Carry On, Carrie Ann


Carrie Ann

As night fell, the Green Day gang and Carrie returned back to their home at the warehouse. As they entered the building, once again, they were greeted with the strong smell of smoke and loud shouting coming from the next room. Apparently, Roan and another boy were arguing over who had won the most recent pool game. As Carrie and Billie stepped into the hazy room, all arguments ceased.
"Billie boy! Carrie! I've missed you two. Where've you been?" Roan exclaimed as he slung his right arm over the guitarist's shoulders and reached out for Carrie with his other. Before the young woman could step away, he slung his arm around her slender frame.
"We've been at Ana's. Now let me go," Carrie said as she tried to push away from him, but he was too strong.
"Ana?" Roan asked dumbfounded.
"Mike's girlfriend. Now. Get. The. Fuck. Off," the younger woman said as she tried to move the other way, but Roan just tightened his grip around her. She looked at Billie who was standing perfectly still. He knew better than to try and break away from the taller man's grip when he wanted to hug someone.
"Hey! Let her go," Mike said as he walked into the room, scowling at Roan.
Thank you Mike!

Roan slowly let go of Carrie and lightly pushed her away from him. He had started a fight with Mike once and learned his lesson after he received the ass kicking of a life time. Of course he was ganged up on, only because he insulted the whole band. Mike softened his gaze and smiled at Roan and then at his sister.
"Hey what about me?" Billie whined since he was still caught in the taller man's death grip.
"Nah. Roan you can keep him," Mike said as he walked out of the room and into the kitchen.
"Come on guitar boy. You're playing pool with me," Roan said as he dragged the reluctant Billie over to the pool table and handed him a pool stick.
"Have fun," Carrie said waving at her secret lover as she disappeared out of the room and up the stairs. She turned a corner on the second landing and entered her's and Billie's room before collapsing on the mattress closest to the door, her bed. Reaching out, she grabbed her guitar and strummed a few strings to check if it was in tune or not. After a few strums, she concluded that the guitar was definitely not in tune. Carrie, being the lazy woman she was, put her guitar down and crawled across the room to Billie's mattress before grabbing his perfectly in tune guitar, Blue. She placed the body of the guitar on her lap, not feeling the need to put the strap over her shoulder, and began to play the first few riffs of 'Only of You' from Green Day's first cd, 1039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours. As she finished the song, the bedroom door opened revealing Billie who smelled strongly of smoke.
Poor Billie. He got left with Roan.

"You're mean. You left me down there with him," he whined as he walked over and sat down on the mattress next to her. He watched as she gently set down Blue and turned to face him. Once their eyes met, a smile crept across the guitarist's lips. He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips to hers as his arms wound their way around her slender waist. Carrie deepened the kiss and tangled her fingers in the guitarist's crisp, shaggy hair.
"If we fuck, are you going to flip out on me in the morning again?" Billie asked in between kisses. Carrie breathlessly said no and then the fun began. First the belts went and then shirts. Soon to follow was Carrie's bra. Before anything else could happen, a knock at the door brought them back to their senses. Carrie snapped her head towards the door and stared at it. She quickly reached for her bra and covered her bossom just in time. The door swung open revealing the drummer. Billie, not having enough time to move from his position, was still on top of Carrie.
We're fucked.

"I knew it!" Tre exclaimed quietly as he shut the door. Billie sat up, still straddling Carrie's hips, and turned his head to face the drummer as Carrie frantically tried to put on her bra without the drummer seeing anything. The guitarist looked back down at his tented jeans and then back up at Tre before climbing off of Carrie.
"What the fuck do you mean you knew?" he asked with venom in his voice. He had been determined to keep this particular relationship secret.
"I'm telling Mike," Tre said as he turned around, but was stopped when Billie grabbed a handful of his Ramone's tee-shirt and slammed him into a wall.
"If you fucking tell Mike about this, I will rip off your remaining ball and ram it down your throat," the guitarist hissed.
"Jeeze, calm down. I'm joking," Tre said in a high pitched voice from the threat.
"Mike can not, and I repeat, can not, find out about what's going on between me and Billie," Carrie said as she finally snapped on her bra. She stood up and walked over to where the two band mates were.
"I won't tell. God damn Bill, you're hard and it's touching me. Back up off me," Tre whined as he tried to squirm out of the guitarist's grip.
"I wouldn't be hard right now if you fucking left us alone," Billie mumbled as he shoved away from Tre and walked over to his mattress before sitting down.
"I'll leave so you can get what you started over with. You two lovebirds keep it down so Mikey boy won't hear. Oh and Bill, use this," the drummer said as he pulled something out of his pocket and tossed it to his friend. Billie caught the object and realized it was a condom packet.
"Thanks Tre," he said rolling his eyes.
"Hey, you don't want her getting knocked up, do you? 'Cause then it'd be really hard to hide this from Mike," Tre said as he stepped out of the room.

Billie, who still had a semi-erection, set the condom packet down and crawled back over to Carrie who was now sitting down on her bed. He climbed onto her lap and unfastened her bra once again before flinging it behind him as he pushed Carrie onto the mattress. Their remaining clothes fluttered to the floor. As Billie positioned himself on her, she snapped her legs together.
"What now?" Billie asked as cooly as possible.
"I'm not doing anything until you use a condom. Tre's right. We're screwed if I get knocked up," Carrie said breathlessly. Billie groaned out of frustration and hurriedly got off of her before reaching for the condom that he had placed on the ground. He ripped open the packet and slipped it on before climbing back onto Carrie. Their lips collided together again hungrily as they began to perform the age old ritual of love, known to man as sex.