped her bra together.
"Thanks. You better get changed. If Mike's up here he's bound to walk in here to check on me," Carrie muttered as she reached for her boy short underwear and pulled them on. She stood up and gathered the rest of her clothes before pulling them on and rummaging through her dresser drawers for a pair of pajamas. A smile spread across her face once she found her blue skull pajamas. She pulled them out of the drawer as carefully as possible and draped the clothes over her arm before walking towards the door. Her grey-blue eyes scanned the hallway, looking for any sign of her older brother. Carrie concluded she was alone and stepped out into the hallway, making her way towards the small bathroom at the end of the long corridor. But she was wrong, there was some one following her. She turned around to spot Mike walking directly behind her, a cold expression was set on his face.
"Hey," he said still looking at her coldly.
Oh God. He knows something.

"Hey," Carrie said a little uneasily.
"Where were you? I didn't see you or Billie downstairs," Mike inquired as he crossed his arms across his chest, a frown tugging at the corners of his thin lips. He cocked his head to the side waiting for an answer. For a moment, he thought he saw a wave of uneasiness dance over his sister's features, but it quickly was replaced by another emotion.
"I was up here," Carrie said brushing a tendril of her dyed, red hair behind her ear.
"Doing what?" her brother asked.
Fucking your best friend.
"Playing guitar. I don't know about Billie," Carrie lied. She desperately wanted to get out of this situation without making her older brother suspicious of any foul play between her and Billie.
"Okay, whatever," Mike said with a shrug. He didn't really believe anything his sister just said, but he didn't feel up to interrogating her any further. He turned and then disappeared down the long hall, making his way towards Carrie and Billie's room.

Carrie let out a sigh and continued her way towards the small bathroom. She nervously wrung her hands together, thinking of what Billie's excuse would be to Mike's questions. If her lover's answers didn't follow along with her's, she was screwed. Silently she continued her way down the hall and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. A sigh escaped her lips as she ran her free hand through her hair before examining her hair in the mirror. The red dye in Carrie's hair was gradually dissipating from her roots. Her dark brown roots were showing through.
"Fuck, I need to dye my hair again," she muttered as she set her clothes on the cheap porcelain counter and walked over to the shower, before grasping onto the metallic knobs and turning on the hot and cold water. She ran her hand under the jet of water, checking it's temperature. Once she concluded the water was warm enough, she began to strip down to nothing and stepped into the shower.
* * *

Billie Joe

Billie's green eyes followed Carrie as she disappeared out of the room. He shook his head slightly and groaned before standing up. The blankets fell around him as he left the comfort of his bed and stepped over to his dresser before searching for clean boxers. Upon finding a pair he pulled them on and began to dress in the outfit he had worn before him and Carrie had went at it. Just as the lead guitarist was pulling his tee-shirt over his head, a knock resounded at the door. Billie jerked his head towards the door, his eyes growing wider than usual. He knew exactly who it was and didn't really want to confront him.
Shit. Mike

"Hey," Mike said as he opened the door and walked into the dark room.
"Hey yourself," Billie said looking away. He tried to keep himself from looking in those blue eyes because if he did he might give something away.
"I didn't see you or Carrie downstairs," the bassist said as he crossed the distance between him and the lead guitarist, getting in his face.
"Yeah so?" the shorter man asked as he backed away.
"Is there something going on between you two?"
"No!" Billie said a little too quickly, his voice was higher pitched than usual. He glanced up at Mike and quickly adverted his gaze to the floor. He couldn't take the cold glare his best friend was giving him.
"I swear. There's nothing going on between us," the guitarist said a little more calmly as he chanced a glance at his friend again. He inwardly cringed as Mike advanced on him. The bassist grabbed a handful of Billie's shirt and jerked him forward.
"There better not be," he snarled before shoving the guitarist back and exiting the room.
I'm sorry I betrayed your trust Mike, but I love her and I won't give her up.