A Random Day In Awesomeness

First Day of the Awesome-Nation

{'We use to be a normal kid and we use to do normal things, but after what happened when we were kids, when we got transported to this universe, were not normal anymore. Now me and Kindra are a team, fighting anything and anyone we want, and always having each others back. We do whatever seems fun. Even if its illegal, we do it anyway, oh and the weapons are like fucking awesome, but the monsters are scary, eh well some of them any way...'}

I wake up to a loud crash in my bed room. I sit up quickly scanning the room for any sign of an intruder. I had to rub my eyes to make sure i wasn't still dreaming because what i saw was pretty fucking disturbing. I'm not use to waking up to see my dresser being eaten by a large snot green blob. The shit looked as big as a golf cart, how'd it even get in the house. The thing didn't even have arms or legs, just a really big mouth. Then i realized that the most of the shit in the house was gone. i put everything together and then got outta bed realizing we were gonna have to move...again. We usually get thrown out or blow up our houses, but this, I've never experienced shit like this before.

I take peek over at Kindra as she slowly wobbles out of bed. I watch her as she looks at the blob, then around the room, and then finally at me. "Yo Cneek, what the hell is that?" she yelled at me, but still sounding sleepy.

"I don't know Kindra, but you need to get the fuck off your ass and kill this mother fucker. How the fuck do you sleep through shit like this!?!"

"Cneeko, shut the fuck up, you know I'm a heavy sleeper, besides i wasn't the only one sleeping through this shit." She looked angry, but she doesn't realize that her angry face is adorable. I almost didn't realize i was staring, i had to look away.

"Uh...well I woke up first, so get off your ass and kill it." I couldn't quite get out of bed, I kinda had a stiffy, dreams get complicated when the girl you want is sleeping a few feet away.

"Ugh this shit don't even that fucking strong. I could whoop this things ass in seconds, and if you got up first why couldn't your lazy ass kill the thing" she said as she started to get out of bed looking for her glasses on her drawer, then she realized her dresser was gone and so was her glasses."That son of a bitch is gonna die, that was my only pair of fucking glasses."

"LMFAO, so how you gonna kill something you cant see?" and then i see her slide out of bed and pick up her random-zooka by her bedside. "I don't think that's a good idea," i say trying to stifle my giggles. She cant see that the safety on her random-zooka. When the safety is on it shoots a random tasty snack. I was sitting up even more now, really hoping she doesn't notice the safety.

"Shut the fuck up Cneeko, I think I know what I'm doing," she takes aim at the blob who hasn't even acknowledged us and I see her concentrating hard. I see you pulling the trigger and I start laughing, I tried holding it in but I couldn't and I see the shock in your face, priceless."What the fuck Cneeko?"

"I told you it wasn't a good idea," I said barely getting the sentence out, I couldn't stop laughing. I was looking at you while you were squinting your eyes at your zooka and realizing the safety was on but only after seeing the blob covered in what looked to be chocolate pudding.

"I bet you knew the safety was on, you fucking prick. Now YOU get off your ass and kill that shit." she looked pissed but I couldn't stop laughing. Then I see her aim at me, "It's funny right?" she was really angry now.



"Alright, alright, I'm getting out of bed now." I rolled out of bed and then went to reach for my pride and joy, well actually their Shock & Awe. Picking up my favorite two weapons, i smiled as i held them up. Its as if these baby's were made specifically for me.

Almost sighing out loud, "I told you Kin Kin to get a melee weapon, you don't fucking listen. Guns are unreliable why do you think I went with the fucking duel Morning Stars 'Shock and Awe'."

"I don't even know what a fucking Morning Star is. I know what a Morning Stiffy is, but a Morning Star sounds like a fucking STD. Haha you got a Morning Star from that bitch Skileir, but you got a Morning Stiffy from me." I couldn't help but blush, especially cause I had woke with one because I was dreaming about her.

All I could say was, "Shut up Rayne," but i could tell she saw me smile. "Yo Kindra get your ultra-ego under control."

"I cant control her, you know that. Remember when we first met, how she acted." I was smiling when she said it. I could tell Rayne was still talking.

My lip hurting from the biting (that always happens when Rayne is loose), I turn to the Blob now already having devoured most of our stuff and I raise Shock & Awe high above my head and I slam them into the ground as hard as I can. The floor shakes for a few seconds and the shock-wave that was directed at the blob blew it up. The blob ended up splattering over everything in the area. So now I'm standing in a room covered in chocolate, green blob, missing furniture and I'm like what the fuck.

I turn to talk to Kindra to explain to her what a Morning Star is but I'm greeted by Rayne. The smile on her face tells me she's horny. And then I remember the stiffy i had hadn't really gone away and the way she was smiling wasn't helping at all. Then she came up to me. I dropped my Morning Stars, leaving dents on the floor. i place my hands on your hips as you place yours around my neck.

"I saw you biting your lip over there, and you looked so hot fighting that monster, especially cause you had that hard on'" Rayne whispered sexily in my ear.

"Shush your face," I said still blushing and biting my lip even harder.

"Make me," she says and then she leans in and kisses me. Were making out for about 5 mins.

"Hey babe I took your glasses in the middle of the night, I thought it would be funny, sowwie babe" so i hand her the glasses back and i get slapped. It didn't hurt but my jaw was hanging.

"That's for laughing me," then she pushed me to the floor and ran out the door and yelled, "15 seconds till the house blows." Then slammed it behind her laughing.

"Shit!" I know she's gonna fire in 10 not 15. I ran towards the door, I had ran right though it, had to if I didn't want to die. I had escaped the house just in time. I had to jump over the missile coming from your random-zooka and i was thrown off my feet from the blast landing face first in pile of what i hope was chocolate pudding. And then i see you laughing at me hysterically.

"We've got a find a place to crash for the night. Were going to get that jet-pack tommorow. Oh and your maces are still in the house."

"There called Morning Stars, and in a minute there gonna be in my hands. Aemburh" and Shock and Awe float out of the rubble and into my hands. "Yea im just that awesome. and I don't want to steal the stupid jet-pack, I'm gonna have to do all the fighting as usual."

"Come on Cneeko, pwease?" she ask with that cute puppy dog face.

I just cant say no, "Alright but i get to use it first"

"Sure, sure whatever lets go!!!!"

Were racing down the path, a boy with 2 morning stars on his back and a girl with a Random-zooka. Just another random day in a world of awesomeness.